Generate a changelog text from git history
git-changelog [-h] [--log-stream STREAM] [--no-color] [--version] [-s] [-v]
[--previous-commit PREVIOUS_COMMIT]
[--skip-pattern SKIP_PATTERN]
[--commit-limit COMMIT_LIMIT]
Commit ID starting from which to generate the log
Regex pattern to skip unneeded commit message lines. Default: ^[Mm]erged? (remote-tracking )?(branch|pull request|in) .*
Maxmimum number of commits to retrieve from git before filtering. Default: 50
show this help message and exit
Log output stream. Default stderr
Do not use ANSI colors to format terminal output
Show tool version and exit
Disable log output for commands
Enable verbose logging for commands
Action | Description |
generate |
Generate a changelog text from git history |