Tutorials on phylogenetic and phylogenomic inference
A short tutorial for creating a species distribution model using QGIS, R, and MaxEnt.
Get started using the vegan package for R for multivariate data analysis and community ecology
Curso de introducción a la bioinformática e investigación reproducible
Delve deeper into using R and vegan to analyse complex multivariate community ecology data with this free webinar
Applied Quantitative Methods course at the College of Charleston
Workshop on Introduction to Species Distribution Modelling, devolped by Pedro Henrique Braga and Julia Nordlund.
Diet Estimated Trophic Levels in R: Estimates fractional trophic level from diet and food item data records in R.
EvoHull bioinformatics and metabarcoding repository
Contains shell scripts with example usage of NGS assembly tools for mid-size (insect) genomes.