@article{wagstaff-archc-jit-dac2013, author = {Harry Wagstaff and Miles Gould and Bj\"{o}rn Franke and Nigel Topham}, title = {Early partial evaluation in a JIT-compiled, retargetable instruction set simulator generated from a high-level architecture description}, journal = DAC, month = JUN, year = {2013}, }
Modern processor design tools integrate in their workflows generators for instruction set simulators (Iss) from architecture descriptions. Whilst these generated simulators are useful for design evaluation and software development, they suffer from poor performance. We present an ultra-fast Jit-compiled Iss generated from an ArchC description. We also introduce a novel partial evaluation optimisation, which further improves Jit compilation time and code quality. This results in a simulation rate of 510Mips for an Arm target across 45 Eembc and Spec benchmarks. On average, our Iss is 1.7 times faster than Simit-Arm, one of the fastest Iss generated from an architecture description.
modern processor design suites integrate ADL->ISS generators, but slower than hand-coded
fastest ISS: utilize DBT with parallel JIT compiler + possibly interleave detailed performance model for cycle-accurate pipeline modeling (hand-coded for performance reasons, not easily retargetable)
Naive ADL->JIT+DBT+ISS performance issues: 1. poor quality of JIT generated code 2. long compilation times
CAUSE: complex behavior of instructions, exec path depends on uarch state
evaluation: ARMv5 against 45 EEMBC1.1 and SPECINT2006 Benchmarks
- 191 MIPS: naive JIT generator
- 510 MIPS: early partial evaluation optimization
- 24 MIPS: original ArchC Simulator
- 300 MIPS: SIMIT-ARM (manual instruction specialization)
- 635 MIPS: QEMU-ARM (sacrifices instruction observability for perf)
related work:
Designing a CPU model: from a pseudo-formal document to fast code.
An interesting approach is presented in [3]. It aims at generating an Iss from a pseudo-formal document such as a datasheet. However, this approach still requires lots of manual adaptation.
@string{DDECS = {Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems (DDECS)}} @article{prikryl-isac-jit-ddecs2011, author = {Zden\v{e}k P\v{r}ikryl and Jakub K\v{r}oustek and Tom\'{a}\v{s} Hru\v{s}ka and Du\v{s}an Kol\'{a}\v{r}}, title = {Fast Just-In-Time Translated Simulator for ASIP Design}, journal = DDECS, month = APR, year = {2011}, }
The fast and accurate processor simulator is an essential tool for effective design of modern high-performance application-specific instruction set processors. The nowadays trend of ASIP design is focused on automatic simulator generation based on a processor description in an architecture description language. The simulator is used for testing and validation of designed processor or target application. Furthermore, the simulator can produce the profiling information. This information can aid design space exploration and the processor and target application optimization. In this paper, we present the concept of automatically generated just-in-time translated simulator with the profiling capabilities. This simulator is very fast, and it is generated in a short time. It can be even used for simulation of special applications, such as applications with self-modifying code or applications for systems with external memories. The experimental results can be found at the end of the paper.
@string{RAPIDO = {Workshop on Rapid Simulation and Performance Evalution: Methods and Tools (RAPIDO)} @article{brandner-jit-isa-rapido2009, title = {Fast and Accurate Simulation using the LLVM Compiler Framework}, author = {Florian Brandner and Andreas Fellnhofer and Andreas Krall and David Riegler}, journal = RAPIDO, month = ???, year = {2009}, }
Development of future generation computer architectures requires fast and accurate simulation tools that allow to test, verify, and analyze the behavior of the given architecture along with the intended workload. We present a simulation framework based on a structural architecture description language that uses the open source compiler infrastructure LLVM to dynamically translate instruction sequences of the simulated architecture into machine instructions of the host machine. We show that the optimizations in the simulator and the LLVM compiler lead to an outstanding runtime performance: A 5-stage MIPS core is simulated at a peak performance of up to 800 MHz.
