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dplyr-cli uses the Rscript executable to run dplyr commands on CSV files in the terminal.

dplyr-cli makes use of the terminal pipe | instead of the magrittr pipe (%>%) to run sequences of commands.

cat mtcars.csv | group_by cyl | summarise "mpg = mean(mpg)" | kable
#> | cyl|      mpg|
#> |---:|--------:|
#> |   4| 26.66364|
#> |   6| 19.74286|
#> |   8| 15.10000|


I wanted to be able to do quick hacks on CSV files on the command line using dplyr syntax, but without actually starting a proper R session.

What dplyr commands are supported?

Any command of the form:

  • dplyr::verb(.data, code)
  • dplyr::*_join(.data, .rhs)

Currently two extra commands are supported which are not part of dplyr.

  • csv performs no dplyr command, but only outputs the input data as CSV to stdout
  • kable performs no dplyr command, but only outputs the input data as a knitr::kable() formatted string to stdout


  • Only tested under ‘bash’ on OSX. YMMV.
  • Every command runs in a separate R session.
  • When using special shell characters such as (), you’ll have to quote your code arguments. Some shells will require more quoting than others.
  • “joins” (such as left_join) do not currently let you specify the by argument, so there must be columns in common to both dataset


dplyr --help
#  dplyr-cli
#  Usage:
#      dplyr <command> [--file=fn] [--csv | -c] [--verbose | -v] [<code>...]
#      dplyr -h | --help
#  Options:
#      -h --help            show this help text
#      -f FILE --file=FILE  input CSV or RDS filename. If reading from stdin, assumes CSV [default: stdin]
#      -c --csv             write output to stdout in CSV format (instead of default RDS file)
#      -v --verbose         be verbose


v0.1.0 2020-04-20

  • Initial release

v0.1.1 2020-04-21

  • Switch to ‘Rscript’ for easier install for users
  • rename ‘’ to just ‘dplyr’

v0.1.2 2020-04-21

  • Support for joins e.g. left_join

v0.1.3 2020-04-22

  • More robust tmpdir handling

v0.1.4 2022-01-23

  • Fix handling for latest read_csv(). Fixes #9



Because this script straddles a great divide between R and the shell, you need to ensure both are set up correctly for this to work.

  1. Install R packages
  2. Clone this repo and put dplyr in your path

Install R packages - within R

dplyr-cli is run from the shell but at every invocation is starting a new rsession where the following packages are expected to be installed:

install.packages('readr')    # read in CSV data
install.packages('dplyr')    # data manipulation
install.packages('docopt')   # CLI description language
Click to reveal instructions for installing packages on the command line

To do it from the cli on a linux-ish system, install r-base (sudo apt -y install r-base) and then run

sudo su - -c "R -e \"install.packages('readr', repos='')\""
sudo su - -c "R -e \"install.packages('dplyr', repos='')\""
sudo su - -c "R -e \"install.packages('docopt', repos='')\""

Clone this repo and put dplyr in your path

You’ll then need to download the shell script from this repository and put dplyr somewhere in your path.

git clone
cp dplyr-cli/dplyr ./somewhere/in/your/search/path

Example data

Put an example CSV file on the filesystem. Note: This CSV file is now included as mtcars.csv as part of this git repository, as is a second CSV file for demonstrating joins - cyl.csv

write.csv(mtcars, "mtcars.csv", row.names = FALSE)

Example 1 - Basic Usage

# cat contents of input CSV into dplyr-cli.  
# Use '-c' to output CSV if this is the final step
cat mtcars.csv | dplyr filter -c "mpg == 21"
#  "mpg","cyl","disp","hp","drat","wt","qsec","vs","am","gear","carb"
#  21,6,160,110,3.9,2.62,16.46,0,1,4,4
#  21,6,160,110,3.9,2.875,17.02,0,1,4,4
# Put quotes around any commands which contain special characters like <>()
cat mtcars.csv | dplyr filter -c "mpg < 11"
#  "mpg","cyl","disp","hp","drat","wt","qsec","vs","am","gear","carb"
#  10.4,8,472,205,2.93,5.25,17.98,0,0,3,4
#  10.4,8,460,215,3,5.424,17.82,0,0,3,4
# Combine dplyr commands with shell 'head' command
dplyr select --file mtcars.csv -c cyl | head -n 6
#  "cyl"
#  6
#  6
#  4
#  6
#  8

Example 2 - Simple piping of commands (with shell pipe, not magrittr pipe)

