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=== Cloudinary - Image management and manipulation in the cloud + CDN ===
Contributors: cloudinary
Tags: image, images, media, gallery, photo, photos, picture, pictures, thumbnail, upload, admin, administration, api, cms, dashboard, editor, flickr, integration, manage, mobile, page, pages, post, social-media
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 5.1
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPLv2
License URI:

Cloudinary supercharges your images! Upload images to the cloud, deliver optimized via a fast CDN. Perform smart resizing and apply effects.

== Description ==

**Cloudinary is your one stop shop for EVERY image related task.**

With Cloudinary, all your images are automatically uploaded, normalized, optimized and backed-up in the cloud instead of being hosted on your servers.

With Cloudinary, you can stop messing around with image editors. Cloudinary can manipulate and transform your images online, on-the-fly, directly from your WordPress console. Enhance your images using every possible filter and effect you can think of. All manipulations are done in the cloud using super-powerful hardware, and all resulting images are cached, optimized (smushed and more) and delivered via a lightning fast content delivery network (CDN).

Install Cloudinary now, get the most powerful image solution available today, and get your WordPress powered site to the next level.

= Requirements =

* While you don't need to install any image software on your server, you will need to register for a (free) [Cloudinary account]( to use the plugin and start uploading images to the cloud.
* Is your site gaining traction? Upgrade to one of our PRO accounts for higher usage limits with practically limitless scale.

= Overview =

* Vast array of image manipulation capabilities.
* Virtually limitless scale.
* Lightning-fast image delivery.
* Highly improved user experience & website performance.
* Useful from small websites and blogs to large enterprise solutions.

= Image Uploads =

* Upload any image type: JPG, PNG, GIF, animated GIF, BMP, ICO, TIFF, PSD, WebP and even PDFs.
* Upload directly from your desktop.
* Upload a single image or multiple images with ease.
* Remote fetching from public URLs

= Image Manipulations =

You can apply one or more transformations and manipulations on every image:

* **Image formats** - easily convert image formats and modify image quality.
* **Apply effects & filters** - sharpen, sepia, saturation, grayscale, black & white, hue, brightness, oil paint, pixelate, vignette, add borders.
* **Overlays & Text** - add watermarks, add image overlay and underlay, add text to the image.
* **Face detection** - face detection based cropping, thumbnail, multiple faces detection, pixelate faces.
* **Rotates & flips** - Image rotation (90 degrees), arbitrary rotation, exif-based automatic rotation, vertical & horizontal flips,
* **Shape alteration** - add rounded corners, crop to ellipses and circles.
* **Resize & crop** - scale, fill, fit, pad, crop, limit, custom coordinates.
* **PDF Processing** - extract pages, convert to images.

= Image Storage =

* All your images are stored in a cloud-based persistent storage.
* Scales to Terabytes and more.
* Highly available redundant storage.
* All your photos are automatically backed-up, including revision tracking.

= Image Delivery =

* All your images are automatically delivered via a lightning-fast world-wide Content Delivery Network (CDN).
* Images are smartly cached for performance optimization, using every best practice in the book.
* Multiple CDN sub-domains (Domain Sharding).

= Image Optimization =

* Your images are automatically optimized. Their file size is reduced and they are delivered faster to your visitors.
* Stripping meta data.
* Converting formats.
* Optimizing compression.

= Simple Integration =

* Upload and manage your images with Cloudinary directly from your WordPress interface.
* Migrate all your locally hosted images to Cloudinary.
* Move your existing posts' images to Cloudinary in a single click.
* Easily restore your posts to use local images instead of Cloudinary.
* Seamlessly use Cloudinary's processed images as WordPress featured images.

= Insights and Reports =

* Cloudinary offers a powerful online management console.
* Browse all your images and transformations.
* View comprehensive statistics and usage reports.
* You can even automate your content management using a RESTful API.

= About Cloudinary =

Read more about the Cloudinary service:

* [Our website](
* [Blog](
* [Features overview](
* [Detailed documentation](
* [Image transformations documentation](
* [FAQ](

= Support =

* [Support site](
* [Knowledge Base](
* Support Email: [](
* [Contact page](
* Twitter: [@cloudinary](
* [Facebook page](

**Keywords**: image, images, photo, photos, picture, pictures, thumbnail, thumbnails, upload, batch, cdn, content delivery network, transform, manipulate, effects, scale, high availability, fast, format, sharpen, sepia, saturation, grayscale, b&w, hue, brightness, oil paint, pixelate, vignette,
jpg, jpeg, png, gif, animated gif, pdf, face, faces, crop, resize, scale, fit, fill, pad, rotate, rotation, flip, corners, borders, exif, watermark, caption, overlay, underlay, text, embed, quality, smush.

== Installation ==

1. Search and install the plugin through the `Install Plugins` page of your WordPress dashboard. Alternatively, upload the `cloudinary` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory of your blog.
1. Activate the Cloudinary plugin through the `Plugins` page of your WordPress dashboard.
1. Configure the plugin by selecting `Cloudinary' on the left menu of your WordPress dashboard.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How can I migrate existing posts to deliver images through Cloudinary? =

Go to WordPress standard media library (select '**Media**' from the left menu). Click '**Upload to Cloudinary**' for each media item you want to migrate to Cloudinary.