- We present a retargetable dynamic-compiling simulation framework based on the open source compiler infrastructure LLVM [LA04]. The LLVM just-in-time compiler generates high-quality code, such that the achieved simulation speed reaches up to several hundred MHz. Retargeting the simulator requires only minimal programming effort, because all architectural features are derived from an architecture model specified using a structural architecture description language (ADL). Our ADL also allows to derive other software tools, such as a C compiler [BEK07], from the same architecture model.
- All architecture dependent simulation functions are derived from structural architecture specifications that can also be used to generate a VHDL processor model and a C compiler. The LLVM just-in-time compiler is used to compile basic blocks and non-linear regions of the simulated program to native code of the host machine. Optimizations of the simulator generator and the compiler framework enable a peak performance of the simulation speed of up to 800 MHz for the MIPS architecture. Future work on reducing the compile time is necessary to reduce the gap between the average simulation speed of 47 MHz for the MIPS (79 MHz for the VLIW CHILI) and the peak performance.
@article{nohl-lisa-jit-dac2002, author = {Achim Nohl and Gunnar Braun and Oliver Schliebusch and Rainer Leupers and Heinrich Meyr and Andreas Hoffmann}, title = {A Universal Technique for Fast and Flexible Instruction-Set Architecture Simulation}, journal = DAC, month = JUN, year = {2002}, }
In the last decade, instruction-set simulators have become an essential development tool for the design of new programmable architectures. Consequently, the simulator performance is a key factor for the overall design efficiency. Based on the extremely poor performance of commonly used interpretive simulators, research work on fast compiled instruction-set simulation was started ten years ago. However, due to the restrictiveness of the compiled technique, it has not been able to push through in commercial products. This paper presents a new retargetable simulation technique which combines the performance of traditional compiled simulators with the flexibility of interpretive simulation. This technique is not limited to any class of architectures or applications and can be utilized from a.rchi- tecture exploration up to end-user software development. The work-flow and the applicability of the so-called just-intime cache compiled simulation (JIT-CCS) technique will be demonstrated by means of state of the art real world architectures.
- The presented technique is integrated in the retargetable LISA processor design platform [2]. A generator back-end for the LISA 2.0 processor compiler has been developed, which automatically comtructs a JIT-CCS simulator from a LISA machine description.
- The Just-In-Time Cache Compiled Simulation (JIT-CCS) technique presented in this paper has been developed with the intention to combine the full flexibility of interpretive simulators with the speed of the compiled principle. The basic idea is to integrate the simulation compiler into the simulator. The compilation of an instruction takes place at simulator run-time, just-in-time before the instruction is going to be executed. Subsequently, the extracted inforniation is stored in a simulation cache for the direct reuse in a repeated execution of the program address. The simulator recognizes if the program code of a previously executed address has changed and initiates a re-compilation.
- The behavioral C code of all LISA operations is pre-compiled into C-functions which are part of the simulator. The JIT simulation compiler selects the appropriate operations, which are required to simulate an instruction, on the basis of the coding information. References to the selected C-functions are subsequently stored in the simulation cache. These references are utilized by the simulator to execute the instructions' behavior.
@string{TCAD = {IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD)}} @article{braun-lisa-jit-tcad2004, author = {Gunnar Braun and Achim Nohl and Andreas Hoffmann and Oliver Schliebusch and Rainer Leupers and Heinrich Meyr}, title = {A Universal Technique for Fast and Flexible Instruction-Set Architecture Simulation}, journal = TCAD, month = JUN, year = {2004}, }
Today, designers of next-generation embedded processors and software are increasingly faced with short product lifetimes. The resulting time-to-market constraints are contradicting the continually growing processor complexity. Nevertheless, an extensive design-space exploration and product verification is indispensable for a successful market launch. In the last decade, in- struction-set simulators have become an essential development tool for the design of new programmable architectures. Consequently, the simulator performance is a key factor for the overall design efficiency. Motivated by the extremely poor performance of commonly used interpretive simulators, research work on fast compiled instruction-set simulation was started ten years ago. However, due to the restrictiveness of the compiled technique, it has not been able to push through in commercial products. In this paper, we tie up with our previous research on retargetable, compiled simulation techniques, and provide a discussion about their benefits and limitations using a particular compiled scheme, static scheduling, as an example. As a conclusion, we eventually present a novel retargetable simulation technique, which combines the performance of traditional compiled simulators with the flexibility of interpretive simulation. This technique is not limited to any class of archi- tectures or applications and can be utilized from architecture exploration up to end-user software development. We demonstrate workflow and applicability of the so-called just-in-time cache-compiled simulation technique by means of state-of-the-art real-world architectures.
