There are several goals of this project
- a friction-less way to get back to normal after a fresh install of an OS for local devices, and use a common set of expectations for all devices in my fleet
- a way to easily provision and deploy cloud resources
- a minimal amount of secret management by encrypting secrets
- terraform 0.13.1 on the local deploy machine
- ansible (installed from apt on the local machine)
Terraform is used to deploy resources on digital ocean. Then once the resources are deployed, ansible is used to configure them.
Most of this was created from this guide:
Everything is made to work via setting two environment variables. The DO_PAT is the digital ocean API token. The pvt_key is set to the key which should be rolled out to the deployed resources.
- Ansible (>=3.2)
- via ppa:ansible/ansible because default ubuntu only has 2.8 or something
- A
entry which maps the host from the ansible playbooks to the IP (either locally or public) - Install the gpg module on ansible machine:
mkdir -p ~/.ansible/plugins/modules
wget -O ~/.ansible/plugins/modules/
- verify it is there with
ansible-doc -t module gpg
- todo: see if we can get this work with dependencies so we don't need to do this manually
- install requirements:
ansible-galaxy install -r ansible/requirements.yml
- Ensure the .vault_pass file exists (its on keybase):
- ssh installed and ssh access via key from deploy machine (ie: authorized keys contains public key of deploy machine):
sudo apt install ssh
ssh-import-id gh:compscidr
You'll probably want to test it works (and accept the ssh key) - with:
ssh <target-host>
To plan:
terraform plan -var "do_token=${DO_PAT}" -var "pvt_key=$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa" -var "pub_key=$HOME/.ssh/"
To apply:
terraform apply -var "do_token=${DO_PAT}" -var "pvt_key=$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa" -var "pub_key=$HOME/.ssh/"
To show state:
terraform show terraform.tfstate
To use ansible after on the provisioned devices:
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml ansible/site.yml -u root --vault-password-file=.vault_pass
To destroy:
terraform plan -destroy -out=terraform.tfplan \ -var "do_token=${DO_PAT}" \ -var "pvt_key=$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa" \ -var "pub_key=$HOME/.ssh/"
to make the destroy plan and terraform apply terraform.tfplan
Ansible automatically runs as part of the terraform script, but this guide was used to update the terraform to work together:
Since we have separate inventories for different classes of hosts
(production, staging, development), we need to pass the appropriate inventory
file with -i
when we run.
For instance to setup the development machines:
ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventories/development/hosts.yml ansible/site.yml --ask-become-pass --vault-password-file=.vault_pass
To setup a particular host:
ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventories/development/hosts.yml ansible/site.yml --ask-become-pass --vault-password-file=.vault_pass --limit <host>
Deploy to ubuntu-server:
ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventories/development/hosts.yml ansible/site.yml --ask-become-pass --vault-password-file=.vault_pass --limit ubuntu-server
Deploy to entire lan:
Deploy to
ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventories/production/hosts.yml ansible/site.yml -u root --vault-password-file=.vault_pass --limit
Note, this will clobber the original file with an encrypted version, so make a copy first.
ansible-vault encrypt --vault-password-file .vault_pass <file>
- setup local dns on lan (so we can reach devices by hostname instead of ip)
- nordvpn for only torrent traffic on ubuntu-server
- Setup the docker container for the goblog with a pinned release version
- Determine if we can migrate away from the local .db file for storing posts