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Releases: coderaiser/cloudcmd

Cloud Commander v1.0.0

03 Jul 09:14
Choose a tag to compare


  • (console) handler: add new prompt on empty command
  • (console) Ctrl + Z: abort -> setPromptText
  • (dom) processFiles: send request if canceled
  • (console) ctrl + z: abort
  • (console) setSpawn: always send result
  • (console) emit message on cd
  • (listeners) history
  • (server) respond: change funcs before call
  • (client) refresh: add "/"
  • (client) refresh: rm FS
  • (client) ajaxLoad: mv rmStr FS to js-path-link
  • (client) refresh: add nohistory
  • (cloudcmd) add ability work with % path
  • (files) getModules: add FILES_HTML_ROOT to regExp
  • (size) onReaddir: add dir
  • (size) rm isFile
  • (flop) copy: conditions
  • (view) getMediaElement: CloudCmd.getTemplate -> DOM.Files.get
  • (mellow) add last slash only on win
  • (win) getVolumes: add stdin.end
  • (mellow) convertPath: add slash to end
  • (flop) copy: add directory check
  • (put) rm dublicate mellow
  • (rest) onFSGet: sendFile
  • (mellow) getRoot size: 0 -> dir
  • (win) getVolumes callback: error || volumes -> error, volumes
  • (mellow) convertPath: add join
  • (markdown) server -> lib/server/
  • (put) unzip only if query
  • (flop) read: time raw
  • (join) require: main, util
  • (dir) getSize: if error - return error in callback
  • (get) rm CloudFunc.getShortSize
  • (put) size -> size raw
  • (put) path -> name
  • (cloudcmd) route: ENOTDIR
  • (files) set: regExp.match -> name.match
  • (config) set: CloudCmd -> DOM.Files
  • (files) multiple loading of config.json
  • (events) (add|remove)EventListener: window -> element
  • (config) CloudCmd.getTemplate -> DOM.Files.get
  • (load) ajax: if data is array - nothing working out
  • (view) onOverLayClick: add event
  • (key) switch key F7: add preventDefault
  • (util) checkExt: add case-insensitive check
  • (view) overlay: show config only ones when click on button


  • (rest) getWin32RootMsg: add error
  • (rest) add getWin32RootMsg
  • (rest) onPUT: add WIN32_ROOT_MSG
  • (rest) add isRootWin32 check on: copy, move
  • (console) prompt: add " "
  • (console) prompt: add margin 10px
  • (format) mv to lib
  • (console) abort prompt on disconnect
  • (console) paste path of current directory on Ctrl + P
  • (console) change console output on windows
  • (console) prompt: add current directory
  • (util) mv addListener, removeListener from cloudfunc
  • (package) add keywords
  • (format) mv permissions
  • (size) callback once if error
  • Merge pull request #18 from tarzak/patch-1
  • (update) add git check
  • (rest) add ability to work with #-names
  • (path) change refresh, clear icons
  • (win) getVolumes: add checkArgs
  • (size) add options
  • (main) rm getVolumes
  • (mellow) getRoot: set default mode
  • (ncp) add stopedOnError
  • (flop) copy: add ncp check
  • (flop) copy, move: add ncp options
  • (rest) onPUT: add mellow.convertPath
  • (modules) v1.0.6
  • (mellow) windows: add volumes
  • (win) add convertPath
  • (time) add raw option
  • (size) dir -> size
  • (flop) delete, move: add checkArgs
  • (gulp) add promise to ignore list
  • (flop) read: add size raw
  • (format) mv getShortSize to format
  • (pack) add: gzip, gunzip
  • (flop) create: only dir
  • (flop) mv, cp -> move, copy
  • (flop) mv hash to get
  • (flop) read: rm isFile
  • (commander) readdir: error.toString -> error
  • (flop) read: rm isDir
  • (flop) write: add Buffer
  • (flop) add write
  • (main) rm users
  • (dom) sendDelete: rm ?dir
  • (flop) add mv, delete
  • (flop) add
  • (promise) add
  • (modules) simplify format
  • (files) add showError
  • (files) add

Cloud Commander v0.9.2

16 Jun 07:00
Choose a tag to compare


  • (menu) show: add Images.hide
  • (listeners) onContextMenu: if menu showed in editor first - it would not be shown on a file
  • (load) ajax xhr.send: -> data
  • (style) .icon: set default mouse cursor in firefox


  • (load) ajax: stringify if data is object
  • (console) dir: cloudcmd dir -> process curren dir

Cloud Commander v0.9.1

11 Jun 12:47
Choose a tag to compare


  • (edit) showMessage: mv style to load
  • (edit) showMessage: empty message
  • (view) beforeClose: callback then hide