@string{LCTES = {International Conference on Languages, Compilers, Tools, and Theory for Embedded Systems (LCTES)} @article{kyle-iss-jit-multicore-lctes2012, author = {Stephen Kyle and Igor B\:{o}hm and Bj\:{o}rn Franke and Hugh Leather and Nigel Topham}, title = {Efficiently Parallelizing Instruction Set Simulation of Embedded Multi-Core Processors Using Region-based Just-in-Time Dynamic Binary Translation}, journal = LCTES, month = JUN, year = {2012}, }
Embedded systems, as typified by modern mobile phones, are already seeing a drive toward using multi-core processors. The number of cores will likely increase rapidly in the future. Engineers and researchers need to be able to simulate systems, as they are expected to be in a few generations time, running simulations of many-core devices on today’s multi-core machines. These requirements place heavy demands on the scalability of simulation engines, the fastest of which have typically evolved from just-in-time (JIT) dynamic binary translators (DBT).
Existing work aimed at parallelizing DBT simulators has focused exclusively on trace-based DBT, wherein linear execution traces or perhaps trees thereof are the units of translation. Regionbased DBT simulators have not received the same attention and require different techniques than their trace-based cousins.
In this paper we develop an innovative approach to scaling multi-core, embedded simulation through region-based DBT. We initially modify the JIT code generator of such a simulator to emit code that does not depend on a particular thread with its threadspecific context and is, therefore, thread-agnostic. We then demonstrate that this thread-agnostic code generation is comparable to thread-specific code with respect to performance, but also enables the sharing of JIT-compiled regions between different threads. This sharing optimisation, in turn, leads to significant performance improvements for multi-threaded applications. In fact, our results confirm that an average of 76% of all JIT-compiled regions can be shared between 128 threads in representative, parallel workloads. We demonstrate that this translates into an overall performance improvement by 1.44x on average and up to 2.40x across 12 multi- threaded benchmarks taken from the SPLASH-2 benchmark suite, targeting our high-performance multi-core DBT simulator for embedded ARC processors running on a 4-core Intel host machine.
@article{almer-iss-jit-multicore-samos2011, author = {Oscar Almer and Igor B\:{o}hm and Tobias Edler von Koch and Bj\:{o}rn Franke and Stephen Kyle and Volker Seeker and Christopher Thompson and Nigel Topham}, title = {Scalable Multi-Core Simulation Using Parallel Dynamic Binary Translation}, journal = SAMOS, month = JUL, year = {2011}, }
In recent years multi-core processors have seen broad adoption in application domains ranging from embedded systems through general-purpose computing to large-scale data centres. Simulation technology for multi-core systems, however, lags behind and does not provide the simulation speed required to effectively support design space exploration and parallel software development. While state-of-the-art instruction set simulators (ISS) for single-core machines reach or exceed the performance levels of speed-optimised silicon implementations of embedded processors, the same does not hold for multi-core simulators where large performance penalties are to be paid. In this paper we develop a fast and scalable simulation methodology for multi-core platforms based on parallel and just-in-time (JIT) dynamic binary translation (DBT). Our approach can model large-scale multi-core configurations, does not rely on prior profiling, instrumentation, or compilation, and works for all bi- naries targeting a state-of-the-art embedded multi-core platform implementing the ARCompact instruction set architecture (ISA). We have evaluated our parallel simulation methodology against the industry standard SPLASH-2 and EEMBC MULTIBENCH benchmarks and demonstrate simulation speeds up to 25,307 MIPS on a 32-core x86 host machine for as many as 2048 target processors whilst exhibiting minimal and near constant overhead.
