Djnago-enroll is inspired with django-registration.
Motivation to create new user registration library is to provide more flexible app with easily configurable behavior and ability to easy override of any part.
To fulfill such aim new Django classed base views are very helpful. So django-enroll requires Django 1.3 (it means trunk development version nowadays).
There are three ways to change django-enroll default functionality.
1. passing argument to classed based view (usually from URL mapping) This is Django classed base view feature. It allows change any class property by passing new value to constructor kwargs. (see Django classed base view documentation)
- Set proper variable in your (see settings section)
- Override view class. The most complex but the most flexible way.
Supports django.contrib.messages - see SuccessMessageMixin, FailureMessageMixin
Form views can end (on success) with redirect or display template.
SignUpView VerifyAccountView LoginView LogoutView PasswordResetView VerifyPasswordResetView
All settings are optional. Defaults are:
ENROLL_SIGNUP_FORM_USER_FIELDS = ('username', 'email') ENROLL_FORM_VALIDATORS = { 'username': [ 'enroll.validators.UniqueUsernameValidator' ], 'email': [ 'enroll.validators.UniqueEmailValidator' ], } #used by SignUpForm and PasswordResetForm (if contains password validator) ENROLL_EMAIL_BANNED_DOMAINS = [] #(enable EmailDomainValidator to have effect) ENROLL_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH = 4 ENROLL_FORBIDDEN_PASSWORDS = [] #(enable TooSimplePasswordValidator to have effect) ENROLL_FORBID_USERNAME_DERIVED_PASSWORD = False ENROLL_AUTH_BACKEND_LOGIN_ATTRIBUTES = [ username ] #(use enroll.backends.ModelBackend to have effect) ENROLL_ACCOUNT_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED = True ENROLL_VERIFICATION_TOKEN_VALID_DAYS = 14 #unlimited if False ENROLL_VERIFICATION_TOKEN_LENGTH = 12 ENROLL_SEND_VERIFICATION_EMAIL = True ENROLL_LOGIN_AFTER_ACTIVATION = True LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL #(also used by django auth) LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL
Email change usecase. Password change usecase.