opened on Apr 23, 2020
Summary of Bug
The checking logic in ValidateUnbondAmount is strange. It requires sharesTruncated <= delShares <= shares
. At some corner cases, this requirement prevents me from unbonding all my shares.
Steps to Reproduce
Use the following Unit Test file:
package staking_test
import (
sdk ""
func TestTokenAndShareCalc(t *testing.T) {
validator := types.NewValidator(nil, PKs[0], types.Description{})
// Due to slashing, this validator's DelegatorShares is 10000 but has only 5000 Tokens remained
validator.DelegatorShares = sdk.NewDec(10000)
validator.Tokens = sdk.NewInt(5000)
//Suppose a delegator's share is 7 and she wants to unbond all of her share
del := types.Delegation{Shares: sdk.NewDec(7)}
//But no matter she sets the unbonding amount to 3 or 4, she has no way to successfully unbonds 7:
shares, err := calcShares(validator, del, sdk.NewInt(3))
fmt.Printf("%#v %#v\n", shares, err)
//6.000000000000000000 <nil>
shares, err = calcShares(validator, del, sdk.NewInt(4))
fmt.Printf("%#v %#v\n", shares, err)
//8.000000000000000000 &errors.Error{codespace:"staking", code:0x1e, desc:"invalid shares amount"}
// following lines are copied from ValidateUnbondAmount
func calcShares(validator types.Validator, del types.Delegation, amt sdk.Int) (shares sdk.Dec, err error) {
shares, err = validator.SharesFromTokens(amt)
if err != nil {
return shares, err
sharesTruncated, err := validator.SharesFromTokensTruncated(amt)
if err != nil {
return shares, err
delShares := del.GetShares()
if sharesTruncated.GT(delShares) {
return shares, types.ErrBadSharesAmount
// Cap the shares at the delegation's shares. Shares being greater could occur
// due to rounding, however we don't want to truncate the shares or take the
// minimum because we want to allow for the full withdraw of shares from a
// delegation.
if shares.GT(delShares) {
shares = delShares
return shares, nil
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