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Using vellum as a library

vellum exposes some of it's functionality as a library. The library is available as a NuGet package from GitHub packages.

Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. Examples

Classes & structs


namespace: Vellum

A struct that represents a run configuration that defines certain paths, archiving-thresholds and arguments for child-processes. Please refer to the configuration overview and RunConfiguration.cs file for a overview of properties.


namespace: Vellum.Automation

Controls an underlying processes stdout/ stdin and provides methods to look out for specific patterns in the processes console output.


ProcessManager(ProcessStartInfo startInfo);


bool HasMatched
// Is set to "true" when a regex pattern set with "SetMatchPattern" has matched


static void RunCustomCommand(string cmd)
// Runs a custom command in the operating systems terminal

void SendInput(string cmd)
// Sends a command the the underlying processes stdin and executes it

void SetMatchPattern(Regex regex)
// Sets a regex pattern to look out for in the underlying processes stdout. If it matches in future output, the "HasMatched" property will be set to "true"


namespace: Vellum.Automation

Create (hot-)backups of worlds and copy directories.


BackupManager(ProcessManager p, RunConfiguration runConfig);


void CreateWorldBackup(string worldPath, string destinationPath, bool fullCopy, bool archive)
// Creates a backup of a world. If "fullCopy" is set to "true" it will copy the whole directory and not just the updated database files, therefor the server must not be running for a full copy. If archive is set to "true" it will compress the world as a .zip-archive, deleting redundant archives

static bool Archive(string sourcePath, string destinationPath, int archivesToKeep)
// Archives a world as a compressed .zip-archive, keeping "archivesToKeep"-amount of archives in the "destinationPath"-directory and deleting all older ones. However setting "archivesToKeep" to "-1" won't delete any archives at all. Archives are named like this: """

static void CopyDirectory(string sourceDir, string targetDir)
// Copy a whole directory and it's files recursively


namespace: Vellum.Automation

Calls the PapyrusCS renderer.


RenderManager(ProcessManager p, RunConfiguration runConfig);


void StartRender(string worldPath)
// Calls papyrus.cs with the previously specified settings in the RunConfiguration on the world in the "worldPath"-directory