  • (edit) showMessage: rm font-size
  • (package) gulp v3.8
  • (package) dropbox: v0.10.3
  • (img) menu update

Cloud Commander v0.9.0

10 Jun 07:56
Choose a tag to compare


  • (main) generateHeaders: if no cache: max-age - 0
  • (edit) diff: add error check
  • (win) getVolumes: rm chcp
  • (gulp) changelog: execParallel -> exec.parallel
  • (events) remove: type, listener, element -> type, element, listener
  • (menu) download: folders in json
  • (notify) send addClick: focus, notify -> notify, focus
  • (edit) showMessage: add font-size
  • (load) load: func.onload -> func && func.onload
  • (key) preventDefault: DOM -> Events
  • (listeners) changePanel: DOM.getPanel -> Info.panel
  • (key) preventDefault: DOM -> Events
  • (term) stopPropogation, cancelBubble
  • (terminal) init: cssSet ->, jqueryLoad -> loadJquery
  • (listeners) onDrop toggle: add drop
  • (edit) onDrop: files -> Util.slice(files)
  • (put) onPut: add options
  • (pipe) on: memory lick
  • (pipe) on: length -> indexOf
  • (dom) setCurrentName: id -> data-name
  • (view) show: add fs
  • (pipe) create: EventEmitter memory leak
  • (dropbox) load
  • (menu) uploadTo: name
  • (menu) DOM.getIdBySrc -> DOM.load.getIdBySrc
  • (cloudcmd) DOM.jsload -> DOM.load.js
  • (client) load.jquery -> loadJquery
  • (config) show: rm cssLoad
  • (util) slice: array, count -> arra, begin, end
  • (dom) getElement: attr -> attribute
  • (rest) DIR
  • (users) require: time -> ./time
  • (cloudcmd) init: read templates
  • (cloudcmd) init: add path-link
  • (cloudfunc) add " "
  • (client) createFileTable: rm unSetOnPanel
  • (rest) onFSGet: if !isStr stringifyJSON
  • (dom) getCurrentData rm "?json"
  • (menu) hide on Esc
  • (dom) execParallel -> Util.exec.parallel
  • (listeners) setOnPanel: add preventDefault
  • (util) slice: always return array
  • (rest) read: add dataType
  • (view) getType: add return
  • (view) show switch: path -> type
  • (view) show: mv default to bottom of switch
  • (view) isVideo: isMatch always undefined
  • (cloudcmd) readIndex: add isMinify
  • (menu) add Images
  • (edit) if menu not loaded -> not close
  • (minify) callback: params -> error, params
  • (edit) close menu before close
  • (menu) beforeShow: name ->
  • (view) isAudio, isVideo regExp
  • (util) replaceStr: escape before create
  • (util) replaceStr: isStr -> isString
  • (util) checkExtension: isObject -> isArray
  • (cloudcmd) readIndex: params -> error, params
  • (util) strCmp: indexOf && length
  • (util) rmStr: str.replace -> Util.replace
  • (util) isObject: array was object
  • (dom) setCurrentName: getCurrentDirName -> getCurrentDirPath
  • (dom) setCurrentName: link.href
  • (dom) change url when current dir changed
  • (console) log: type -> typeParam
  • (gulp) jshint: add lib/client
  • (listeners) if click on path of passive panel change content on active panel


