opened on Aug 17, 2020
The faucet is the only place in CosmJS where we still have the BCP token tickers supported (e.g. request SHELL instead of ushell). This causes a lot of effort to get right in the faucet and it also seems to confuse testnet users trying to request the base denom.
What about removing
export interface BankTokenMeta {
readonly denom: string;
* The token ticker symbol, e.g. ATOM or ETH.
readonly tickerSymbol: string;
* The number of fractional digits the token supports.
* A quantity is expressed as atomic units. 10^fractionalDigits of those
* atomic units make up 1 token.
* E.g. in Ethereum 10^18 wei are 1 ETH and from the quantity 123000000000000000000
* the last 18 digits are the fractional part and the rest the wole part.
readonly fractionalDigits: number;
from the faucet entirely and leave it up to UI applications to convert between the base denom and a display token (where the logic needs to exist anyways for all the other APIs).
So instead of
JSON=$(jq -n --arg addr $(coral keys show -a fred) '{"ticker":"COSM", "address":$addr}') \
&& curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data "$JSON"
JSON=$(jq -n --arg addr $(coral keys show -a fred) '{"denom":"ucosm", "address":$addr}') \
&& curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data "$JSON"