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Repository files navigation relaunch 2018


Coding da Vinci is the first German open cultural data hackathon. Founded in Berlin in 2014, Coding da Vinci is a project that encourages and supports GLAM institutions (galleries, libraries, archives, museums) to share the digital records of their collections online under open licenses. It achieves this by making an extended hackathon-style event that brings those datasets (and the curators that manage them) into contact with the creative tech and open data communities, showing what can be possible when this kind of data is made open.

The website was launched in early 2014 in advance of the first Coding da Vinci event in Berlin, 26-27th April 2014. At that time, the website was built to communicate a single event, with the possibility that it might become a yearly event in Berlin. Since these beginnings, Coding da Vinci has grown from a single central annual event to a bigger project with multiple regional events, often running in parallel, managed by regional event teams, with growing collections of open datasets and the creative projects they have inspired. High time for a relaunch!

Task management: Tasks are broken down as issues and prioritised/tracked in the "Relaunch 2018" project kanban.

Contact: (@lucyWMDE)


The project was set up using the Composer template for Drupal projects. Installation requires Composer for managing PHP packages.


  1. Pull the repository contents.
  2. Run composer install --no-dev to download required components.
  3. Configure the web root to point to the web subdirectory.
  4. The CMS installation may be run by using a browser to access the web interface in the domain’s base path as configured in step 3. During the installation process, select the “Config Installer” installation profile to import configuration from ../config/sync. (Setup will cause an error due to Drupal issue #2756331.)
  5. In order to fill the Drupal instance with already created content, manually import the preexisting database dump to the database and customise the temp directory on <domain>/admin/config/media/file-system afterwards. Additionally, fill the web/sites/default/files directory with the files corresponding to the database dump. (Initially, database dump and file directory contents will be provided by exporting those from staging.)
  6. To set up Matomo tracking, go to <domain>/admin/config/system/matomo.


  • Skip the --no-dev flag when running composer install.
  • In order to compile SCSS files files and transpile ES6 JavaScript files, it is recommended to have Node.js installed. Packages are managed by the yarn package manager. Having installed Node.js and yarn (i.e. npm install -g yarn), run yarn to download required packages.
  • Gulp tasks are set up for processing the SCSS files. After having installed the Gulp CLI (i.e. npm install -g gulp-cli), you can run gulp every time SCSS files need to be compiled.
  • ES6 JavaScript transpiling may be done using a yarn script supplied by Drupal core: yarn build:js. (Watch Drupal issue #2957390 for removing the package.json file duplicated in the root at some point in the future.)


Drupal nudges administrators about available security updates. When updating Drupal core or when applying a Drupal module’s new major version, a backup of the website’s files should be created. The database may be dumped to a file by running vendor/bin/drush sql-dump using the drush command line shell. Updating is easiest using composer in combination with drush.

Updates should be applied in a development environment first: Run composer update for minor version updates or composer require <component>:<new version constraint> for major version updates. After ensuring that the update works properly, push the changes to the composer.lock and composer.json file to the repository.

While just being required for development, updating yarn packages is similar: Run yarn upgrade for minor version updates or yarn upgrade <package name>@<version constraint> for major version updates and push the changes to yarn.lock and the package.json file to the repository.

In the production environment, pull the updated repository and run:

  1. composer install --no-dev to synchronize composer components.
  2. vendor/bin/drush updatedb to run potential database updates.
  3. vendor/bin/drush cr to rebuild the cache.

Never run composer commands other than composer install --no-dev in production environment!

Synchronizing configuration

The site’s configuration is stored in the repository for having it applied when installing the project. Eventually, site maintainers will change configuration in the production environment. In order for plain development installations to be configured properly, it is recommended to sync back configuration changes made in production to the repository from time to time by exporting the configuration and pushing it to the repository. Configuration may be exported by running vendor/bin/drush cex, which will overwrite the files in ../config/sync. Those files would need to be pushed to the repository.

Retaining code quality

Code should generally adhere to the Drupal coding standards.

Yarn scripts are set up to lint ES6 JavaScript files and SCSS files:

  • Run yarn lint:js to check ES6 JavaScript files using ESLint.
  • Run yarn lint:scss to check SCSS files using stylelint.


This Dupal project is available as Docker container from Docker Hub:

To execute the pre-compiled Docker container run the following command with the variables set for your environment. An example for Docker Composer can be found in docker-compose.yml.

docker run -d -p 8080:80 -P \
  --env "" \
  --env "MYSQL_DATABASE=mycdvdatabase" \
  --env "MYSQL_USER=mycdvuser" \
  --env "MYSQL_PASSWORD=mycdvpassword" \
  --env "MYSQL_PORT=3306" \
  --env "HASH_SALT=myverysecretcdvhashsalt" \
  --env "FILE_PUBLIC_PATH=sites/default/files" \
  --env "TRUSTED_HOST_PATTERNS=\"^localhost\$, ^\$\"" \

Environment variables

Please see web/sites/default/settings.php for additional information.

Environment variable Description Example
MYSQL_HOSTNAME Database connection. Server host name.
MYSQL_DATABASE Database connection. Name of the database. mycdvdatabase
MYSQL_USER Database connection. Login name for database. mycdvuser
MYSQL_PASSWORD Database connection. Password for database. mycdvpassword
MYSQL_PORT Database connection. Server Connection Port. 3306
HASH_SALT Salt for Drupal's one-time login links, cancel links, form tokens, etc. myverysecretcdvhashsalt
UPDATE_FREE_ACCESS Access control for update.php script. FALSE
FILE_PUBLIC_PATH Public file path. sites/default/files
TRUSTED_HOST_PATTERNS Trusted host configuration. "^localhost\$, ^\$\"

Build and start Docker container locally

Run in the folder with Dockerfile:

docker build -t cdv .

And start Docker Container with:

docker run -d -p 8080:80 -P \
  --env "" \
  --env "MYSQL_DATABASE=mycdvdatabase" \
  --env "MYSQL_USER=mycdvuser" \
  --env "MYSQL_PASSWORD=mycdvpassword" \
  --env "MYSQL_PORT=3306" \
  --env "HASH_SALT=myverysecretcdvhashsalt" \
  --env "FILE_PUBLIC_PATH=sites/default/files" \
  --env "TRUSTED_HOST_PATTERNS=\"^localhost\$, ^\$\"" \