  • (package) should v4.0, gulp v3.7
  • (listeners) onContextMenu: add MenuIO check
  • (dom) loadMenu: add error
  • (load) funcError: rm event
  • (main) terminal: add win32 check
  • (view) {before,after}{show, close} exec: parallel -> series
  • (gulp) rm gulp-concat
  • (modules) cdnjs -> jsdelivr
  • (package) express v4.4
  • (key) switchKey: rm SLASH
  • (modules) ace: add date
  • (modules) add ace
  • (edit) ace v1.1.3
  • (storage) callback(ret) -> callback(error, ret)
  • (storage) get: callback(data) -> callback(error, data)
  • (modules) v1.0.4
  • (util) callback(arg1...) -> callback(error, arg1...)
  • (modules) add fancybox
  • (terminal) add hide
  • (term) v0.0.4
  • (events) preventDefault: DOM -> Events
  • (console) handler: rm Images: showLoad, hide
  • (modules) v1.0.3
  • (modules) add jquery, socket
  • (util) findObjByNameInArr: find array in array first
  • (load) rm jquery
  • (socket) init: add config check online
  • (dom) showError: isQuiet
  • (socket) add cdn
  • (pipe) create: params -> read, write, options, callback
  • (minify) rm MinFolder
  • (github) uploadFiles: change messge
  • (events) add
  • (dom) Events: type, element, listener
  • (dom) Events: addLoad
  • (load) loader -> load
  • (loader) anyLoadOnLoad -> loadSeries
  • (view) anyLoadOnLoad -> loadParallel
  • (loader) anyload: not_append -> notAppend
  • (loader) asyncLoad -> loadParallel
  • (console) onConnection: rm "\n"
  • (package) express v4.3
  • (package) morgan v1.1
  • (html) path-link -> pathLink
  • (util) add checkArgs
  • (html) add path-link
  • (cloudfunc) getPathElement -> getPathLinks
  • (listeners) add onPathElementClick
  • (cloudfunc) buildFromJSON: add data-name
  • (listeners) rm changeLinks
  • (cloudfunc) buildFromJSON: change params
  • (cloudcmd) rm ?json
  • (listeners) rm unSetOnPanel
  • (util) bind -> exec.with
  • (util) tryCatch{Log} -> exec.try{Log}
  • (util) rm tryCatch{Debug, Call}
  • (polyfill) add isArray
  • (util) loadOnLoad -> exec.series
  • (util) retExec -> exec.ret
  • (util) ifExec -> exec.if
  • (util) execIfExist -> exec.ifExist
  • (util) asyncCall -> exec.parallel
  • (loader) anyLoadInParallel -> asyncLoad
  • (loader) anyLoadInParallel: simplified
  • (client) createFileTable: make private
  • (dom) setCurrentFile: add options
  • (gulp) rm stylestats
  • (util) add forEach
  • (listeners) add changePanel
  • (client) loadModule: params could not be string
  • (util) slice: add test
  • (util) render: add test
  • (util) asyncCall: add test
  • (cloudfunc) add tests
  • (util) rm execOnMatch
  • (gulp) add test subfolders
  • (util) exec: add test
  • (util) add tests
  • (util) getExtension -> getExt
  • (util) checkExt: add test
  • (test) add util
  • (rest) read: add optional dataType
  • (jshint) bitwise: false
  • (package) express v4.2
  • (socket) v1.0.0
  • (console) make private log, error
  • (view) add getType
  • (package) gulp-jshint v1.6
  • (package) minify v0.6.0
  • (edit) load menu on first request
  • (menu) v0.6.3
  • (edit) menu: add "Delete"
  • (edit) menu: add "Select All"
  • (edit) menu: add close
  • (edit) add "Go To Line"
  • (menu) v0.6.2
  • (menu) v0.6.1
  • (edit) add menu
  • (menu) v0.6.0
  • (listeners) onContextMenu: show menu if not on file
  • (menu) add second menu, when click not on file
  • (menu) v0.5.0
  • (rest) read: log if query
  • docs(help) View: add s, hot keys
  • (util) checkExtension -> checkExt
  • (cloudfunc) removeListener: add return this
  • (dom) rm getCurrentFileContent
  • (config) .config .list : rm text-align; rm .border
  • (config) rm border
  • (menu) change menu module
  • (view) show: data, callback, newConfig -> data, options
  • (edit) add confirm, if file changed and not saved, before close
  • (config) mv apiURL to CloudFunc
  • (config) mv apiURL to CloudFunc
  • (rest) config: add read
  • (util) add back isArrayBuffer
  • (util) rm isArrayBuffer
  • (util) rm for, fori
  • (util) rm forIn
  • (edit) mv theme to json
  • (edit) add tabSize
  • (edit) mv options to file
  • (jshint) do not capitalize names of constructor functions
  • (util) add getType
  • (style) .mini-icon: rm background{position, repeat}
  • (client) loadDir: rm event
  • (client) loadDir: change params
  • (package) express v4.1.1
  • (package) mkdirp v0.5.0
  • (jquery) v2.1.1
  • (jquery) v2.1.1
  • (package) minify v0.5.1
  • (commander) getDirPath -> addSlashToEnd
  • (util) rm paralelExec
  • (server) rm WIN32 check for ip set

