Overview | Quick Start | Concepts | Syntax Reference | Demo | Examples | FAQ | Roadmap |
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The main components of KSQL are CLI, engine, and the REST interface.
Provides a familiar interface, designed users of MySQL, Postgres, etc.
Performs the data processing.
Enables an engine to receive instructions from the CLI.
When using KSQL, the following terminology is used.
A stream is an unbounded sequence of structured data ("facts"). For example, we could have a stream of financial transactions such as "Alice sent $100 to Bob, then Charlie sent $50 to Bob". Facts in a stream are immutable, which means new facts can be inserted to a stream, but existing facts can never be updated or deleted. Streams can be created from a Kafka topic or derived from existing streams and tables. In both cases, a stream's underlying data is durably stored (persisted) within a Kafka topic on the Kafka brokers.
A table is a view of a stream, or another table, and represents a collection of evolving facts. For example, we could have a table that contains the latest financial information such as "Bob’s current account balance is $150". It is the equivalent of a traditional database table but enriched by streaming semantics such as windowing. Facts in a table are mutable, which means new facts can be inserted to the table, and existing facts can be updated or deleted. Tables can be created from a Kafka topic or derived from existing streams and tables. In both cases, a table's underlying data is durably stored (persisted) within a Kafka topic on the Kafka brokers.
In stand-alone mode, both the KSQL client and server components are co-located on the same machine, in the same JVM, and are started together. This makes standalone mode very convenient for local development and testing.
To run KSQL in standalone mode:
- Start the KSQL CLI and the server components all in the same JVM:
Start with default settings:
$ ./bin/ksql-cli local
Start with custom settings, pointing KSQL at a specific Kafka cluster (see Kafka's bootstrap.servers setting):
$ ./bin/ksql-cli local --bootstrap-server kafka-broker-1:9092 \ --properties-file path/to/ksql-cli.properties
In client-server mode, you can run a pool of KSQL servers on remote machines, VMs, or containers. The CLI then connects to these remote KSQL servers over HTTP.
To run KSQL in client-server mode:
Start any number of server nodes:
Start with default settings:
$ ./bin/ksql-server-start
Start with custom settings, pointing KSQL at a specific Kafka cluster (see Kafka's bootstrap.servers setting):
$ hostname my-ksql-server $ cat ksql-server.properties # You must set at least the following two properties bootstrap.servers=kafka-broker-1:9092 # Note: `application.id` is not really needed but you must set it # because of a known issue in the KSQL Developer Preview application.id=app-id-setting-is-ignored # Optional settings below, only for illustration purposes # The hostname/port on which the server node will listen for client connections listeners=
To start the server node with the settings above:
$ ./bin/ksql-server-start ksql-server.properties
Start any number of CLIs, specifying the desired KSQL server address as the
endpoint:$ ./bin/ksql-cli remote http://my-ksql-server:8090
All KSQL servers (and their engines) share the work of processing KSQL queries that are submitted to them:
- To add processing capacity, start more KSQL servers (scale out). You can do this during live operations.
- To remove processing capacity, stop some of the running KSQL servers. You can do this during live operations. The remaining KSQL servers will automatically take over the processing work of the stopped servers. Make sure that at least one KSQL server is running, otherwise your queries will not be executed any longer.