This is a chess project I started to learn Python and introduce myself to git
- Fully working chess game written from scratch
- CPU opponent built using alpha-beta pruning and the minimax algorithm
- Multithreading
- Special chess rules including en passant, castling, and pawn upgrade
- Launch menu to choose your game mode
- Local player versus player (on the same device)
- Random cpu opponent
- Install Python 3
- Use pip to install tkinter, PIL, anytree, and threading
- Run to start the program
- Write neural network game mode
- Add checkmate indication - checkmate rules are in place
- Write local network multiplayer
- More thoroughly document items
- Clean up parts - many parts are implemented inefficiently
- Fix unknown bugs in the game
- Implement smooth drag and drop graphics
- Make more compatible with alternate resolutions
- Add rule where a player can get more queens from pawn upgrade
- Allow the CPU opponent to perform pawn upgrades