bigcommerce / okta-auth-proxy
Forked from asurak/okta-auth-proxyAuth proxy using okta
matthewp / hb
Forked from Foo42/hbcommand line handlebars utility for rendering json with a handlebars template for piping line delimeted json through
panta / mongoose-types
Forked from bnoguchi/mongoose-typesAdditional handy types for mongoose
coen-hyde / validate
Forked from eivindfjeldstad/validateValidate object properties in javascript
Fixture loader for NodeJS' Mongoose ODM. Check pow-mongodb-fixtures instead to load data straight to MongoDB, skipping Mongoose.
coen-hyde / node_hash
Forked from Marak/node_hasha super simple hashing library for node.js
coen-hyde / journey
Forked from cloudhead/journeyliberal JSON-only HTTP request routing for node.
coen-hyde / hubot-scripts
Forked from github/hubot-scriptsoptional scripts for hubot, opt in via hubot-scripts.json
A Capistrano extension that maps Rightscale tags to Roles
kennu / plucky
Forked from mongomapper/pluckyFancy query magic for the mongo ruby driver
coen-hyde / Garden
Forked from vanilla/vanillaVanilla is an open-source discussion forum for the web. It is built upon Garden, our pluggable application development framework.
markosamuli / Shanty-Mongo
Forked from coen-hyde/Shanty-MongoShanty Mongo is a mongodb library for the Zend Framework. It's intention is to make working with mongodb documents as natural and as simple as possible. In particular allowing embedded documents to…
stunti / Shanty-Mongo
Forked from coen-hyde/Shanty-MongoShanty Mongo is a prototype mongodb adapter for the Zend Framework. It's intention is to make working with mongodb documents as natural and as simple as possible. In particular allowing embedded do…