Create a simple web application,a TO-DO app to create, list, and edit TO-DO lists using python and javascript.
- User creates TO-DO
- User list their TO-DOs
- User update their TO-DOs
- User delete TO-DO
- Backend:
- python3
- mongoDB
- Frontend:
- vue.js
- Use of Docker (create image, docker-compose up to start and run)
Get introduced to kubernetes and helm. Deploy locally using k3s and helm the application created from week 1.
- k3s (kubernetes)
- helm (usage of helm charts)
- application from week 1
continue on week 2 progress
Add github oauth to the previously done application. If no users were introduced before, then users can be added to the database architecture
Add login via Threefold connect and Threefold connect application
- Threefold connect mobile application (registration required)