How many code you have to add this repository
Now we only support secp256k1 curve, and will add other curve soon. And import any hasher rust package as you need.
Add new package, like tcx-a-chain
, implement following interfaces:
Trait Name | Package | Responbility |
Address | tcx-chain | Convert public key to |
ChainSigner | tcx-chain | Take binary data to do ecc signing |
TransactionSigner | tcx-chain | Take input & output to do chain-specify data signing |
MessageSigner(Optional) | tcx-chain | Take input & output to do chain-specify data signing |
Declare blockchain wallet information to like following,
coin_infos.push(CoinInfo {
coin: "BITCOIN".to_string(), // Chain full name
derivation_path: "m/44'/0'/0'/0/0".to_string(), // BIP44 or SLIP44 path
curve: CurveType::SECP256k1, // Curve type, now only support secp256k1
network: "MAINNET".to_string(), // Network corresponding to path above
seg_wit: "NONE".to_string(), // Segwit type, options is ['', 'NONE', 'P2WPKH']
coin_infos.push(CoinInfo {
coin: "BITCOIN".to_string(),
derivation_path: "m/44'/1'/0'/0/0".to_string(),
curve: CurveType::SECP256k1,
network: "TESTNET".to_string(),
seg_wit: "NONE".to_string(),
Define transaction input & output's data structure in Protobuf file.
// file: btc_fork.proto
// FUNCTION: sign_tx(SignParam{input: BtcForkTxInput}): BtcForkSignedTxOutput
message Utxo {
string txHash = 1;
int32 vout = 2;
int64 amount = 3;
string address = 4;
string scriptPubKey = 5;
string derivedPath = 6;
int64 sequence = 7;
message BtcForkTxInput {
string to = 1;
int64 amount = 2;
repeated Utxo unspents = 3;
int64 fee = 4;
uint32 changeAddressIndex = 5;
string changeAddress = 6;
string network = 7;
string segWit = 8;
message BtcForkSignedTxOutput {
string signature = 1;
string txHash = 2;
As rust community convention, developer should add inline unit testcases after the functions. And at lease including happy case and common exception handling.