- Our main contribution is to demonstrate how to effectively apply JIT DBT in the context of multi-core target platforms. The key idea is to model each simulated processor core in a separate thread, each of which feeds work items for native code translation to a parallel JIT compilation task farm shared among all CPU threads. Combined with private first- level caches and a shared second-level cache for recently translated and executed native code, detection and elimination of duplicate work items in the translation work queue, and an efficient low-level implementation for atomic exchange operations we construct a highly scalable multi-core simulator that provides faster-than-FPGA simulation speeds and scales favourably up to 2048 simulated cores.
@string{WISH = {Workshop on Infrastructures for Software/Hardware Co-Design (WISH)}} @article{lifshitz-isa-jit-wish2011, author = {Yair Lifshitz and Robert Cohn and Inbal Livni and Omer Tabach and Mark Charney and Kim Hazelwood}, title = {Zsim: A Fast Architectural Simulator for ISA Design-Space Exploration}, journal = WISH, month = APR, year = {2011}, }
Moore’s law has enabled next generation CPUs to integrate more functionality from software and peripheral logic – be it graphics, virtualization, or encryption. As integration brings more functionality into the main core, architecting new extensions, quantifying their impact, and validating them becomes more complex. One way to mitigate challenges arising from this complexity increase is by providing simulation tools. Zsim is an x86 instruction-set simulator designed to enable rapid prototyping, evaluation, and validation of architectural extensions. It is fast enough to execute full platform workloads – a modern OS can boot in several minutes thus enabling research, evaluation and validation of complex functionalities related to multi-core configurations, virtualization, security and more. To reach such high speeds, Zsim employs a mix between a simple just-in-time (JIT) compiler that helps simulate simple instructions efficiently, with a fast interpreter used for simulating new or complex instructions. This paper presents some of the key techniques used to optimize the Zsim interpreter for high performance, including the use of a JIT compiler and several software caches. After presenting an overview of the fast interpreter design, we break down the contribution of each optimization to the overall performance, which results in simulation speeds on the order of 100x faster than a naive implementation.
@article{bohm-cycle-accurate-jit-isa-samos2007, title = {Cycle-accurate performance modelling in an ultra-fast just-in-time dynamic binary translation instruction set simulator}, author = {Igor B\:{o}hm and Bj\:{o}rn Franke and Nigel Topham}, journal = SAMOS, month = JUL, year = {2010}, }
Instruction set simulators (ISS) are vital tools for compiler and processor architecture design space exploration and verification. State-of-the-art simulators using just-in-time (JIT) dynamic binary translation (DBT) techniques are able to simulate complex embedded processors at speeds above 500 MIPS. However, these functional ISS do not provide microarchitectural observability. In contrast, low-level cycle-accurate ISS are too slow to simulate full-scale applications, forcing developers to revert to FPGA-based simulations. In this paper we demonstrate that it is possible to run ultra-high speed cycle-accurate instruction set simulations surpassing FPGA-based simulation speeds. We extend the JIT DBT engine of our ISS and augment JIT generated code with a verified cycle-accurate processor model. Our approach can model any microarchitectural configuration, does not rely on prior profiling, instrumentation, or compilation, and works for all binaries targeting a state-of-the-art embedded processor implementing the ARCompact™ instruction set architecture (ISA). We achieve simulation speeds up to 63 MIPS on a standard ×86 desktop computer, whilst the average cycle-count deviation is less than 1.5% for the industry standard EEMBC and COREMARK benchmark suites.
JIT + Cycle-Accurate
@article{topham-jit-isa-mobs2007, title = {High Speed CPU Simulation using JIT Binary Translation}, author = {Nigel Topham and Daniel Jones}, journal = MOBS, month = JUN, year = {2007}, }
Instruction set simulators are indispensable tools for exploring the design-space of innovative processor architec-tures, for processor verification, and for software development. Traditional interpretive simulators are too slow to cope with the increasing complexity of embedded processors now being deployed in many high performance systems. High speed em- ulation techniques based on dynamic binary translation have been proposed previously, but thus far we have not seen flexible multi-function full-system simulators capable of acting as golden reference models, software development platforms and design-space exploration tools. This paper presents a target-adaptable full-system simulator which combines the speed of JIT binary translation with the observability of interpreted simulation. We explain the mechanisms it uses to achieve sufficiently high performance to boot and run Linux interactively at speeds exceeding those achievable with FPGA-based RTL emulation of the same processor. We report performance figures from a set of representative embedded benchmarks which range from 187 to 373 MIPS. Our results also indicate that transient simulation speeds can exceed 1,000 MIPS, and we show that a full-system Linux simulation can sustain more than 148 MIPS.