Cloud Commander v0.8.4

28 Apr 13:29
Choose a tag to compare


  • (view) hide fancybox spinner
  • (get) hash -> hex
  • (main) sendResponse: query always undefined
  • (menu) downloadFromMenu: spinner do not hide
  • (dom) Images {set,clear}Progress: get image not show
  • (edit) setUseOfWorker: regExp
  • (client) callBack -> callback
  • chore(edit) quotes
  • (view) onOverLayClick: add hide
  • (view) overlay -> helpers.overlay
  • (minify) add fs.exists to minified file before send
  • (view) close when click on content in overlay
  • (key) switchKey: empty current
  • (delete) deleteFiles: remove when access denied
  • (edit) rm Key
  • (rest) rmDir -> rmdir
  • (dom) getSelectedNames: if current is ".." not select it
  • (dom) getSelectedFiles: get from active panel
  • (edit) set first undo
  • (style) error::before: position
  • (menu) MenuProto: add start position
  • (key) space twice on selected file do not update size
  • chore(key) comment
  • (key) BACKevent -> BACKSPACE
  • (view) onOverLayClick on every close
  • (test) ul: add data-name
  • (rest) fse -> copy
  • (main) sendRespons: if not gzip send nothing
  • (view) onAfterShow: only when click on overlay
  • (view) show if music: add afterShow, beforeClose
  • (view) beforeClose -> onClick
  • (main) generate headers: last-modified
  • (menu) clickProcessing: root -> layer
  • (put) add msg, baseName
  • (client) loadModule: path change to wrong after fail loading
  • (menu) clickProcessing: keys do not work after close
  • (menu) clickProcessing: layer -> root
  • (view) set current, only if height view is big enough
  • (fancybox) twice loading of images
  • (view) image was loaded twice
  • (console) getSpawn: add "\n"
  • (console) getSpawn: mv send up
  • (cloudcmd) lKeysPanel -> kesyPanel
  • (files) add callback
  • (key) files not always have parentElement
  • (key) tab after mv
  • (dom) setCurrentFile: add CENTER
  • (dom) isSVG ie10: -> svgNode.toString()
  • (edit) if patch not str => patch = false
  • (listeners) onTouchEnd -> onTouch
  • (key) tab
  • (util) change the way of detection node.js
  • docs(help) server: markup


  • (view) audio -> media
  • (gulp) add test
  • (package) minify v0.4.0
  • (rest) get: add config
  • (package) mkdirp v0.4.0
  • (view) join css only if minify is on
  • (view) use own overlay
  • (gulp) add server subdirs
  • (commander) readDir: stat -> lstat
  • (package) minify v0.3.3
  • (minify) v0.3.2
  • (package) minify v0.3.1
  • (edit) add setUserOfWorker
  • (package) minify v0.3.0
  • (gulp) add server dir
  • (server) minify: params -> error, params
  • (editorconfig) add
  • (jshint) add quotmark: single
  • (zip) pako v0.2.0
  • (path) clear-storage: add data-name
  • (path) links: add data-name
  • (index) keyspanel: add id
  • (listeners) change panel to clicked panel
  • (storage) rm dir -> rm subdirs of dir from storage
  • (rest) copyFiles: add rename
  • (dom) moveCurrent -> moveFiles
  • (rest) cp, mv: add top imgPosition
  • (rest) cp: add ability to copy couple files
  • (key) f3: add parse markdown on shift
  • docs(help) edit: add s
  • (edit) add ability to drop file content
  • (listeners) load files directly to server, without reading them
  • (dom) images: add load progress
  • (util) add convertName
  • (view) add pause/start of music on SPACE pressed
  • (package) express v4.0.0
  • (rest) rm: fs-extra; add: rimraf, mkdirp
  • (jquery) update to v2.1.0
  • (main) add range support
  • (time) add options
  • (ncp) add ncp
  • (cloudfunc) buildFromJSON ul.files:add data-name
  • (edit) add suport of .jshintrc
  • (jshint) add unused
  • (view) add set current file afterClose
  • (view) add preload:0
  • (view) rm image template
  • (client) add getTemplate
  • (view) add audio
  • (travis) add cloudcmd start
  • (gulp) add stylestats
  • (travis) rm node: v0.6.0, v0.8.0
  • (travis) check compat version of gulp before install
  • (test) add gulp
  • (package) express: v3.5
  • (zip) add unescape pollyfill
  • (client) loadDir, ajaxLoad, createFileTable: add panel param
  • (dom) deleteCurrent: return currentNew
  • (client) currentToParent: rm scrollIntoViewIfNeeded
  • (dom) isSVG: detect svg -> detect smil svg
  • (img) spinner: add svg
  • (config) fillTemplate: rm hideLoad
  • (config) fillTemplate: hideLoad -> onShow
  • (config) fillTemplate: li -> input, add focus
  • (config) change: save number, if type number
  • (config) add zip
  • (config) add zip
  • (edit) add unzip
  • (put) add unzip
  • (rest) add unzip
  • (listeners) add (un)setOnPanel
  • (dom) events: add rmClick
  • (listeners) changeLinks: set events to one main files element
  • (listeners) changeLinks touch: if file current -> change dir
  • (link) draggable: true -> "true"

