All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- hello command to do #85
- hi command #110
- help command to do #7
- inventory command to do #56
- Bot sends hero to exploration even when he is already explorating #119
- status time wrong #116
- explore don't do nothing #115
- create command don't do nothing #113
- inventory command showing nothing #112
- xp command with "undefined" values #111
- Minor bug fixes
- Refatored database services
- changed prefix from _ to !
- back #14
- buy #5
- create
- delete
- explore
- gold
- hp
- profile
- reset
- shop #4
- status
- train
- xp
- status command error #16
- treat user's response after answer #12
- after delete character, bot shows "NaN" #11
- status method is throwing error console #2