This is an ArcGIS toolbox for landscape limnology created from a collection of Python script tools. It was used to create the LAGOS-US database.
Release v2.0 corresponds to the methods documented with the release of the LAGOS-US LOCUS and GEO modules
LOCUS Data citation: Smith, N.J., K.E. Webster, L.K. Rodriguez, K.S. Cheruvelil, and P.A. Soranno. 2021. LAGOS-US LOCUS v1.0: Data module of location, identifiers, and physical characteristics of lakes and their watersheds in the conterminous U.S. ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2021-12-13).
Data paper citation: Cheruvelil, K.S., Soranno, P.A., McCullough, I.M., Webster, K.E., Rodriguez, L.K. and Smith, N.J. (2021), LAGOS-US LOCUS v1.0: Data module of location, identifiers, and physical characteristics of lakes and their watersheds in the conterminous U.S. Limnol Oceanogr Letters 6: 270-292.
GEO Data citation Smith, N.J., K.E. Webster, L. Rodriguez, K.S. Cheruvelil, and P.A. Soranno. 2021. LAGOS-US GEO: Data module of lake geospatial ecological context at multiple spatial and temporal scales in the conterminous U.S. Environmental Data Initiative. Dataset accessed XX/XX/2022.
Release v1.0 corresponds to the methods documented in the following manuscript:
Soranno, P. A., Bissell, E. G., Cheruvelil, K. S., Christel, S. T., Collins, S. M., Fergus, C. E., ... & Scott, C. E. (2015). Building a multi-scaled geospatial temporal ecology database from disparate data sources: fostering open science and data reuse. GigaScience, 4(1), 28.
- Spatial Analyst extension (some tools)
- ArcGIS 10.3 or higher
- Taudem tool suite (some tools).
Open the ArcToolbox Pane
Right click to access the Add Toolbox command
Navigate to
(Optional) Right click on ArcToolbox root, then click "Save Settings > To Default" to save this toolbox to your default tools
Lake Analysis
- Lake Connectivity Classification
- Upstream Lakes
Summarize Data by Zones
- Flatten Overlapping Zones
- LAGOS-US Lake Density
- LAGOS-US Stream Density
- Line Density in Zones
- Point Attribution of Raster Data
- Point Density in Zones
- Polygon Density in Zones
- Pre-process PAD-US Dataset
- Rasterize Zones
- Zonal Summary of Classed Polygons
- Zonal Summary of Raster Data
- Export to CSV
- Merge NHD Features without Deduplication
- Test LAGOS GIS Toolbox
Watershed Delineation Plus-01. Add Waterbody NHDPlusID Plus-02. Update Grid Codes Plus-03. Add Lake Seeds (Pour Points/Outlets) Plus-04. Revise HydroDEM Plus-05. TauDEM Pit Remove Plus-06. Flow Direction Plus-07. Delineate Catchments Plus-08. Aggregrate Watersheds
The toolbox is not formally supported. You can direct questions to the project PI, Kendra Cheruvelil (