Cloud Commander v0.8.3

19 Mar 12:07
Choose a tag to compare


  • (test) draggable
  • (test) draggable -> draggable="true
  • (test) add /a
  • (test) span>a -> a
  • (test) data -> data-name
  • (join) response -> res
  • (dom) loadCurrentTime: lCurrent -> current
  • (put) patchFiles: write(name, error) -> onWrite(error)
  • (util) execOnMatch: isMatch -> match
  • (worker-html) addAttributesToElement: attributes could be undefined
  • (cloudfunc) "taget" -> "target "
  • (index) meta: "/>" -> ">"
  • (css) fancybox: stop page jumping on modal window close
  • (ischanged) on asyncCall Times do not changed
  • (server) beforeJoin: exec -> retExec
  • (join) readPipe: add path
  • (join) readPipe: response -> res
  • (server) beforeJoin: funcs -> func = []
  • (rest) onDelete: if Files is empty names =
  • (style) fancybox html: overflow hidden
  • (dom) renameCurrent: add updateCurrentInfo
  • (files) readPipe: add dir
  • (delete) add dir
  • (test) add FS_DIR
  • (cloudcmd) init: nameStr -> names
  • (github) rm code


  • (cloudfunc) draggable -> draggable="true"
  • (font) droid mono: add eot
  • (index) rm chrome frame
  • (console) rm background-color
  • (rest) add CloudFunc
  • (pipe) getBody: add error handling
  • (pipe) getBody: add error handling
  • (edit) onSave: add setCurrentSize
  • (style) Droid Sans Mono: speed up when minimize
  • (font) Droid Sans: add eot
  • (css) Droid Sans Mono: add more formats
  • (style) add fallback fonts
  • (package) description: web based orthodox
  • (util) add execOnMatch
  • (files) rm dir
  • (nojs) add
  • (join) mv from server
  • (console) jqconsole -> console
  • (dom) add sendDelete
  • (rest) delete: data is optional param
  • (rest) write -> save
  • (rest) add markdown get
  • (markdown) add
  • (rest) mv rest from dom
  • (fancybox) add ico
  • (put) patch: change message
  • (cloudfunc) add MAX_FILE_SIZE
  • (put) pathch: add size check
  • (ace) 1.1.3
  • (markdown) add
  • (dom) rest: add markdown
  • (help) mv css to file
  • (rest) add markdown
  • (edit) set emmet only for html, not for css
  • (util) rm convertArrToObj
  • (pipe) add getBody
  • (put) add getBody
  • (cloudcmd, rest) add NOT_LOG
  • (dir) add isDir
  • (view) style: add overflow-y hidden
  • (panel) div -> section
  • (util) ownRender: clean all params after render
  • (file) add attribute, tag

Cloud Commander v0.8.2

03 Mar 14:11
Choose a tag to compare


  • (style) .loading: spinner size
  • (server) createRedirect: add sslPort
  • (server) http -> procol
  • (server) start: http -> HTTP
  • (dom) promptDeleteSelected: pCurrentFile -> current
  • (rest) onDelete: func(null, body) -> func
  • (rest) onStat: add var
  • (cloudcmd) change index path
  • (server) start: url -> URL
  • (server) start: SSLPort -> sslPort
  • (server) start: Port -> port
  • (dom) getCurrentDirPath: "," -> ";"
  • (dom) renameCurrent: rm dir listing from Storage
  • (client) loadDir: do not change dir after fail load
  • (cloudcmd) route: add name
  • (style) .files height: 95% -> 85%
  • (dom) setCurrent: set id of li to
  • (client) ajaxLoad: do not save path to history if content not load
  • (path) #js-path -> .js-path: 2 pathes on a page


  • (package) rm pty.js
  • (view) rm spinner from doBefore, add to view
  • (package) add pty.js
  • (package) minify: v0.2.5 -> 0.2.6
  • (client) initModules doBefore: add filepicker
  • (menu) DOM.Images -> Images, "From Cloud" -> "From FilePicker"
  • (index) change favicon
  • (favicon) add
  • (ext) .ico: -> x-icon
  • (index) hide .path-icon when no js
  • (style) .loading top: 1px -> 2px
  • (storage) get: ret -> this
  • (favicon) optimize img
  • (cloudcmd) optimize image
  • (deleteSelected) rm param notSet
  • (fs) add fs folder
  • (style) height < 800px: .fm height: 74%
  • (style) set bigger font for width < 600px
  • (style)if height < 800px: .fm height 85%
  • (css) html: change height
  • (style) show only part of name is to long
  • (index) add style for no js: hide keys, show one panel
  • (style) .cmd-button: height: 30px
  • (polyfill) rm localStorage
  • (refactor) .js-left -> [data=js-left]
  • (rest) add onFSPut
  • (style) change .fm height to 75% on small screen heights
  • (style) change name color on small screens
  • (style) rm duplicate .fm-header
  • (edit) add save on F2
  • (storage) change to async
  • (storage) add
  • (dom) add storage
  • (listeners) change touchend
  • (key) setCurrentByLatter: add numbers