@article{reshadi-hybrid-iss-tecs2009, author = {Mehrdad Reshadi and Prabhat Mishra and Nikil Dutt}, title = {Hybrid-compiled simulation: An efficient technique for instruction-set architecture simulation}, journal = TECS, month = APRIL, year = {2009}, }
Instruction-set simulators are critical tools for the exploration and validation of new processor architectures. Due to the increasing complexity of architectures and time-to-market pressure, performance is the most important feature of an instruction-set simulator. Interpretive simulators are flexible but slow, whereas compiled simulators deliver speed at the cost of flexibility and compilation overhead. This article presents a hybrid instruction-set-compiled simulation (HISCS) technique for generation of fast instruction-set simulators that combines the benefit of both compiled and interpretive simulation. This article makes two important contributions: (i) it improves the interpretive simulation performance by applying compiled simulation at the instruction level using a novel template-customization technique to generate optimized decoded instructions during compile time; and (ii) it reduces the compile-time overhead by combining the benefits of both static and dynamic-compiled simulation. Our experimental results using two contemporary processors (ARM7 and SPARC) demonstrate an order-of-magnitude reduction in compilation time as well as a 70% performance improvement, on average, over the best-known published result in instruction-set simulation.
- proposes instruction-set compiled simulation (ICSC) moves decode to compile time, which also enables optimizations to the execute stage faster
- to address the compile time overhead in ISCS, a hybrid compilation technique leveraging compile-time static analysis and runtime dynamic analysis is used
- static component: the input program is analyzed to produce the source code of an optimized decoder for that particular program
- dynamic component: the decoder analyzes the input program at runtime and generates optimized code for the instructions as if they were statically compiled and optimized.
@string{WBT = {Workshop on Binary Translation (WBT)}} @article{krishna-software-decoder-wbt2001, author = {Rajeev Krishna and Todd Austin}, title = {Efficient Software Decoder Design}, journal = WBT, month = SEP, year = {2001}, }
In this paper, we evaluate several techniques for generating and optimizing high speed software decoders. We begin by presenting the early stages of a new instruction set description language named ‘Rosetta’. We use specifications written in this language to automatically generate a number of different software decoders. We explore heuristics for generating decoder trees, particularly with regard to enumerating “don’t care” bit positions during evaluation in order to reduce decode tree depth and thus increase performance. We also investigate the application of cache-conscious data placement techniques, decoder structure, and the effects of non-contiguous bit sequences on decoder performance. By applying these techniques to decoders produced for the ARM and IA32 (x86) instruction sets, we are able to produce highly flexible decoders that are comparable in size and performance to carefully handcoded, hand-optimized decoders with substantially less programmer time and effort.
@article{qin-binary-decoders-dac-2003, author = {Wei Qin and Sharad Malik}, title = {Automated Synthesis of Efficient Binary Decoders for Retargetable Software Toolkits}, journal = DAC, month = JUN, year = {2003}, }
A binary decoder is a common component of software development tools such as instruction set simulators, disassemblers and debuggers. The efficiency of the decoder can have a significant impact on the efficiency of these software tools. Automated synthesis of efficient binary decoders is therefore necessary for retargetable software tool development frameworks targeting the rapidly growing field of applicationspecific processor design. This paper describes a decoder synthesis algorithm that translates a simple instruction pattern specification into efficient binary decoders in C under given memory constraints. The algorithm constructs a decision tree with carefully chosen decoding primitives and cost models. As demonstrated through two case studies, the synthesized decoders achieve efficiency comparable to hand-coded decoders with ensured correctness. The algorithm has no limitation on the input instruction patterns and it requires only the least amount of knowledge about the instruction encoding. Therefore it can be used with any machine description scheme containing instruction encoding information.
