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Probability of a player having a good weekend

Key Inputs:

  1. Chance of Playing (next/this round):

    • chance_of_playing_this_round: 75%
    • chance_of_playing_next_round: 100%
    • Weight: High, as the player must play to perform well.
  2. Form:

    • form: 15.7
    • Weight: High, form directly reflects current performance.
  3. Points per Game:

    • points_per_game: 13.5
    • Weight: Medium, gives an indication of consistent output.
  4. Expected Performance:

    • expected_goals: 4.88
    • expected_assists: 0.16
    • expected_goal_involvements: 5.04
    • Weight: Medium to high. Expected goals and assists show likely contributions.
  5. Total Points (Season):

    • total_points: 54
    • Weight: Medium. Reflects overall contribution and historical performance.
  6. Minutes Played:

    • minutes: 359
    • Weight: Low to Medium. If the player tends to play most of the match, the probability of performing well increases.
  7. Team Difficulty:

    • teamDifficulty: 5
    • Weight: Medium to high. A difficult matchup may reduce the probability of a good performance.
  8. Goals/Assists:

    • goals_scored: 9
    • Weight: High. A player scoring regularly is more likely to have a good performance.
  9. Bonus Points System (BPS):

    • bps: 262
    • Weight: Medium. High BPS may correlate with good performances leading to bonus points.

Weights Assignment:

  • Playing chance (25% weight)
  • Form (20% weight)
  • Points per game (15% weight)
  • Expected performance (15% weight)
  • Total points (10% weight)
  • Minutes played (5% weight)
  • Team difficulty (10% weight)

Probability Calculation:

Each input will be normalized into a comparable range like 0 to 1, then multiplied by it's assigned weight.

Then compare the weighted average against a threshold to categorize the players performance as "good" or "bad" for the weekend. "good" players are handed over in the result as viable to be sent over the API.

Example implementation

// Define the player dataset (example provided)
const player = {
  chance_of_playing_next_round: 100,
  chance_of_playing_this_round: 75,
  form: 15.7,
  points_per_game: 13.5,
  total_points: 54,
  teamDifficulty: 5,
  goals_scored: 9,
  expected_goals: 4.88,

// Step 1: Normalize relevant factors (between 0 and 1)
const normalize = (value, max) => value / max;

// Step 2: Define maximum values for normalization
const MAX_VALUES = {
  chance_of_playing: 100,  // Playing chance is a percentage
  form: 20,                // Assuming form scale is out of 20
  points_per_game: 15,      // Max points per game possible
  total_points: 100,        // Hypothetical max points
  teamDifficulty: 5,        // Difficulty scale out of 5
  goals_scored: 10,         // Max goals scored in previous games
  expected_goals: 5,        // Max expected goals in previous games

// Step 3: Normalize each input
const normalizedData = {
  chance_of_playing: normalize(player.chance_of_playing_this_round, MAX_VALUES.chance_of_playing),
  form: normalize(player.form, MAX_VALUES.form),
  points_per_game: normalize(player.points_per_game, MAX_VALUES.points_per_game),
  total_points: normalize(player.total_points, MAX_VALUES.total_points),
  teamDifficulty: normalize(player.teamDifficulty, MAX_VALUES.teamDifficulty),
  goals_scored: normalize(player.goals_scored, MAX_VALUES.goals_scored),
  expected_goals: normalize(player.expected_goals, MAX_VALUES.expected_goals),

// Step 4: Define weights for each input based on their importance
const WEIGHTS = {
  chance_of_playing: 0.25,  // 25% weight
  form: 0.20,               // 20% weight
  points_per_game: 0.15,    // 15% weight
  total_points: 0.10,       // 10% weight
  teamDifficulty: 0.10,     // 10% weight
  goals_scored: 0.10,       // 10% weight
  expected_goals: 0.10,     // 10% weight

// Step 5: Calculate the weighted average (expected performance)
const calculatePerformance = (data, weights) => {
  let performance = 0;
  for (const key in data) {
    performance += data[key] * weights[key];
  return performance;

// Calculate player's probability of a "good weekend"
const probabilityOfGoodWeekend = calculatePerformance(normalizedData, WEIGHTS);

console.log(`Probability of a good weekend: ${(probabilityOfGoodWeekend * 100).toFixed(2)}%`);

CHATGPT Code Throwing in More Factors.

const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs');

// Function to normalize the data using assumed min-max values
function normalize(value, min, max) {
    return (value - min) / (max - min);

// Example player data you provided
const player = {
  chance_of_playing_this_round: 75,
  form: 15.7,
  points_per_game: 13.5,
  total_points: 54,
  teamDifficulty: 5,
  goals_scored: 9,
  expected_goals: 4.88,
  bonus: 11,
  influence: 312.6,
  creativity: 16.5,
  ict_index: 60.2,
  bps: 262

// Assumed min-max values based on reasonable football statistics
const minMax = {
  chance_of_playing_this_round: [0, 100],
  form: [0, 20],
  points_per_game: [0, 20],
  total_points: [0, 100],
  teamDifficulty: [1, 5],
  goals_scored: [0, 40],
  expected_goals: [0, 20],
  bonus: [0, 20],
  influence: [0, 500],
  creativity: [0, 100],
  ict_index: [0, 100],
  bps: [0, 500]

// Normalize the player's current data using assumed min-max values
const normalizedPlayerData = [
  normalize(player.chance_of_playing_this_round, minMax.chance_of_playing_this_round[0], minMax.chance_of_playing_this_round[1]),
  normalize(player.form, minMax.form[0], minMax.form[1]),
  normalize(player.points_per_game, minMax.points_per_game[0], minMax.points_per_game[1]),
  normalize(player.total_points, minMax.total_points[0], minMax.total_points[1]),
  normalize(player.teamDifficulty, minMax.teamDifficulty[0], minMax.teamDifficulty[1]),
  normalize(player.goals_scored, minMax.goals_scored[0], minMax.goals_scored[1]),
  normalize(player.expected_goals, minMax.expected_goals[0], minMax.expected_goals[1]),
  normalize(player.bonus, minMax.bonus[0], minMax.bonus[1]),
  normalize(player.influence, minMax.influence[0], minMax.influence[1]),
  normalize(player.creativity, minMax.creativity[0], minMax.creativity[1]),
  normalize(player.ict_index, minMax.ict_index[0], minMax.ict_index[1]),
  normalize(player.bps, minMax.bps[0], minMax.bps[1])

// Convert normalized data into a tensor for prediction
const normalizedPlayerTensor = tf.tensor2d([normalizedPlayerData]);

// Create the machine learning model
const model = tf.sequential();
model.add(tf.layers.dense({ units: 12, inputShape: [12], activation: 'relu' }));
model.add(tf.layers.dense({ units: 1, activation: 'sigmoid' }));

// Compile the model
model.compile({ optimizer: 'adam', loss: 'binaryCrossentropy', metrics: ['accuracy'] });

// Since we don't have historical data, you can train the model with dummy data for demonstration purposes
const dummyX = tf.tensor2d([
    [1, 0.8, 0.75, 0.9, 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9],
    [0.5, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7]
const dummyY = tf.tensor2d([[1], [0]]);

// Train the model with dummy data
async function trainModel() {
  await, dummyY, {
    epochs: 50,
    verbose: 0

  // Predict the player's performance based on normalized data
  const prediction = model.predict(normalizedPlayerTensor);
  const result = prediction.dataSync()[0];

  console.log(`Predicted probability of a good weekend: ${(result * 100).toFixed(2)}%`);
