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File metadata and controls

277 lines (218 loc) · 11.5 KB


Fern is an alternative way to write Vase descriptors. It does basically the same things as EDN, but with a couple of changes to make it easier for humans to write the descriptors.

First, it "flattens out" the deeply nested structure from the EDN descriptors. Instead of nesting, Fern lets you incorporate data by reference. That lets you remove some duplication, but more importantly it means you don't have to keep track of where you are in the descriptor nearly as much.

Second, the EDN files have a mix of "magic" keys (:vase/norms, :vase/apis, :vase/specs) and user-defined keys (for API names, Spec names, etc.) Fern changes that model quite a bit. There's only one reserved key name: vase/service. After that you get to define all the keys.


So what does a Fern version of a Vase descriptor look like? Here's a "Hello, World" sample:

{vase/service            (fern/lit vase/service
                                   {:apis        [@hello]
                                    :service-map @http-options})

 http-options            {:io.pedestal.http/port 8080}

 hello                   (fern/lit vase/api
                                   {:path   "/example/v1"
                                    :routes @hello-routes})

 hello-routes            #{["/hello" :get @hello-response]}

 hello-response          (fern/lit vase/respond
                                   {:body "Hello world"})

Vase uses this by "pulling on" the vase/service key. You can read more about how Fern evaluation works. The short version is that fern/lit is kind of like a Clojure reader literal, but Fern decides when to dereference symbols so we can enhance the environment and produce nicer errors when something goes wrong.

The vase/service literal has one argument, which is a map with :apis and :service-map. See how the :apis key has [@hello] as a value? When Fern evaluates that literal, it treats @hello as a reference to the value of hello at the top level. So Fern follows that reference to evaluate the vase/api literal. Evaluation follows through to @hello-routes and eventually reaches the vase/respond literal.

If you take a closer look at http-options and hello-routes, you might notice that these are just ordinary Clojure data structures. That's one of the nice things about Fern.

Fern lits

Fern lets us define new literals by adding defmethods to any namespace. Vase provides a set of Fern literals out of the box. All the normal Vase reader literals have equivalent Fern forms. But Vase also adds some new ones like the vase/service in the "Hello World" sample.

Literal Purpose
vase/plugins Namespaces to load before evaluation.
vase/service Define a service.
vase/api Define an API.
vase/respond Define an interceptor with the respond action.
vase/redirect Define an interceptor with the redirect action.
vase/validate Define an interceptor with the validate action.
vase/conform Define an interceptor with the conform action.
vase.datomic/connection Connect to a Datomic database and act as an interceptor to attach the connection to a request.
vase.datomic/query Define an interceptor with the Datomic query action.
vase.datomic/transact Define an interceptor with the Datomic transaction action.
vase.datomic/attributes Define an interceptor that creates Datomic schema from short vector form.
vase.datomic/tx Define an interceptor that executes an arbitrary Datomic transaction. Connect to a Datomic Cloud database and act as an interceptor to attach the connection to a request. Define an interceptor to query a Datomic Cloud database. Define an interceptor to transact request bodies as Datomic Cloud entities. Defing an interceptor that creates Datomic Cloud schema from short vector form. Define an interceptor that executes an arbitrary Datomic Cloud transaction.

:on-request and :on-startup

With the EDN format, Vase forces certain things to happen on your behalf. When it starts up, it looks for schema definitions and loads those into Datomic. It also puts an interceptor into every route that will attach a Datomic connection to the request map.

When you use Fern, that magic is under your control. A vase/api has two keys that let you define what it needs to do at startup time and what needs to happen on every request. These are cleverly called :on-startup and :on-request. The value for each of them should be a vector of interceptors.

Here is an example of an API that uses Datomic:

 example/v1              (fern/lit vase/api
                                   {:on-startup    [@connection @base-attributes @user-attributes @loan-attributes @sample-users]
                                    :on-request    [@connection]
                                    :routes        @v1/routes})

 connection              (fern/lit vase.datomic/connection @datomic-uri)
 datomic-uri             "datomic:mem://example"

You can find the whole file in the source repo under test/resources/test_descriptor.fern

Notice that :on-startup has a reference to connection, which is a vase.datomic/connection. At startup time, that literal serves to connect to (and optionally create) a database.