Cloud Commander v0.8.1

13 Feb 14:21
Choose a tag to compare


  • (commander) UIDToName: doesn't work on win

Cloud Commander v0.8.0

13 Feb 12:38
Choose a tag to compare


  • (test) template
  • (cloudfunc) "draggable" -> "draggable "
  • (cloudfunc) buildFromJSON: lHeader -> header
  • (test) add ""
  • (test) add draggable
  • (test) li -> div
  • (files) p.error -> error
  • (test) add "
  • (path) rm " "
  • (test) JSON_Files -> JSON_FILES
  • (polyfill) args not defined
  • (server) lHost -> host
  • (test) change template
  • (util) retExec: add unshift
  • (rest) onPut: lFiles.password -> lFiles && lFiles.password
  • (console) access to socket before it loads
  • (cloudcmd) pParams -> params
  • (util) Util.exec -> Util.retExec.apply
  • (main) getQuery
  • (css) error position: add left
  • (listeners) changeLinks: pPanelID -> panelId
  • (menu) if menu could not load keys do not working
  • (terminal) resizing
  • (terminal) new line
  • (terminal) maxSize
  • (terminal) when back to term, first simbol wasn't wrote
  • (rest) onFS: Util.log -> Util.log.bind(Util)
  • (terminal) onConnection bind: add context
  • (terminal) add rmKeys
  • (polyfill) bind
  • (console) chat do not broadcast
  • (dom) getNotCurrentDirPath: add this
  • (console) io - > exec
  • (users) File -> FILE
  • (config) init: change order
  • (filepicker) change to proto
  • (menu) set key bind when close
  • (github) api_url -> apiURL
  • (loader) anyLoadOnLoad: lParam -> param, callback -> func
  • (console) connNum -> conNum
  • (console) onMessageFunc -> Clients
  • (socket) ret -> io
  • (socket) change onDisconect
  • (socket) lRet -> ret
  • (socket) add removeListeners
  • (cloudfunc) RIGH_TPANE -> RIGHT_PANEL
  • (menu) if ESC current file is one mouse pointer on it
  • (dom) scrollIntoViewIfNeeded: add false
  • (dom) getPanel isLeft check: class -> id
  • (view) ',' -> ';'
  • (client) getJSONfromFileTable: owner -> uid
  • (client) getJSONfromFileTable: i: 2 -> 0
  • (client) baseInit: add 'js-'
  • (client) createFileTable: found -> !found
  • (view) add margin only when view text documents
  • (dom) selectByPattern: show message if not esc
  • (dom) selectByPattern: "." -> "."
  • (dom) selectByPattern: DOM.alert -> Dialog.alert
  • chore(cloudcmd) fix lint warnings
  • (socket) prevent memory leak
  • (socket) getSpawn: add tryCachLog
  • (edit) add emmet
  • (cloudcmd) minify -> Minify
  • (loader) add Images
  • (client) baseInit: mv setCurrentFile to top
  • (dom) add max length for storage file
  • (express) if username or password is change, auth do not work
  • (listeners) changeLinks: get back current
  • (dom) getById: rm pElement
  • (dom) udpateCurrentInfo: files -> files.children
  • (css) .keyspanel: rm height
  • (css) .delete-button: change icon
  • (key) insert
  • (dom) first 2 files not select
  • (dom) CurrentInfo: prev, next not updates
  • (config) if view is load config do not show
  • (key) ";" -> ","
  • (config) init
  • (dom) getCurrentData: this -> Cmd
  • (edit) DOM.getData -> Info.getData
  • (dom) getFiles: add panel
  • (client) baseInit pCallBack: mv to end