@article{ author = {Nicolas Fournel and Luc Michel and Fr\'{e}d\'{e}ric P\'{e}trot}, title = {Automated Generation of Efficient Instruction Decoders for Instruction Set Simulators}, journal = ICCAD, month = NOV, year = {2013}, }
Fast Instruction Set Simulators (ISS) are a critical part of MPSoC design flows. The complexity of developing these ISS combined with the ability to extend instruction sets tend to make automated generation of ISS a need. One important part of every ISS is its instruction decoder, but as the encoding of instruction sets becomes less orthogonal because of the incremental addition of instructions, the generation of a decoder is not anymore an obvious task. In this paper, we present two automated decoder generation strategies that are able to handle non-orthogonal instruction encodings. The first one builds a decision tree that does not consider the instruction’s occurrences while the second considers these frequencies. In both cases, we use binary decision diagrams to represent the instructions encodings and the complex conditions due to the non-orthogonality of the encodings in order to generate the decoders. Our experiments on the MIPS and ARM (including VFP and Neon extensions) instruction sets show that both algorithms produce efficient decoders, and that it is beneficial to consider instruction frequencies.
@string{RAPIDO = {Workshop on Rapid Simulation and Performance Evalution: Methods and Tools (RAPIDO)} @article{casse-adl-iss-rapido2011, title = {Fast Instruction-Accurate Simulation with SimNML}, author = {Hugues Cass\'{e} and Jonathan Barre and Rodolphe Vaillant-David and Pascal Sainrat}, journal = RAPIDO, month = ???, year = {2011}, }
Instruction Level Simulation has received big attention as it allows out-of-silicium test and hardware exploration. In this paper, we present GLISS2, the second release of a simulator generator based on the NML ADL. Thanks to the implementation of a set of optimization techniques (acceleration in memory emulation, caches for the decode step and blocking of instruction descriptors), we multiply by an average factor of 10 the simulation performances. Additionally, although the experimentation has only been made for the PowerPC, the performed optimization extends naturally to any instruction set described in NML.
@string{CASES = {International conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES)} @article{brandner-jit-isa-rapido2009, title = {Compiler Generation from Structural Architecture Descriptions}, author = {Florian Brandner and Dietmar Ebner and Andreas Krall}, journal = CASES, month = ???, year = {2007}, }
With increasing complexity of modern embedded systems, the availability of highly optimizing compilers becomes more and more important. At the same time, application specific instruction-set processors (ASIPs) are used to fine-tune hardware platforms to the intended application, demanding the availability of retargetable components throughout the whole tool chain. A very promising approach is to model the target architecture using a dedicated description language that is rich enough to generate hardware components and the required tool chain, e.g., assembler, linker, simulator, and compiler. In this work we present a new structural architecture description language (ADL) that is used to derive the architecture dependent components of a compiler backend — most notably an instruction selector based on tree pattern matching. We combine our backend with gcc, thereby opening up the way for a large number of readily available high level optimizations. Experimental results show that the automatically derived code generator is competitive in comparison to a handcrafted compiler backend.
- We propose a new structural ADL based on XML that is suitable for both automatic tool chain retargeting and hardware synthesis. Our approach follows a component based paradigm that enables the reuse of existing modules and is both extendable and comprehensible.
@article{derrico-adl-iss-compiler-date2006, author = {Joseph D'Errico and Wei Qin}, title = {Constructing Portable Compiled Instruction-set Simulators —- An ADL-driven Approach}, journal = DATE, month = MAR, year = {2006}, }
Instruction set simulators are common tools used for the development of new architectures and embedded software among countless other functions. This paper presents a framework that quickly generates fast and flexible instruction-set simulators from a specification based on a C-like architecture-description language. The framework provides a consistent platform for constructing and evaluating different classes of simulators, including interpreters, static-compiled simulators, and dynamic-compiled simulators. The framework also features a new construction method for dynamic-compiled simulator that involves no low-level programming. It pro- files and translates frequently executed regions of simulated binary to C++ code and invokes GCC to compile such code into dynamically loaded libraries, which are then loaded into the simulator at run time to accelerate simulation. Our experimental results based on the MIPS architecture and the SPEC CPU2000 benchmarks show that our dynamic-compiled simulator is capable of achieving up to 11 times speedup compared to our fast interpreter. Compared to other dynamic-compiled simulators requiring significant system programming expertise to construct, the proposed approach is simpler to implement and more portable.