On request, the connection attaches the connection and current database value to the request, for use by later interceptors. All the :on-request interceptors get run before Vase dispatches to a route.

Datomic schema

Notice how the :on-startup from our last example vector has some other references in it? Those are how we transact schema. Instead of using :vase/norms as a top-level key, we use interceptors. (Interceptors everywhere!) A couple of these look like:

 base-attributes         (fern/lit vase.datomic/tx
                                   {:db/ident       :company/name
                                    :db/unique      :db.unique/value
                                    :db/valueType   :db.type/string
                                    :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one})

 user-attributes         (fern/lit vase.datomic/attributes
                                   [:user/userId    :one :long   :identity "A Users unique identifier"]
                                   [:user/userEmail :one :string :unique   "The users email"]
                                   [:user/userBio   :one :string :fulltext "A short blurb about the user"])

There are two different things going on here. vase.datomic/tx says "transact this data." It's arguments are exactly the kind of entities and datoms that you can read about in the Datomic docs.

The second literal is vase.datomic/attributes. It uses a kind of shorthand notation for building schema. This is the same vector format that the old #vase/schema-tx reader literal used. The format is this:

Field Allowed values Maps to
Attribute name Any keyword :db/ident
Cardinality :one or :many :db/cardinality
Value type Datomic value types :db/valueType
Flags Any of :index, :identity, :unique, :component, :fulltext, :no-history :db/index true, :db.unique/identity, :db.unique/value, :db/isComponent true, :db/fulltext true, :db/no-history true
Docstring String :db/doc

Multiple flags are allowed. Add as many as you like before the mandatory docstring.

Both vase.datomic/attributes and vase.datomic/tx have exact matches in and The cloud versions work exactly the same way as the On-Prem versions.

Adding Your Own Literals

One of our goals with the Fern format was to make Vase easier to extend. Fern calls these plugins. Any namespaces in the vase/plugins key get loaded before Vase evaluates the rest of the environment. If those namespaces define new multimethods for fern/literal, then you can freely mix those with Vase's pre-defined literals.

Suppose you want to aggregate data from an existing API into a Vase app. There are just two steps to make it happen.

Provide a Multimethod for fern/literal

Your literal can return anything. But if you want to use it in an :on-startup, :on-request, or route chain, then it should return an interceptor.

(ns example
  (:require [fern :as f]))

(defmethod f/literal 'example/api-call
  [_ target-uri]
  ;; return an interceptor)

The first argument to the multimethod will just be the symbol you define. Since we've already dispatched on that symbol, it's not very interesting and we ignore it in the function body.

The remaining arguments are whatever you want them to be. A lot of our examples above use maps. Most of the built in literals that Vase provides take maps. But Fern does allow you to use any arguments you like.

Add the Namespace to vase/plugins

Your defmethod has to get evaluated before you create the service. Vase can do this for you if you add the namespace name to the vase/plugins key like this:

{vase/plugins [example]
 vase/service (fern/lit vase/service ,,,)

Using Fern version of Vase

One way to use Fern descriptors is to use the new Vase -main. Just give Vase a path to your descriptor file when you start Clojure. This is most useful when you don't want to create a whole project structure. Just use vase.jar directly.

The other way to use it when you embed Vase in your project. In that case, the new API functions are com.cognitect.vase.fern/load-from-file and com.cognitect.vase.fern/prepare-service. You can use them like this:

      (when-let [prepared-service-map (try
                                        (-> filename
                                        (catch Throwable t
                                          (fe/print-evaluation-exception t)
          (a/start-service prepared-service-map)
          (catch Throwable t
            (fe/print-other-exception t filename))))

The nesting gets a little weird because we need to catch exceptions at two different times. If an exception happens while evaluating the vase/service, then we can use Fern's print-evaluation-exception function, which prints a kind of trace of the chain of values leading up to the error. On the other hand, if an exception happens while starting the service, we want to call print-other-exception which produces nicely readable output of ordinary exceptions.

There's a macro called try-> that makes this look a little nicer:

     (:! ioe (fe/print-other-exception ioe filename))

     (:! Throwable t (fe/print-evaluation-exception t))

     (:! Throwable t (fe/print-other-exception t filename)))

It's purely syntactic sugar.

Of course, if you're already happy with your error handling, then just let the functions throw:
