- Cocaine Core
- Cocaine Services
- Latest stable Oracle JDK 7
- Latest stable Apache Maven
You can execute several build lifecycle goals with Maven, including goals to compile the project’s code, create a library package (such as a JAR file), install the library in the local Maven dependency repository and pack sources.
To try out the build, issue the following at the command line:
mvn compile
This will run Maven, telling it to execute the compile goal. When it’s finished, you should find the compiled .class files in the /target/classes directory.
Since it’s unlikely that you’ll want to distribute or work with .class files directly, you’ll probably want to run the package goal instead:
mvn package
The package goal will compile your Java code, run any tests, and finish by packaging the code up in a JAR file within the target directory. The name of the JAR file will be based on the project’s . For example, the JAR files will be named cocaine-core-0.10.5-1.jar and cocaine-services-0.10.5-1.jar.
Maven also maintains a repository of dependencies on your local machine (usually in a ~/.m2/repository directory) for quick access to project dependencies. If you’d like to install JAR files to that local repository, then you should invoke the install goal:
mvn install
The install goal will compile, test, and package code and then copy it into the local dependency repository, ready for another project to reference it as a dependency.
You can also run the source:jar goal:
mvn source:jar
The source:jar goal will package the sources up in a JAR file within the target directory. The name of the JAR file will be based on the project’s . For example, the JAR file will be named cocaine-core-0.10.5-1-sources.jar and cocaine-services-0.10.5-1-sources.jar.