This repository is where we (Vectier) develop the Codern with the community to improve the product together. This repository contains only the frontend-backend developed with Microservice architecture. For grading core (code compiler), we separately develop & maintain it in other repository.
Codern is a next-generation autograder that focus on speed and reliability.
Codern allows the lecturer to create their study workspace for their student with fully customization to support the variety of possible coding question.
Never stop coding, coding can change the world 🌏
Some user interfaces preview from 1.0.0-alpha.3.
Special thanks to mockup questions and advertise from Bangmod Hackathon 2023.
Workspace List Page | Question List Page | Login Page |
Question & Editor Page | Submissions & Editor Page |
There are many ways in which you can participate in this project to continue evolving Codern, making it faster and easier to use, for example:
- Submit bugs and feature request
- Fixing issues and contributing directly to the code base by submitting pull requests
Refer to our Contribution guildines and Coding standards. If you are interested to submit the pull request to the code base.
Vectier | KMUTT |
Copyright (c) Vectier. All rights reserved.