- X11 (obviously)
- libpng
- XCB (X11 C Bindings)
As of right now, the program doesn't account for MSB ( most significant byte ) first ordering or Big Endian ordering. If your machine uses Big Endian ordering and you still decide to use this, the colors will be messed up.
The file name generated is not customizable. The default name is "screenshot1.png".
The image data is not put into any clipboard buffers.
You cannot specify where the screenshot image file will be generated. It will show up in the "$HOME/Pictures" directory. You might have to make a "Pictures" directory for the file to be generated.
At the moment, the fullscreen 'screenpew' window does not make it clear that it is opened up, fullscreen and capturing user input.
We use the xcb_get_image, xcb_get_image_reply, and xcb_get_image_data functions provided by XCB to get the image data from the root screen(s)/display(s) from X11.
We then use xcb_get_geometry, and xcb_get_geometry_reply to get the width and height information of the screen(s)/display(s).
A fullscreen 'screenpew' window is opened (using EWMH (Extended Window Manager Hints). We set the _NET_WM_STATE atom to have the value of _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN which is an XCB_ATOM_ATOM type. The type matters heavily when using xcb_change_property (I don't know why it doesn't work with XCB_ATOM_ANY)), with the root screen(s)/displays(s) image data on it, and the user can click and drag to specify what area of the captured root image data they want to be outputted.
- Once we have the image data we need, we use libpng's simplified api to produce a png file.
Add methods to specify what areas of the screen(s)/display(s) we want to capture.
- As of right now, screenpew will open a fullscreen window and allow you to press mouse 1 and release with mouse 1 to specify what area you would like to capture.
Implement an method for users to specify what file name that is generated.
Allow for the image data to be put into a clipboard buffer.
Implement some indicator on the 'screenpew' fullscreen window so that the user knows screenpew is running.
Download and install the XCB library from the official XCB website.
Download and install the libpng library from the official libpng website.
gcc screenpew.c -lxcb -lpng
row_stride is basically how wide each row is, in the raw image data that we get.
Read XCB documentation carefully.
Software from the late 20th century and early 21st century need help with documenting things better. 😫
Atom type matters when using xcb_change_property. I do not know why it doesn't work with XCB_ATOM_ANY. The types are specified in the EWMH spec. Ex: the type of _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN is Atom which is an XCB_ATOM_ATOM type, and the type of _NET_WM_NAME is a utf8-string (XCB_ATOM_STRING).
I do not know why we have to specify how many 32-bit multiples of data we want to retrieve when using xcb_get_property. Why not just give the entirety of the needed information? This makes me just want to put a big enough number just so I can get all the data. I do not know of a current way to know the data size before hand.