Make executable:
chmod +x
Build and push the container to your project. For [YOUR_PROJECT], substitute the ID of your project.
docker build -t[YOUR_PROJECT]/k8s-api-proxy:0.1 .
docker push[YOUR_PROJECT]/k8s-api-proxy:0.1
Create a Kubernetes deployment that exposes the container that you just created. For [YOUR_PROJECT], use your project ID.
kubectl run k8s-api-proxy[YOUR_PROJECT]/k8s-api-proxy:0.1
kubectl create -f ilb.yaml
kubectl get service/k8s-api-proxy
gcloud container clusters list
To verify that the proxy is usable, create a Compute Engine instance in the same network, access it with SSH, and verify the proxy. For [YOUR_SUBNET], [YOUR_PROXY] and [MASTER_IP], use the values that you got previously.
gcloud compute instances create
--subnet=[YOUR_SUBNET] proxy-test
gcloud compute ssh proxy-test --
curl -x [YOUR_PROXY]:8118 https://[MASTER_IP]/api
export https_proxy=[YOUR_PROXY]:8118
kubectl get pods