webScraper scrapes current Ausin local news from KXAN and stores the articles in a database. It stores the article, along with the article link and a short summary of the article, and allows the user to save, comment on or delete the current articles.
You may test out a demo version of this application here.
To install the application, please run the following commands into your Bash terminal:
git clone git@github.com:corey-mitchell/webScraper.git
cd friendfinder
npm install
You will need to have MongoDB set up and a database to store the information.
Once it is, you will need to navigate to the server.js file in the global application folder.
Inside of the server.js file, locate line 37. Should look like so,
The name of the database we are using in the above photo is 'mongoHeadlines'. Change this line to fit your database name, e.g.
const MONGODB_URI = process.env.MONGODB_URI || "mongodb://localhost/<yourDBnamehere>";
- Corey Mitchell - (https://github.com/corey-mitchell)