This project combines Wicket with Chart.js, it provides all chart.js charts and it is completely open source and free to use (also in commercial projects). You can use it to create beautiful charts and graphs in your wicket project. No flash, just html, css and javascript. More information is available on the project's homepage, examples are also available.
This fork of Wicket-Chart uses the FVANCOP fork of ChartJS instead of the main project in order to provide extra (and, to my mind, critical) features like labels for charts. This fork is under active development, labels are supported and more features will be implements in the future.
Fill in some data.
List<DoughnutChartData> data = new ArrayList<DoughnutChartData>() {{
add(new DoughnutChartData(30, "Things", Color.BLUE));
add(new DoughnutChartData(50, "Gazooks", Color.DARK_GRAY));
add(new DoughnutChartData(100, "Zuckers", Color.MAGENTA));
add(new DoughnutChartData(40, "Gladiolas", Color.ORANGE));
add(new DoughnutChartData(50, "Cookies", Color.GREEN));
Add a new ChartPanel to your Wicket Page.
add(new DoughnutChartPanel("chartPanel",
Model.of(new Doughnut(data,
new DoughnutChartOptions()
Add the chart inside your html markup.
<div wicket:id="chartPanel">[CHART]</div>
That was it :) That's your first Chart in Java with wicket-chartjs.
- IE 9 and upwards
- IE 7 and 8 in parts
- the rest isn't a problem ;)