  • (util) spead improvement; exec: rm condition
  • (cloudfunc) buildFromJSON: rm draggable from header
  • (package) update minify to v0.2.5
  • (util) rm setTimeout
  • (util) rm setValue
  • (util) rm call
  • (main) rm gzipData
  • (rest) create recursive dir
  • (console) update to v2.10.0
  • (rest) add recursiv copy dir (rimraf -> fs-extra)
  • (main) add getPathName
  • (express) add join as express middleware
  • (dom) Images: improved access speed
  • (util) copyObj: from, to -> to, from
  • (listeners) onConextMenu: rm showLoad
  • (style) user-select : rm path
  • (rest) add ability to remove directory with files
  • (util) rm bind
  • (terminal) add info if pty not installed
  • (console) (dis)connected: add "console"
  • (terminal) add connect/disconnect events
  • (terminal) add Size
  • (terminal) dir : home -> DIR
  • (terminal) add update
  • (terminal) add cursor style
  • (main) mrequire: tryCatchLog - > tryCatch
  • (main) mrequire: tryCatch -> tryCatchLog
  • (terminal) add
  • (view) rm afterShow, mv css to style
  • (util) rm retFunc
  • (console) update to v2.8.0
  • (console) rm unused vars
  • (commander) rm file.sort: no use
  • (css) add media print
  • (style) .files: rm cursor
  • (util) add slice
  • (util) loadOnLoad: rm data
  • (key) + - add new file
  • (loader) pop -> shift
  • (util) loadOnLoad: rm data
  • (util) loadOnLoad: pop -> shift - change params order
  • (socket) getSpawn: add error sending
  • (socket) addListener: first parameter could be object
  • (console) addEvenets: add connect, disconect
  • (panel) add
  • (cloudfunc) rm Path
  • (key) add Ctrl + \ -> go to root
  • (key) go to parent dir on backspace
  • (style) add .reduce-text
  • (style) prevent text from wrapping in .size and .owner
  • (style) if size to long it reduce
  • (style) if owner name to long - it's reduce
  • (users) add
  • (key) add help call on "?"
  • (commander) uid -> owner
  • (dom) scrollIntViewIfNeeded: add second param
  • (dom) CurrentInfo: add filesPassive
  • (dom) getByClass -> getByClassAll
  • (util) rm bind
  • (files) readPipe: pop -> shift
  • (dom) add getCurrentOwner
  • (style) rm #path
  • (view) add margin
  • (dom) add extended selection (*, +, -)
  • (package) http-auth: 2.1.x
  • (package) minify: v0.2.4
  • (edit) add autocomletion
  • (edit) emmet: add css suport
  • (edit) add emmet
  • (notify) add
  • (loader) add
  • (path) add title with full path
  • (css) style: new line when path to long
  • (listeners) open file on new tab on + click
  • (style) max-width 600px: hide .size, .owner, .mode
  • (style) .cmd-button color : rgb(49,123,249) -> #222
  • (listeners) initKeysPanel: rm i === 12
  • (menu) From Filepicker -> From Cloud
  • (css) icons: add menu icons
  • (menu) getItem: add icon processing
  • (css) mv icons to icons.css
  • (css) add .icon-file
  • (menu) add icons
  • (util) add getStrSmallfirst
  • (menu) getConfig: rm callback
  • (css) .cmd-button width: 9% -> 5%
  • (html) buttons: mv name to title
  • (css) keyspanel: add rename, copy and move icons
  • (css) keyspanel: add icons for: help, view, edit, delete, menu, console and contact
  • (style) cmd-button: add directory icon
  • (font) add config icon
  • (css) style height: .fm 85%, .keyspanel 15%
  • (css) .cmd-button hover: rm border color
  • (config) auth: false
  • (cloudcmd) add http authorization
  • (listeners) ListenersProto: add Info
  • (dom) add CurrentInfo
  • (key) rm lCurrent
  • (config) add Loading
  • (style) .cmd-button focus: add outline
  • (contact) add
  • (cloudfunc) getJoinURL: rm first "/"

Cloud Commander v0.7.0

09 Dec 09:28
Choose a tag to compare


  • (dropbox) path -> json.path
  • (dropbox) Drivers -> Dropbox.AuthDriver
  • (key) setCurrentByLetter i: 2 -> 0
  • (key) panel -> files
  • (client) rm last slash before first save to storage
  • (cloudcmd) path -> link
  • (file) rm new line at end
  • (dom) getCurrentData: add isCurrentIsDir
  • (dom) storage set: rm data condition
  • (edit) do not save hash when file update
  • (commander) fillJSON: files -> json.files
  • (client) getJSONfromFileTable: json
  • (edit) add data check condition
  • (edit) set patch only if hashes same
  • (edit) onSave -> getSave
  • (dom) getDataFromStorage: never return hash
  • (dom) checkStorageHash: always equal result, never store data
  • (files) add isFunction condition
  • (commander) fillJSON: add push
  • (key) add !alt, !ctrl condition to setCurrentByLetter
  • (server) combine: write error to pipe if headers sent
  • (main) set Header only if it was not sent
  • (Edit) change patch condition
  • (Edit) length of patch condition
  • (minify) ret -> callback
  • (util) lExtLenght -> lExtLength
  • (server) add gzip
  • (util) lExtLenght -> lExtLength
  • (edit) value size < then patch size -> save value
  • (client) format -> formatMsg
  • (server) redirect port
  • (server) add redirection port
  • (github) CloudCommander -> CloudCmd
  • (edit) saveDataToCache -> saveDataToStorage
  • (edit) set Value befor onSave
  • (dom) getCurrentData
  • (config) change config before setConfig
  • (rest) pErr -> pError
  • (socket) onCD: rm "."
  • (rest) heckSendError -> checkSendError
  • (socket) exit on cloudcmd command
  • (edit) diff
  • (diff) applyPatch: results -> results[0]
  • (cloudcmd) mv index data to var