The images will be uploaded to Cloudinary while the content of all associated posts and pages will be automatically updated to point to Cloudinary's CDN URLs.

You can perform bulk migration of multiple posts by selecting multiple media items, selecting '**Upload to Cloudinary**' from the '**Bulk Actions**' menu and click '**Apply**'.

Automatic post migration is supported since version 1.1.0 of the plugin.

= How can I update my posts to use local files again? =

In case that you decide to stop using Cloudinary's WordPress plugin, you can migrate your existing posts and pages to embed local image files instead of Cloudinary's cloud-based images.

Go to WordPress standard media library (select '**Media**' from the left menu). Select multiple media items you wish to migrate then select '**Migrate away from Cloudinary**' from the '**Bulk Actions**' menu and click '**Apply**'.

The selected images are automatically downloaded from Cloudinary to your local server. Associated posts are automatically updated to use local image files of Cloudinary's CDN URLs.

Automatic migrate away is supported since version 1.1.0 of the plugin.

We would appreciate it if you could let us know why you decided to stop using Cloudinary for your site.

= Where can I find answers to additional common questions? =

Check out our dynamic [knowledge base]( for additional questions and articles.

== Screenshots ==

1. **Cloud-based image gallery**
2. **Drag & drop upload to the cloud**
3. **Powerful live image manipulation**
4. **Apply effects and face detection**
5. **Insert into post and edit**
6. **Simple setup after free sign-up**

== Upgrade Notice ==


== Changelog ==

= 1.1.12 (11 Mar 2019) =
  * Fix jQuery exception

= 1.1.11 (3 Mar 2019) =
  * Add CLI command for syncing media
  * Fix `update_window_dimensions` to fire only when library is visible
  * Fix illegal function call in PHP5.3

= 1.1.10 (17 May 2018) =
 * Fix memory exhaustion in "Upload to Cloudinary" functionality
 * Fix "Cloudinary Upload/Insert" button compatibility and style
 * Fix `url` and `secure_url` inconsistency
 * Add handling of WP_Error
 * Add cloudinary_php v1.10.0 to WordPress plugin

= 1.1.9 (26 Apr 2018) =
* Fix "Cloudinary Upload/Insert" functionality

= 1.1.8 (22 Apr 2018) =
* Fix PHP errors( notices) in DEBUG mode.
* Fix "tinyMCE is not defined" JS error when TinyMCE is not loaded.
* Fix include path in cloudinary.php.

= 1.1.7 (11 Dec 2017) =
* Support https for bulk upload.
* Fix for DEPRECATED Old style constructor.

= 1.1.6 (6 Aug 2017) =
* Confirm WordPress 4.8 support.
* Replace old logos.
* Fix "Edit with Cloudinaty" button for WP posts image edit.

= 1.1.5 (14 Nov 2016) =
* Fix Upload/Insert button.
* Fix setting page on before set credentials.

= 1.1.4 (4 Nov 2014) =
* Support newer versions of PHP in file upload. Report user agent to Cloudinary.
* Correctly locate path to ajax-loader.

= 1.1.3 (18 Sep 2014) =
* Fix display compatibility issue with WordPress 4.0.
* Support earlier versions of PHP 5.2.

= 1.1.2 (24 Dec 2013) =
* Fix display compatibility issue with WordPress 3.8.

= 1.1.1 (6 Nov 2013) =
* Support WordPress sites that use relative URLs for images.

= 1.1.0 (5 Aug 2013) =
* Migrate existing posts: upload images to Cloudinary and automatically update associated posts and pages to point to Cloudinary CDN URLs.
* Migrate away from Cloudinary: bulk image downloading from Cloudinary and automatic post updating to use local image files.
* Better integration with WordPress featured images and image galleries.
* Allow adding Cloudinary's images directly to WP's post gallery for setting as featured image and using for image galleries.

= 1.0.8 (28 Mar 2013) =
* Register images uploaded to Cloudinary from WordPress media library as media items so they can be used as featured images.

= 1.0.7 (25 Mar 2013) =
* Fix issue of Cloudinary settings not appearing with some themes activated.
* Better error handling when verifying CLOUDINARY_URL.

= 1.0.6 (22 Mar 2013) =
* Register images with WordPress media to allow using them as featured images.
* Allow uploading images from WP's media library that aren't recognized properly by local PHP code.
* Add class prefix to elements in the settings page to avoid possible collisions.

= 1.0.5 (17 Mar 2013) =
* Allow administrator (and not only super admin) to manage Cloudinary settings.
* Validation of CLOUDINARY_URL in Settings page.

= 1.0.4 (16 Mar 2013) =
* Fixes menu and settings in multisite mode.

= 1.0.3 (15 Mar 2013) =
* Fixes non saved settings issue.

= 1.0.2 (7 Mar 2013) =
* Minor fixes related to changing directory name.

= 1.0.1 (27 Feb 2013) =
* Fully tested version entering the plugin directory.