cat mtcars.csv | \
   dplyr mutate "cyl2 = 2 * cyl"  | \
   dplyr filter "cyl == 8" | \
   dplyr kable
#  |  mpg| cyl|  disp|  hp| drat|    wt|  qsec| vs| am| gear| carb| cyl2|
#  |----:|---:|-----:|---:|----:|-----:|-----:|--:|--:|----:|----:|----:|
#  | 18.7|   8| 360.0| 175| 3.15| 3.440| 17.02|  0|  0|    3|    2|   16|
#  | 14.3|   8| 360.0| 245| 3.21| 3.570| 15.84|  0|  0|    3|    4|   16|
#  | 16.4|   8| 275.8| 180| 3.07| 4.070| 17.40|  0|  0|    3|    3|   16|
#  | 17.3|   8| 275.8| 180| 3.07| 3.730| 17.60|  0|  0|    3|    3|   16|
#  | 15.2|   8| 275.8| 180| 3.07| 3.780| 18.00|  0|  0|    3|    3|   16|
#  | 10.4|   8| 472.0| 205| 2.93| 5.250| 17.98|  0|  0|    3|    4|   16|
#  | 10.4|   8| 460.0| 215| 3.00| 5.424| 17.82|  0|  0|    3|    4|   16|
#  | 14.7|   8| 440.0| 230| 3.23| 5.345| 17.42|  0|  0|    3|    4|   16|
#  | 15.5|   8| 318.0| 150| 2.76| 3.520| 16.87|  0|  0|    3|    2|   16|
#  | 15.2|   8| 304.0| 150| 3.15| 3.435| 17.30|  0|  0|    3|    2|   16|
#  | 13.3|   8| 350.0| 245| 3.73| 3.840| 15.41|  0|  0|    3|    4|   16|
#  | 19.2|   8| 400.0| 175| 3.08| 3.845| 17.05|  0|  0|    3|    2|   16|
#  | 15.8|   8| 351.0| 264| 4.22| 3.170| 14.50|  0|  1|    5|    4|   16|
#  | 15.0|   8| 301.0| 335| 3.54| 3.570| 14.60|  0|  1|    5|    8|   16|

Example 3 - set up some aliases for convenience

alias mutate="dplyr mutate"
alias filter="dplyr filter"
alias select="dplyr select"
alias summarise="dplyr summarise"
alias group_by="dplyr group_by"
alias ungroup="dplyr ungroup"
alias count="dplyr count"
alias arrange="dplyr arrange"
alias kable="dplyr kable"

cat mtcars.csv | group_by cyl | summarise "mpg = mean(mpg)" | kable
#  | cyl|      mpg|
#  |---:|--------:|
#  |   4| 26.66364|
#  |   6| 19.74286|
#  |   8| 15.10000|

Example 4 - joins


  • first argument after a join command must be an existing file (either CSV or RDS)
  • You can’t yet specify a by argument for a join, so there must be a column in common to join by
cat cyl.csv
#  cyl,description
#  4,four
#  6,six
cat mtcars.csv | dplyr inner_join cyl.csv | dplyr kable
#  |  mpg| cyl|  disp|  hp| drat|    wt|  qsec| vs| am| gear| carb|description |
#  |----:|---:|-----:|---:|----:|-----:|-----:|--:|--:|----:|----:|:-----------|
#  | 21.0|   6| 160.0| 110| 3.90| 2.620| 16.46|  0|  1|    4|    4|six         |
#  | 21.0|   6| 160.0| 110| 3.90| 2.875| 17.02|  0|  1|    4|    4|six         |
#  | 22.8|   4| 108.0|  93| 3.85| 2.320| 18.61|  1|  1|    4|    1|four        |
#  | 21.4|   6| 258.0| 110| 3.08| 3.215| 19.44|  1|  0|    3|    1|six         |
#  | 18.1|   6| 225.0| 105| 2.76| 3.460| 20.22|  1|  0|    3|    1|six         |
#  | 24.4|   4| 146.7|  62| 3.69| 3.190| 20.00|  1|  0|    4|    2|four        |
#  | 22.8|   4| 140.8|  95| 3.92| 3.150| 22.90|  1|  0|    4|    2|four        |
#  | 19.2|   6| 167.6| 123| 3.92| 3.440| 18.30|  1|  0|    4|    4|six         |
#  | 17.8|   6| 167.6| 123| 3.92| 3.440| 18.90|  1|  0|    4|    4|six         |
#  | 32.4|   4|  78.7|  66| 4.08| 2.200| 19.47|  1|  1|    4|    1|four        |
#  | 30.4|   4|  75.7|  52| 4.93| 1.615| 18.52|  1|  1|    4|    2|four        |
#  | 33.9|   4|  71.1|  65| 4.22| 1.835| 19.90|  1|  1|    4|    1|four        |
#  | 21.5|   4| 120.1|  97| 3.70| 2.465| 20.01|  1|  0|    3|    1|four        |
#  | 27.3|   4|  79.0|  66| 4.08| 1.935| 18.90|  1|  1|    4|    1|four        |
#  | 26.0|   4| 120.3|  91| 4.43| 2.140| 16.70|  0|  1|    5|    2|four        |
#  | 30.4|   4|  95.1| 113| 3.77| 1.513| 16.90|  1|  1|    5|    2|four        |
#  | 19.7|   6| 145.0| 175| 3.62| 2.770| 15.50|  0|  1|    5|    6|six         |
#  | 21.4|   4| 121.0| 109| 4.11| 2.780| 18.60|  1|  1|    4|    2|four        |

Security warning

dplyr-cli uses eval(parse(text = ...)) on user input. Do not expose this program to the internet or random users under any circumstances.


  • xsv - a fast CSV command line toolkit written in Rust
  • jq - a command line JSON processor.
  • miller


Manipulate CSV files on the command line using dplyr







No packages published
