- date: 2019/07/15
- sources: https://www.coworker.org/petitions/amazon-management-meet-with-dch1-amazonians-united-now, https://labornotes.org/2019/07/amazon-warehouse-worker-why-im-taking-action, https://www.buzzfeednews.com/amphtml/carolineodonovan/amazon-worker-protests-chicago-heat-wave
- action: open_letter
- struggles: working_conditions
- description: Amazon employees of DCH1 Amazonians United sign a petition to demand that their site leader meet with them to discuss providing the appropriate measures for days of excessive heat, among other issues. The top 3 are: 1) Prime Pay for Prime Days. 2) Health Insurance. 3) Getting A/C
- locations: chicago, usa
- companies: amazon
- workers: 800
- tags: factory_workers
- author: organizejs