Lists three classes of Instruction Set Simulators (ISS):
- interpretive simulation: instructions are fetched, decoded, and executed one by one
- static-compiled simulation: translates the entire target binary prior to run-time, eliminating of fetch/decode overhead
- dynamic-compiled simulation: combines concepts from the first two classes; a dynamic-compiled simulator uses run-time code generation techniques to translate chunks of target binary code to host binary during execution
@article{ceng-lisa-compiler-date2005, author = {Jianjiang Ceng and Manuel Hohenauer and Rainer Leupers and Gerd Ascheid and Heinrich Meyr and Gunnar Braun}, title = {C Compiler Retargeting Based on Instruction Semantics Models}, journal = DATE, month = MAR, year = {2005}, }
Efficient architecture exploration and design of application specific instruction-set processors (ASIPs) requires retargetable software development tools, in particular C compilers that can be quickly adapted to new architectures. A widespread approach is to model the target architecture in a dedicated architecture description language (ADL) and to generate the tools automatically from the ADL specification. For C compiler generation, however, most existing systems are limited either by the manual retargeting effort or by redundancies in the ADL models that lead to potential inconsistencies. We present a new approach to retargetable compilation, based on the LISA 2.0 ADL with instruction semantics, that minimizes redundancies while simultaneously achieving a high degree of automation. The key of our approach is to generate the mapping rules needed in the compiler’s code selector from the instruction semantics information. We describe the required analysis and generation techniques, and present experimental results for several embedded processors.
@article{ceng-adl-compiler-date2005, author = {Jianjiang Ceng and Manuel Hohenauer and Rainer Leupers and Gerd Ascheid and Heinrich Meyr and Gunnar Braun}, title = {Modeling Instruction Semantics in ADL Processor Descriptions for C Compiler Retargeting}, journal = SAMOS, month = JUL, year = {2004}, }
Today’s Application Specific Instruction-set Processor (ASIP) design methodology often employs centralized Architecture Description Language (ADL) processor models, from which software tools, such as C compiler, assembler, linker, and instruction-set simulator, can be automatically generated. Among these tools, the C compiler is becoming more and more important. However, the generation of C compilers requires high-level architecture information rather than low-level details needed by simulator generation. This makes it particularly difficult to include different aspects of the target architecture into one single model, and meanwhile keeping consistency. This paper presents a modeling style, which is able to capture high and low-level architectural information at the same time and drives both the C compiler and the simulator generation without sacrificing the modeling flexibility. The proposed approach has been successfully applied to model a number of contemporary, real-world processor architectures.
@article{hohenauer-lisa-compiler-date2004, author = {Manuel Hohenauer and Hanno Scharwaechter and Kingshuk Karuri and Oliver Wahlen and Tim Kogel and Rainer Leupers and Gerd Ascheid and Heinrich Meyr and Gunnar Braun and Hans van Someren}, title = {A Methodology and Tool Suite for C Compiler Generation from ADL Processor Models}, journal = DATE, month = MAR, year = {2004}, }
Retargetable C compilers are key tools for efficient architecture exploration for embedded processors. In this paper we describe a novel approach to retargetable compilation based on LISA, an industrial processor modeling lan- guage for efficient ASIP design. In order to circumvent the well-known trade-off between flexibility and code quality in retargetable compilation, we propose a user-guided, semiautomatic methodology that in turn builds on a powerful existing C compiler design platform. Our approach allows to include generated C compilers into the ASIP architecture exploration loop at an early stage, thereby allowing for a more efficient design process and avoiding application/architecture mismatches. We present the corresponding methodology and tool suite and provide experimental data for two real-life embedded processors that prove the feasibility of the approach.
