Chance of Playing (next/this round):
: 75%chance_of_playing_next_round
: 100%- Weight: High, as the player must play to perform well.
: 15.7- Weight: High, form directly reflects current performance.
Points per Game:
: 13.5- Weight: Medium, gives an indication of consistent output.
Expected Performance:
: 4.88expected_assists
: 0.16expected_goal_involvements
: 5.04- Weight: Medium to high. Expected goals and assists show likely contributions.
Total Points (Season):
: 54- Weight: Medium. Reflects overall contribution and historical performance.
Minutes Played:
: 359- Weight: Low to Medium. If the player tends to play most of the match, the probability of performing well increases.
Team Difficulty:
: 5- Weight: Medium to high. A difficult matchup may reduce the probability of a good performance.
: 9- Weight: High. A player scoring regularly is more likely to have a good performance.
Bonus Points System (BPS):
: 262- Weight: Medium. High BPS may correlate with good performances leading to bonus points.
- Playing chance (25% weight)
- Form (20% weight)
- Points per game (15% weight)
- Expected performance (15% weight)
- Total points (10% weight)
- Minutes played (5% weight)
- Team difficulty (10% weight)
Each input will be normalized into a comparable range like 0 to 1, then multiplied by it's assigned weight.
Then compare the weighted average against a threshold to categorize the players performance as "good" or "bad" for the weekend. "good" players are handed over in the result as viable to be sent over the API.
// Define the player dataset (example provided)
const player = {
chance_of_playing_next_round: 100,
chance_of_playing_this_round: 75,
form: 15.7,
points_per_game: 13.5,
total_points: 54,
teamDifficulty: 5,
goals_scored: 9,
expected_goals: 4.88,
// Step 1: Normalize relevant factors (between 0 and 1)
const normalize = (value, max) => value / max;
// Step 2: Define maximum values for normalization
const MAX_VALUES = {
chance_of_playing: 100, // Playing chance is a percentage
form: 20, // Assuming form scale is out of 20
points_per_game: 15, // Max points per game possible
total_points: 100, // Hypothetical max points
teamDifficulty: 5, // Difficulty scale out of 5
goals_scored: 10, // Max goals scored in previous games
expected_goals: 5, // Max expected goals in previous games
// Step 3: Normalize each input
const normalizedData = {
chance_of_playing: normalize(player.chance_of_playing_this_round, MAX_VALUES.chance_of_playing),
form: normalize(player.form, MAX_VALUES.form),
points_per_game: normalize(player.points_per_game, MAX_VALUES.points_per_game),
total_points: normalize(player.total_points, MAX_VALUES.total_points),
teamDifficulty: normalize(player.teamDifficulty, MAX_VALUES.teamDifficulty),
goals_scored: normalize(player.goals_scored, MAX_VALUES.goals_scored),
expected_goals: normalize(player.expected_goals, MAX_VALUES.expected_goals),
// Step 4: Define weights for each input based on their importance
const WEIGHTS = {
chance_of_playing: 0.25, // 25% weight
form: 0.20, // 20% weight
points_per_game: 0.15, // 15% weight
total_points: 0.10, // 10% weight
teamDifficulty: 0.10, // 10% weight
goals_scored: 0.10, // 10% weight
expected_goals: 0.10, // 10% weight
// Step 5: Calculate the weighted average (expected performance)
const calculatePerformance = (data, weights) => {
let performance = 0;
for (const key in data) {
performance += data[key] * weights[key];
return performance;
// Calculate player's probability of a "good weekend"
const probabilityOfGoodWeekend = calculatePerformance(normalizedData, WEIGHTS);
console.log(`Probability of a good weekend: ${(probabilityOfGoodWeekend * 100).toFixed(2)}%`);
const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs');
// Function to normalize the data using assumed min-max values
function normalize(value, min, max) {
return (value - min) / (max - min);
// Example player data you provided
const player = {
chance_of_playing_this_round: 75,
form: 15.7,
points_per_game: 13.5,
total_points: 54,
teamDifficulty: 5,
goals_scored: 9,
expected_goals: 4.88,
bonus: 11,
influence: 312.6,
creativity: 16.5,
ict_index: 60.2,
bps: 262
// Assumed min-max values based on reasonable football statistics
const minMax = {
chance_of_playing_this_round: [0, 100],
form: [0, 20],
points_per_game: [0, 20],
total_points: [0, 100],
teamDifficulty: [1, 5],
goals_scored: [0, 40],
expected_goals: [0, 20],
bonus: [0, 20],
influence: [0, 500],
creativity: [0, 100],
ict_index: [0, 100],
bps: [0, 500]
// Normalize the player's current data using assumed min-max values
const normalizedPlayerData = [
normalize(player.chance_of_playing_this_round, minMax.chance_of_playing_this_round[0], minMax.chance_of_playing_this_round[1]),
normalize(player.form, minMax.form[0], minMax.form[1]),
normalize(player.points_per_game, minMax.points_per_game[0], minMax.points_per_game[1]),
normalize(player.total_points, minMax.total_points[0], minMax.total_points[1]),
normalize(player.teamDifficulty, minMax.teamDifficulty[0], minMax.teamDifficulty[1]),
normalize(player.goals_scored, minMax.goals_scored[0], minMax.goals_scored[1]),
normalize(player.expected_goals, minMax.expected_goals[0], minMax.expected_goals[1]),
normalize(player.bonus, minMax.bonus[0], minMax.bonus[1]),
normalize(player.influence, minMax.influence[0], minMax.influence[1]),
normalize(player.creativity, minMax.creativity[0], minMax.creativity[1]),
normalize(player.ict_index, minMax.ict_index[0], minMax.ict_index[1]),
normalize(player.bps, minMax.bps[0], minMax.bps[1])
// Convert normalized data into a tensor for prediction
const normalizedPlayerTensor = tf.tensor2d([normalizedPlayerData]);
// Create the machine learning model
const model = tf.sequential();
model.add(tf.layers.dense({ units: 12, inputShape: [12], activation: 'relu' }));
model.add(tf.layers.dense({ units: 1, activation: 'sigmoid' }));
// Compile the model
model.compile({ optimizer: 'adam', loss: 'binaryCrossentropy', metrics: ['accuracy'] });
// Since we don't have historical data, you can train the model with dummy data for demonstration purposes
const dummyX = tf.tensor2d([
[1, 0.8, 0.75, 0.9, 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9],
[0.5, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7]
const dummyY = tf.tensor2d([[1], [0]]);
// Train the model with dummy data
async function trainModel() {
await model.fit(dummyX, dummyY, {
epochs: 50,
verbose: 0
// Predict the player's performance based on normalized data
const prediction = model.predict(normalizedPlayerTensor);
const result = prediction.dataSync()[0];
console.log(`Predicted probability of a good weekend: ${(result * 100).toFixed(2)}%`);