  • (commander) mode: str -> number
  • (cloudfunc) buildFromJSON mode: -> getSymbolicPermissions(".")
  • (dropbox) readDir json: add mode
  • (dropbox) readDir: add path condition
  • (dropbox) add delete, cp, mv
  • (dropbox) add save
  • (dropbox) add read
  • (dropbox) add getToken, mkDir, writeFile, readFile, readDir
  • (key) add moving by first letter
  • (cloudcmd) add readIndex; when minify - index to
  • (config) add -moz and -o
  • (config) list: add list-style-type
  • (cloudcmd) do not hide path and header when files are scrolling
  • (style) .cmd-button: rm outline
  • (style) rm .current-file > .mini-icon
  • (style) rm GeneralFoundicons
  • (link) add
  • (html) rm link to cloudfunc
  • (file) add className
  • (ssl) add signed ssl
  • (commander) change json structure: [path, files] -> {path: "", files: []}
  • (server) fillJSON path: rm size
  • (edit) add get data from storage before diff
  • (files) add options
  • (commander) fillJSON: add changeOrder
  • (commander) add changeOrder
  • (util) copyObj: add ability take one param
  • (config) add min, max port
  • (cloudcmd) add read index on every request
  • (edit) if storage disabled - hash not getted
  • (client) rm HEIGHT
  • (index) add key
  • (client) mv cloudfunc, listeners to index
  • (key) add setCurrentByLetter
  • (edit) rm setOptions
  • (edit) modelist: add yml
  • (edit) add modelist
  • (edit) add json mode for dir
  • (edit) update ace
  • (edit) add mode
  • (edit) add workers
  • (edit) add snippets
  • (cloudfunc) add getCombineURL, getCombineArray, isCombineURL
  • (edit) diff: anyLoadInParallel -> combineURL
  • (server) add checkExtension
  • (console) add combineURL
  • (edit) anyLoadOnLoad -> combineURL && jsload
  • (dom) add combineLoad
  • (index) add async
  • (index) combine
  • (server) combine: add mainSetHeader
  • (main) exports: add mainSetHeader
  • (files) files, dir, writeStream, callback -> params
  • (server) add minify
  • (server) combine: add minify
  • (pipe) add notEnd
  • (main) sendFile: rm stat
  • (server) add combine
  • (files) readPipe: add dir
  • (pipe) pipe -> on("data")
  • (files) add readPipe
  • (main) mv readFiles ->
  • (cloudcmd) rm CA
  • (ssl) rm cert
  • (dropbox) v0.9.2 -> v0.10.2
  • (dropbox) encodedKey -> key
  • (dom) add loadCurrentTime
  • (edit) rm client sha
  • (dom) add checkStorageHash
  • (dom) getCurrentData: if data from storage do not save it
  • (edit) add go to line
  • (edit) add autocompletion
  • (client) add getType
  • (client) add getExt
  • (dom) rm getTime
  • (config) css line-height: 1.428571429 -> 1.5
  • (config) port, sslPort: add focus:invalid:focus
  • (config) port, sslPort input: add type=number
  • (dom) getDataFromStorage: add isDir condition
  • (dom) Cache -> Storage
  • (time) add
  • (dom) getDataFromCache: add !hash
  • (dom) saveDataToCache: add Cache.get
  • (edit) add saveDataToCache
  • (edit) -> saveCurrentData
  • (dom) saveDataInCache -> saveDataToCache
  • (dom) add saveCurrentData
  • (dom) add getDataFromCache, saveDataInCache
  • (dom) add loadCurrentHash
  • (hash) add handling old node versions
  • (hash) rm
  • (rest) add ?hash
  • (edit) if on server would be error with diff, try to save without diff
  • (dom) add Dialog
  • (socket) HOME -> DIR
  • (util) rmNewLine: add "\r"
  • (socket) add Win32 condition
  • (socket) add pwd, homepath
  • (socket) any client could work with own dir
  • (util) isContainStrAtBegin: pStr2 could be array
  • (util) add rmNewLine
  • (socket) add HOME
  • (dom) Notify send: add getConfig
  • (dom) Notify click: add focus
  • (dom) add notify-icon
  • (config) add Notifications
  • (socket) jsonSend: rm console.log
  • (socket) onCloudCmd: add process.exit
  • (socket) add jsonSend
  • (socket) add chat
  • (rest) GET: rm kill, zip; PUT: rm cmd
  • (rest) add checkSendError
  • (client) add setConfig
  • (config) add diff
  • (diff) add
  • (reset) sendMsg: add status
  • (config) appcache -> appCache
  • (config) api_url -> apiURL
  • (config) appcache -> appCache
  • (config) api_url -> apiURL
  • (config) show_keys_panel -> showKeysPanel
  • (index) rm no-js