There are several goals of this project
- a friction-less way to get back to normal after a fresh install of an OS for local devices, and use a common set of expectations for all devices in my fleet
- a way to easily provision and deploy cloud resources
- a minimal amount of secret management by encrypting secrets
Used to provision cloud resources (currently on digital ocean):
- compute
- dns entries
Used to provision software, services and configuration to local machines and cloud resources
apt packages for non-gui development (ie common to headless and non-headless)
apt packages for gui only (don't install on headless setups)
docker containers
- nginx proxy to
- letsencrypt to
- goblog to
- prometheus and grafana locally on accessible via ssh tunnel
- ombi to
- livepeer orchestrator to
- amd lolminer, livepeer transcoder to ubuntu-server, ubuntu-desktop
- nvidia lolminer, livepeer transcoder to ubuntu-desktop-beast
- plex, radarr, sonarr to ubuntu-server
/etc/hosts files
ssh keys
- pointed to ubuntu-server configured as an ssh jump box into the lan
Used for a clean and consistent debian virtualbox environment to generate debian packages since most of my systems are ubuntu. Currently not needed because I can accomplish the same thing with a pre-built debian vagrant box. Would be useful if I needed to do any additional scripted setup that can't be done with ansible.