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buildah-config "1" "March 2017" "buildah"


buildah-config - Update image configuration settings.


buildah config [options] container


Updates one or more of the settings kept for a container.



Add an entry to the image's history which will note changes to the settings for --cmd, --entrypoint, --env, --healthcheck, --label, --onbuild, --port, --shell, --stop-signal, --user, --volume, and --workingdir. Defaults to false.

Note: You can also override the default value of --add-history by setting the BUILDAH_HISTORY environment variable. export BUILDAH_HISTORY=true

--annotation, -a annotation=annotation

Add an image annotation (e.g. annotation=annotation) to the image manifest of any images which will be built using the specified container. Can be used multiple times. If annotation has a trailing -, then the annotation is removed from the config. If the annotation is set to "-" then all annotations are removed from the config.

--arch architecture

Set the target architecture for any images which will be built using the specified container. By default, if the container was based on an image, that image's target architecture is kept, otherwise the host's architecture is recorded.

--author author

Set contact information for the author for any images which will be built using the specified container.

--cmd command

Set the default command to run for containers based on any images which will be built using the specified container. When used in combination with an entry point, this specifies the default parameters for the entry point.

--comment comment

Set the image-level comment for any images which will be built using the specified container.

Note: this setting is not present in the OCIv1 image format, so it is discarded when writing images using OCIv1 formats.

--created-by created

Set the description of how the topmost layer was created for any images which will be created using the specified container.

--domainname domain

Set the domainname to set when running containers based on any images built using the specified container.

Note: this setting is not present in the OCIv1 image format, so it is discarded when writing images using OCIv1 formats.

--entrypoint "command" | '["command", "arg1", ...]'

Set the entry point for containers based on any images which will be built using the specified container. buildah supports two formats for entrypoint. It can be specified as a simple string, or as an array of commands.

Note: When the entrypoint is specified as a string, container runtimes will ignore the cmd value of the container image. However if you use the array form, then the cmd will be appended onto the end of the entrypoint cmd and be executed together.

Note: The string form is appended to the sh -c command as the entrypoint. The array form replaces entrypoint entirely.

String Format:

$ buildah from scratch
$ buildah config --entrypoint "/usr/bin/notashell" working-container
$ buildah inspect --format '{{ .OCIv1.Config.Entrypoint }}' working-container
[/bin/sh -c /usr/bin/notshell]
$ buildah inspect --format '{{ .Docker.Config.Entrypoint }}' working-container
[/bin/sh -c /usr/bin/notshell]

Array Format:

$ buildah config --entrypoint '["/usr/bin/notashell"]' working-container
$ buildah inspect --format '{{ .OCIv1.Config.Entrypoint }}' working-container
$ buildah inspect --format '{{ .Docker.Config.Entrypoint }}' working-container

--env, -e env[=value]

Add a value (e.g. env=value) to the environment for containers based on any images which will be built using the specified container. Can be used multiple times. If env is named but neither = nor a value is specified, then the value will be taken from the current process environment. If env has a trailing -, then the env is removed from the config. If the env is set to "-" then all environment variables are removed from the config.

--healthcheck command

Specify a command which should be run to check if a container is running correctly.

Values can be NONE, "CMD ..." (run the specified command directly), or "CMD-SHELL ..." (run the specified command using the system's shell), or the empty value (remove a previously-set value and related settings).

Note: this setting is not present in the OCIv1 image format, so it is discarded when writing images using OCIv1 formats.

--healthcheck-interval interval

Specify how often the command specified using the --healthcheck option should be run.

Note: this setting is not present in the OCIv1 image format, so it is discarded when writing images using OCIv1 formats.

--healthcheck-retries count

Specify how many times the command specified using the --healthcheck option can fail before the container is considered to be unhealthy.

Note: this setting is not present in the OCIv1 image format, so it is discarded when writing images using OCIv1 formats.

--healthcheck-start-interval interval

Specify the time between health checks during the start period.

Note: this setting is not present in the OCIv1 image format, so it is discarded when writing images using OCIv1 formats.

--healthcheck-start-period interval

Specify how much time can elapse after a container has started before a failure to run the command specified using the --healthcheck option should be treated as an indication that the container is failing. During this time period, failures will be attributed to the container not yet having fully started, and will not be counted as errors. After the command succeeds, or the time period has elapsed, failures will be counted as errors.

