CLI (query staking validator) failed with empty expected root hash #4891
Summary of Bug
CLI gaiacli query staking validator
$ gaiacli query staking validator --chain-id=testing cosmosvaloper12e8kaetaudaqeql6wukpu7tcsh37la2cp4knfp
ERROR: failed to prove merkle proof: Calculated root hash is invalid: expected [] but got [229 102 78 0 167 147 2 81 154 129 139 136 88 125 188 107 41 46 168 17 25 43 65 130 233 181 57 175 198 253 232 28]
gaia v1.0.0-rc3
Steps to Reproduce
- setup single node validator
$ gaiad init --chain-id=testing testing
$ gaiacli keys add validator
$ gaiad add-genesis-account $(gaiacli keys show validator -a) 200000000stake,900000000validatortoken
$ gaiad gentx --name validator
$ gaiad collect-gentxs
$ gaiad start
- execute query cmd
gaiacli query staking validator
$ gaiacli keys show validator --bech=val
- name: validator
type: local
address: cosmosvaloper12e8kaetaudaqeql6wukpu7tcsh37la2cp4knfp
$ gaiacli query staking validator --chain-id=testing cosmosvaloper12e8kaetaudaqeql6wukpu7tcsh37la2cp4knfp
ERROR: failed to prove merkle proof: Calculated root hash is invalid: expected [] but got [229 102 78 0 167 147 2 81 154 129 139 136 88 125 188 107 41 46 168 17 25 43 65 130 233 181 57 175 198 253 232 28]
For Admin Use
- Not duplicate issue
- Appropriate labels applied
- Appropriate contributors tagged
- Contributor assigned/self-assigned