Suppose we have a mainJobA that is computing a time integration of a deforming elastic body. This integration requires a Jacobian J, which is computationally expensive to generate. A helperJobB is tasked to update that Jacobian J. HelperJobB may not be fast enough to update the entire Jacobian before each timestep.
We should have flexibility on where mainJobA and helperJobB are run.
After talking with Professor Negrut, we have refined this to be something similar to TBB or OpenMP. In this project, however, the programmer can create a parent task that can spawn child subtasks on either the host, GPU, or a different node entirely. These subtasks must complete before the parent task can move on.
Run make
. It will generate two binaries (mpi_task
and cpu_task
) in the top level directory,
which are the programs in the examples folder.
The cpu_task
binary can be run on any machine, as it spins off threads only.
The mpi_task
must be run with sbatch or srun, as it requires a node with a GPU. An example shell script is given below:
#SBATCH --partition=slurm_shortgpu
#SBATCH --time=0-00:15:00 # run time in days-hh:mm:ss
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=20
#SBATCH --error=sbatch.err
#SBATCH --output=sbatch.out
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1