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Brennan Mccown edited this page May 11, 2021 · 22 revisions

Version 2.1.4

  • bug fix
  • added xterm to the list of necessary dependencies so that distributions of Linux that don't come with xterm won't have issues running the script.
  • Release Date March 22nd 2021

Version 2.1.3

  • major bug fix
  • fixed issue where check for dependencies was not working at all.
  • Release Date March 4th 2021

Version 2.1.2

  • major U.I. change
  • changed the layout of the U.I.
  • changed colors and unicode characters.
  • bug fixes
  • fixed some word splitting syntax errors.
  • Release Date March 3rd 2021

Version 2.1.1

  • bug fix
  • fixed issue where dependencies where trying to download even when already installed.
  • Release Date March 3rd 2021

Version 2.1.0

  • addition
  • as per request updates to the script are now optional. When the script starts you will be asked to update. press Y will update and N will skip updates.
  • Release Date March 3rd 2021

Version 2.0.0

  • minimal U.I changes.
  • changed how it looks when switching to monitor and managed mode.
  • added a animation when scanning for networks that runs as a background process.
  • bug fixes
  • fixed issue where if you had already scanned for networks then tried to use an attack that required a network to be selected it would send you back to the main menu. this is now fixed.
  • fixed issue where some versions of linux where not being detected.
  • fixed syntax errors.
  • additions
  • added 2 more options for attacks on the wifi attacks menu.
  • added michael shutout exploit and authentication dos attacks to the tool.
  • Release Date March 3rd 2021

Version 1.2.4

  • bug fix
  • fixed many syntax errors
  • additions
  • added mode_vars function to define the mode and interface variable. this is used opposed to check_mode because check_mode is specifically for main menu.
  • Release Date February 27th 2021

Version 1.2.3

  • minimal U.I. changes.
  • added ecmonm and ecmanm wrapper functions.
  • Release Date February 26th 2021

Version 1.2.2

  • bug fixes
  • fixed issue where script wouldn't start properly in monitor mode. fixed issue where script started in update loop due to lack of internet connectivity.
  • Release Date February 26th 2021

Version 1.2.1

  • additions
  • owt now prompts the user to update the script on startup. by pressing enter the script will automatically update. If owt is already up to date the script continues & when updates are applied the script exits and prompts the user to start the script again.
  • Release Date February 23rd 2021

Version 1.2.0

  • additions
  • owt now prompts the user on startup if root permission are not detected. This was put in place to prevent issues with tools that require root permissions.
  • Major changes to functionality on how owt detects network interfaces. owt now supports use of any currently used interface (USB WiFi adapters are now supported).
  • Minimal U.I. changes.
  • [Permission Status] now added to script intro.
  • Release Date February 23rd 2021

Version 1.0.1

  • additions
  • Wrapped echo and sleep in wrapper "ewr" to cut down lines of code.
  • Release Date February 16th 2021

Version 1.0.0

  • 1.0.0 is version beta
  • Initial Release Date February 15th 2021
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