A beautiful demo is worth a thousand words:
- Typography (LaTeX): HTML / PDF
- Cheat Sheet (math formulas): HTML / PDF
- Scientific Paper (text and figures): HTML / PDF
- Full Circle Magazine (read while downloading): HTML / PDF
- Git Manual (CJK support): HTML / PDF
- Try your own files
pdf2htmlEX renders PDF files in HTML, utilizing modern Web technologies. It aims to provide an accuracy rendering, while keeping optimized for Web display.
pdf2htmlEX is best for text-based PDF files, for example scientific papers with complicated formulas and figures. Text, fonts and formats are natively perserved in HTML such that you can still search and copy. The generated HTML file is static, Javascript is optional.
Learn more about who and why should use pdf2htmlEX
- Precise and native text in HTML
- Flexible Output
- Moderate Size
- More PDF stuffs that you love: links, outlines & printing
Learn more
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Thanks to all the packagers!
- Ubuntu PPA by Lu Wang coolwanglu@gmail.com
- ArchLinux AUR by Arthur Titeica arthur.titeica@gmail.com
- Gentoo Overlay, gentoo-zh, mrueg or sunrise, by respective packagers.
- Homebrew Formula by Jamie Ly me@jamie.ly
- Macports (local repo) by Deepak Thukral iapain@iapa.in
- Windows N/A
- CMake, pkg-config
- GNU Getopt
- compilers support C++11, for example
- GCC >= 4.4.6
- I heard about successful build with Clang
- poppler with xpdf header >= 0.20.0 (compile with --enable-xpdf-headers)
- Install libpng (and headers) BEFORE you compile poppler if you want background images generated
- Install poppler-data if your want CJK support
- fontforge (with header files)
- git version is recommended to avoid annoying compilation issues
- [Optional] ttfautohint
- run pdf2htmlEX with --external-hint-tool=ttfautohint to enable it
- [For Windows]
- Cygwin
- or MinGW, with some modifications to pdf2htmlEX. See pdf2htmlEX on TeX Wiki (in Japanese), special thanks to Haruhiko Okumura
git clone --depth 1 git://github.com/coolwanglu/pdf2htmlEX.git
cd pdf2htmlEX
cmake . && make && sudo make install
pdf2htmlEX --zoom 1.33 /path/to/foobar.pdf
GPLv2 & GPLv3 for most part, MIT License for share/*
for more detail.
You are free and welcome to modify pdf2htmlEX for your online services, but you should credit pdf2htmlEX together with a proper link to https://github.com/coolwanglu/pdf2htmlEX in the homepage of the service, or a page directly accesible from the homepage of the service. You are also encouraged to send me a name and a URL for the purpose of statistics.
for more detail.
Consider how much you have to pay for an alternatve with a similar quality, keeping in mind that pdf2htmlEX is maintained by one person in spare time.
- Patches are more than welcome.
- Or you may prefer making a donation, the easier way.
- Other ways you may help
- Mailing list pdf2htmlex@googlegroups.com
- pdf2htmlEX Blog
- News, announcements and discussions
- Lu Wang coolwanglu@gmail.com or coolwanglu@twitter
- For personal enquiries only
- Accepting messages in 中文, English or 日本語
- IRC Channel irc://irc.freenode.net/pdf2htmlEX
pdf2htmlEX is made possible thanks to the following projects:
pdf2htmlEX is inspired by the following projects:
- pdftops & pdftohtml from poppler
- PDF.js
- Crocodoc
- Google Doc
- Hongliang Tian
- Wanmin Liu