@string{ECBS-EERC = {Eastern European Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS-EERC)}} @article{djukic-isa-sim-ecbseerc2013, author = {Miodrag Djukic and Nenad Cetic and Radovan Obradovic and Miroslav Popovic}, title = {An Approach to Instruction Set Compiled Simulator Development Based on a Target Processor C Compiler Back-End Design}, journal = ECBS-EERC, month = JUN, year = {2009}, }
Many instruction set simulation approaches place the retargetability and/or cycle-accuracy as the key features for easier architectural exploration and performance estimation early in the hardware development phase. This paper describes an approach in which importance of speed and controllability is placed above the cycle-accuracy and retargetability, thus providing a better platform for software development. The main idea behind this work is to try to associate the compiled simulator effort with the development of the C language compiler for the target embedded processor, using the knowledge from that field of work and reusing some common software elements. Through the prototype design of a compiled simulator for the Cirrus Logic Coyote DSP architecture, many implementation aspects are presented proving that this approach has a great potential.
@article{bohm-dbt-jit-pldi2011, title = {Generalized just-in-time trace compilation using a parallel task farm in a dynamic binary translator}, author = {Igor B\:{o}hm and Bj\:{o}rn Franke and Nigel Topham}, journal = PLDI, month = JUN, year = {2011}, }
Dynamic Binary Translation (DBT) is the key technology behind cross-platform virtualization and allows software compiled for one Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) to be executed on a processor supporting a different ISA. Under the hood, DBT is typically implemented using Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation of frequently executed program regions, also called traces. The main challenge is translating frequently executed program regions as fast as possible into highly efficient native code. As time for JIT compilation adds to the overall execution time, the JIT compiler is often decoupled and operates in a separate thread independent from the main simulation loop to reduce the overhead of JIT compilation. In this paper we present two innovative contributions. The first contribution is a generalized trace compilation approach that considers all frequently executed paths in a program for JIT compilation, as opposed to previous approaches where trace compilation is re- stricted to paths through loops. The second contribution reduces JIT compilation cost by compiling several hot traces in a concurrent task farm. Altogether we combine generalized light-weight tracing, large translation units, parallel JIT compilation and dynamic work scheduling to ensure timely and efficient processing of hot traces. We have evaluated our industry-strength, LLVM-based parallel DBT implementing the ARCompact ISA against three benchmark suites (EEMBC, BIOPERF and SPEC CPU2006) and demon- strate speedups of up to 2.08 on a standard quad-core Intel Xeon machine. Across short- and long-running benchmarks our scheme is robust and never results in a slowdown. In fact, using four processors total execution time can be reduced by on average 11.5% over state-of-the-art decoupled, parallel (or asynchronous) JIT compilation.
@string{HIPEAC = {Int'l Conf. on High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers (HiPEAC)}} @article{jones-ltu-dbt-hipeac2009, title = {High Speed CPU Simulation Using LTU Dynamic Binary Translation}, author = {Daniel Jones and Nigel Topham}, journal = HIPEAC, month = JAN, year = {2009}, }
In order to increase the speed of dynamic binary translation based simulators we consider the translation of large translation units consisting of multiple blocks. In contrast to other simulators, which translate hot blocks or pages, the techniques presented in this paper profile the target program’s execution path at runtime. The identification of hot paths ensures that only executed code is translated whilst at the same time offering greater scope for optimization. Mean performance figures for the functional simulation of EEMBC benchmarks show the new simulation techniques to be at least 63% faster than basic block based dynamic binary translation.
- This paper is concerned with that class of simulator which provides accurate and observable modelling of the entire processor state. This is possible to achieve by operating at the register transfer level, but such simulators are very slow.
- In contrast, compiled simulation, which can be many orders of magnitude faster, does not have the same degree of observability and can only be used in situations where the application code is known in advance and is available in source form. Programs which require an operating system or which are shrink-wrapped can not benefit from compiled simulation.
- Dynamic Binary Translation (DBT) on the other hand combines interpretive and compiled simulation techniques in order to maintain high speed, observ- ability and flexibility. However, achieving accurate state observability remains in tension with high speed simulation.
- Typically, in DBT simulators, the unit of translation is either the target instruction or the basic block. By increasing the size of the translation-unit it is possible to achieve significant speedups in simulation performance.
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