A todo.txt-cli extension that lets you track time for tasks in Hamster, the GNOME time tracker.
- Put the clock script in your
directory. - Edit the variables
in the clock script and point them to the proper paths in your system.
Let's see what tasks are in our todo list first.
$ ./todo.sh ls
2 (A) Fight crime +Fighting
1 (B) Get milk +Errands
3 (B) Go to the post office +Errands
Clock in a task
$ ./todo.sh clock in 2
Clocking in Fight Crime...
To see our current clock
$ ./todo.sh clock cur
2020-04-23 12:56 Fight Crime@Fighting 00:01
Clock out a task
$ ./todo.sh clock out
Clocking out Fight Crime...
To see a report of today's clock totals
$ ./todo.sh clock report
Start | End | Duration | Activity | Category
12:56 | 12:57 | 1min | Update clock | Fighting
Fighting: 1min
Total: 1min