Requirements listed in pkglist.txt
Some of wm's binds improved by Lua script. Lua has more flexibility than i3config syntax. I like to switch automatically to the appropriate workspace after opening programs using a keyboard shortcut.
Alt + f
open a file manager in that directory what was found in clipboard. For example, if you copied a file from some program, you can open its directory just by pressing this shortcut. -
Super + `
open ssh servers menu to connect. -
Super + \
open fuzzy finder to search for local text files in the home directory to edit in Neovim. -
Automatic tiling via autotiling script. Split direction depends on the currently focused window dimensions.
Neovim opens popular image formats in external viewer (pix) instead of binary view.
Automatic tiling freed up
Super + H
shortcut. So I'm using HJKL to navigate inside WM. -
UI scale options depends on current display setup and autorandr profile name.
Mouse side buttons bound to copy and paste in graphics applications. Although I try to use the mouse less, it's useful for (web)apps with mouse-centric UI.
CapsLock is changed to Backspace.
Nice aliases: i to install package, 'md2pdf' to convert markdown file to pdf, v to open Neovim.
Not using Display Managers.
Ctrl + m
bind simplifies sequenceCtrl + l, Ctrl + v, Return
to interact with file-picker dialog by selecting file from clipboard blazing fast.
Note: before proceed you need to create or restore ssh keys and install git
git clone --depth=1 dotfiles_tmp
rsync -rv --exclude '.git' --exclude 'README.MD' --exclude '.gitignore' ./dotfiles_tmp/ ./
rm -rf ./dotfiles_tmp/
# install yay
pacman -S --needed git base-devel
git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si
cd .. && rm -rf yay
yay -Y --gendb
# install packages
yay -S --needed - < pkglist.txt
# enable services
sudo systemctl enable --now input-remapper docker tlp ufw
# install ohmyzsh
sh -c "$(wget -O-"
# copy ksnip config
cp -f ~/.config/ksnip/ksnip.example.conf ~/.config/ksnip/ksnip.conf
Run this script to sync Neovim config from this repo. It can be used separately on Arch systems.
sh -c "$(wget -O-"
Optionally, add a cronjob to keep Neovim plugins updated
(crontab -l; echo "0 13 * * * nvim --headless -c 'autocmd User PackerComplete quitall' -c 'PackerSync'" ) | crontab -
This neovim setup supports syntax highlighting and code completion for following languages:
Bash CSS Go HTML JavaScript Lua PHP Python Rust Typescript
Next options will tell GTK-based apps to prefer Dark theme and open file chooser by default in the home directory.
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface color-scheme prefer-dark
gsettings set org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser startup-mode cwd
gsettings set org.gtk.gtk4.Settings.FileChooser startup-mode cwd