This page presents the high level requirements for the CoMPAS project. Together with the Technical Architecture, it should be possible to make the correct technology choices related to the requirements.
- CoMPAS must provide “System Specification Description (SSD)” to “Substation Configuration Description (SCD)” conversion
- PACS policy registry
- API to vendor specific IED configurators
- Provenance (e.g. by using W3c PROV and/or SCL history)
- CoMPAS must provide an Audit trail
- logical device/function builder
- library of common profiles for usual functions
- versioning of IEC-61850 formats, like ICDs, SCL's and NSD's.
- definition of reusable user profile of IEC 61850 data model (potentially continue/restart ENTSO-E profiling tool)
- Conformity verification of System Configuration description Language (SCL) files
- profile to “System Specification Description (SSD)” conversion
- PACS policy registry (scripts?)
- API to vendor specific “IED Capability Description (ICD)” tools (not in direct scope, Nice To)
- ICD/SCD conformity check
- ICD/SCD compatibility management
- ICD/SCD versioning / repository
- Availability of Substation PACS data at enterprise level (Functions & settings, operational process data)
- Convert a CIM single line diagram into IEC61850 SLD
- Compare configurations (ICDs for example)
- Docker images must be signed
- At the stage of CI/CD the code integrity must be validated
- Data regarding substation configuration must be regarded as confidential. Data stored, processed or in transit must be protected against data disclosure and tampering.
- Configuration files could be signed
- A User Manual must be provided, including Javadocs
- System Documentation must be provided
- How do we handle event failures?
- Response times (output)
- Processing times (input)
- Timeouts for processing
- Access levels / Role based access
- Access permissions for certain application parts
- Scalability of the application (use case: size of the SCL files)
- How to handle log files (rotating?)
- Deployment models
- Cross platform compatibility
Requirements based on IEC 61850-6 10.2 System configurator
The SSD describes the one-line diagram and the automation functions
- Essential - make corrections = CRUD operations on any item, or sets of items, preserving referential integrity
- Nice to have : visualize this on a diagram = requires extensions for graphics plus pan/zoom/layering features
The SSD will describe the communications devices
- Essential – import ICD, CID, IID files of various versions and compile composite DataTypeTemplates for the client(s)
- Delete devices and all associated relationships
- Edit IP addresses
- Nice to have : visualize this on a diagram = requires pan/zoom/layering features
The SCD describes the binding (mapping) between the required LNs per equipment/function
- Assign / unassign / reassign LNs from IEDs to equipment
- Per IED, show/ edit data set definitions
- Per IED, show / edit report control block definitions
Export functions
- Export SCD in appropriate version for clients
- Nice-to-have: export subset per IED in appropriate version (i.e. ICD + goose subscription information)/(IEC 61850-6 says this is an IED configurator function)
IEC 61850-6 Table G.2 – System configurator conformance statement has three pages of function headings some of which are complex