Welcome to repository of the Passkey Tutorial! This tutorial showcases how to implement passkeys in a simple web app, thus offering a more secure alternative to traditional passwords. By the end of this tutorial, you will have implemented an end-to-end passkey authentication system without relying on third-party passkey authentication providers.
In the tutorial, we use the following tools and technologies, so having some basic knowledge in these areas is helpful:
- Node.js (Express): Utilizes TypeScript for robust backend development with the Express framework.
- Vanilla HTML & JavaScript/TypeScript: Implements a straightforward and effective frontend.
- MySQL: Manages user data and passkey credentials securely.
- SimpleWebAuthn: Handles WebAuthn operations for registration and authentication.
In this passkey tutorial project, we implement the two basic WebAuthn / passkey cereomonies to sign-up / register and log in / authenticate with a passkey.
The passkey sign-up enables users to create new accounts and generate passkeys. Here is the corresponding passkey register flow chart:
The passkey login facilitates a secure login using the created passkeys. Here is the corresponding passkey login flow chart:
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/corbado/passkeys-tutorial
Start the project using Docker:
docker compose up -d
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
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