Note: this setting is not present in the OCIv1 image format, so it is discarded when writing images using OCIv1 formats.

--healthcheck-timeout interval

Specify how long to wait after starting the command specified using the --healthcheck option to wait for the command to return its exit status. If the command has not returned within this time, it should be considered to have failed.

Note: this setting is not present in the OCIv1 image format, so it is discarded when writing images using OCIv1 formats.

--history-comment comment

Sets a comment on the topmost layer in any images which will be created using the specified container.

--hostname host

Set the hostname to set when running containers based on any images built using the specified container.

Note: this setting is not present in the OCIv1 image format, so it is discarded when writing images using OCIv1 formats.

--label, -l label=value

Add an image label (e.g. label=value) to the image configuration of any images which will be built using the specified container. Can be used multiple times. If label has a trailing -, then the label is removed from the config. If the label is set to "-" then all labels are removed from the config.

--onbuild onbuild command

Add an ONBUILD command to the image. ONBUILD commands are automatically run when images are built based on the image you are creating.

Note: this setting is not present in the OCIv1 image format, so it is discarded when writing images using OCIv1 formats.

--os operating system

Set the target operating system for any images which will be built using the specified container. By default, if the container was based on an image, its OS is kept, otherwise the host's OS's name is recorded.

--os-feature feature

Set the name of a required operating system feature for any images which will be built using the specified container. By default, if the container was based on an image, the base image's required OS feature list is kept, if it specified one. This option is typically only meaningful when the image's OS is Windows.

If feature has a trailing -, then the feature is removed from the set of required features which will be listed in the image. If the feature is set to "-" then the entire features list is removed from the config.

--os-version version

Set the exact required operating system version for any images which will be built using the specified container. By default, if the container was based on an image, the base image's required OS version is kept, if it specified one. This option is typically only meaningful when the image's OS is Windows, and is typically set in Windows base images, so using this option is usually unnecessary.

--port, -p port/protocol

Add a port to expose when running containers based on any images which will be built using the specified container. Can be used multiple times. To specify whether the port listens on TCP or UDP, use "port/protocol". The default is TCP if the protocol is not specified. To expose the port on both TCP and UDP, specify the port option multiple times. If port has a trailing - and is already set, then the port is removed from the configuration. If the port is set to - then all exposed ports settings are removed from the configuration.

--shell shell

Set the default shell to run inside of the container image. The shell instruction allows the default shell used for the shell form of commands to be overridden. The default shell for Linux containers is "/bin/sh -c".

Note: this setting is not present in the OCIv1 image format, so it is discarded when writing images using OCIv1 formats.

--stop-signal signal

Set default stop signal for container. This signal will be sent when container is stopped, default is SIGINT.

--unsetlabel label

Unset the image label, causing the label not to be inherited from the base image.

--user, -u user[:group]

Set the default user to be used when running containers based on this image. The user can be specified as a user name or UID, optionally followed by a group name or GID, separated by a colon (':'). If names are used, the container should include entries for those names in its /etc/passwd and /etc/group files.

--variant variant

Set the target architecture variant for any images which will be built using the specified container. By default, if the container was based on an image, that image's target architecture and variant information is kept, otherwise the host's architecture and variant are recorded.

--volume, -v volume

Add a location in the directory tree which should be marked as a volume in any images which will be built using the specified container. Can be used multiple times. If volume has a trailing -, and is already set, then the volume is removed from the config. If the volume is set to "-" then all volumes are removed from the config.

--workingdir directory

Set the initial working directory for containers based on images which will be built using the specified container.


buildah config --author='Jane Austen' --workingdir='/etc/mycontainers' containerID

buildah config --entrypoint / containerID

buildah config --entrypoint '[ "/", "dev" ]' containerID

buildah config --env foo=bar --env PATH=$PATH containerID

buildah config --env foo- containerID

buildah config --label Name=Mycontainer --label Version=1.0 containerID

buildah config --label Name- containerID

buildah config --annotation note=myNote containerID

buildah config --annotation note-

buildah config --volume /usr/myvol containerID

buildah config --volume /usr/myvol- containerID

buildah config --port 1234 --port 8080 containerID

buildah config --port 514/tcp --port 514/udp containerID

buildah config --env 1234=5678 containerID

buildah config --env 1234- containerID

buildah config --os-version 10.0.19042.1645 containerID

buildah config --os-feature win32k containerID

buildah config --os-feature win32k- containerID

