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Releases: cloudfoundry/cf-deployment


24 Jul 20:59
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Release and Stemcell Updates

Release New Version Old Version
cflinuxfs2 1.139.0 1.138.0
nodejs-buildpack 1.6.3 1.6.2
nats 22 21
garden-windows 0.6.0 0.5.0


20 Jul 05:30
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Release & stemcell updates

Release/stemcell New version Old version
capi-release 1.35.0 1.33.0
cflinuxfs2-release 1.138.0 1.137.0
consul-release 171 170
dotnet-core-buildpack-release 1.0.22 1.0.21
etcd-release 117 112
php-buildpack-release 4.3.38 4.3.37
ruby-buildpack-release 1.6.44 1.6.43
staticfile-buildpack-release 1.4.11 1.4.10

Ops-file release & stemcell updates

Release/stemcell New version Old version Ops-file
postgres-release 18 17 use-postgres.yml


17 Jul 21:58
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Release & stemcell updates

Release/stemcell New version Old version
capi-release 1.33.0 1.32.0
dotnet-core-buildpack-release 1.0.21 1.0.20
nodejs-buildpack-release 1.6.2 1.5.36
php-buildpack-release 4.3.37 4.3.35
python-buildpack-release 1.5.20 1.5.19
ruby-buildpack-release 1.6.43 1.6.41
staticfile-buildpack-release 1.4.10 1.4.9



13 Jul 22:06
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Release & stemcell updates

Release/stemcell New version Old version
capi-release 1.32.0 1.31.0
cf-networking-release 1.2.0 1.1.0
cf-smoke-tests-release 36 34
cflinuxfs2-release 1.137.0 1.135.0
diego-release 1.22.0 1.20.0
loggregator 91 90.1
nats-release 21 19
cf-routing-release 1.159.0 1.158.0

Ops-file release & stemcell updates

Release/stemcell New version Old version Ops-file
grootfs-release 0.21.0 0.20.0 use-grootfs.yml
graden-windows-bosh-release 0.5.0 0.4.0 windows-cell.yml


05 Jul 21:26
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Manifest changes

  • Use implicit linking for cf-mysql proxy
  • Remove mysql read-only admin user configuration. The read-only user workflow was actually disabled, so these properties were unused.
  • Disable mysql binlog.


Ops-file updates

  • test/add-persistent-isolation-segment-router.yml. Includes smoke test for routing isolation groups.
  • windows-cell.yml. Explicitly sets the windows stemcell version.
  • use-blobstore-cdn.yml. Allows operators to specify CDN URI's and credentials for the dropletsandresource_pool` buckets, to use as an optimization for the Cloud Controller blobstore.

Release & stemcell updates

Release/stemcell New version Old version
cf-mysql-release 36 35
cf-smoke-tests-release 34 30
cf-routing-release 0.158.0 0.157.0
cflinuxfs2-release 1.135.0 1.134.0
garden-runc-release 1.9.0 1.8.0
nats-release 19 18
ubuntu-trusty 3421.11 3421.9


28 Jun 19:22
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Release & stemcell updates

Release/stemcell New version Old version
diego-release 1.20.0 1.19.0


28 Jun 01:25
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  • Updated documentation for setting up bosh-lite
  • Doppler moved ahead in deploy order


27 Jun 00:30
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Manifest changes

  • Add cf-networking as the default networking stack.
    Now that cf-networking-release has cut version 1.0, we're deploying the cf-networking jobs by default. We're not planning to support an ops-file to opt out this configuration, as this is the recommended networking configuration.
    • The experimental use-cf-networking.yml and friends have been emptied out and are now no-ops. They're left behind for backwards compatibility and will soon be deleted.
    • use-external-dbs.yml now configures cf-networking components to use external databases.
    • use-postgres.yml now configures cf-networking components to use postgres.
  • Enable local TCP route emitters by default.
    The experimental ops-files are left behind, but are empty, and will be deleted soon. All configuration for local router emitters has been in-lined to cf-deployment.yml


New operations

  • Community ops files. These ops-files are configurations submitted by members of the CF Community. While the Release Integration team does not test or officially support these configurations, we're happy to use cf-deployment as a place to publicize ops-files maintained by members of the community, for discoverability purposes. The README in operations/community keeps a list of maintainers for the ops-files in that directory.
    • enable-volume-service-nfs.yml. Deploys an NFS volume service broker that apps can use for attached persistence.
    • use-haproxy.yml. Deploys an HAProxy to act as the load balancer for the CF deployment.
  • Experimental files. These ops-files allow for configurations that are still being vetted and may change considerably. Eventually, these ops-files will "promoted" -- either into normal ops-files, or inlined into cf-deployment.yml.
    • enable-prefer-declarative-healthchecks.yml. Uses new healthcheck method for Diego cells.
    • locket-windows.yml. Deploys locket on windows cells.

Release & stemcell updates

Release/stemcell New version Old version
capi-release 1.31.0 1.30.0
cflinuxfs2-release 1.134.0 1.133.0
dotnet-core-buildpack-release 1.0.20 1.0.19
go-buildpack-release 1.8.5 1.8.4
java-buildpack-release 3.18 3.17
php-buildpack-release 4.3.35 4.3.34
ruby-buildpack-release 1.6.41 1.6.40
staticfile-buildpack-release 1.4.9 1.4.6
loggregator 90.1 90
ubuntu-trusty 3421.9 3421.6


20 Jun 22:38
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Manifest changes

  • diego-bbs renamed to diego-api
  • cc-clock job is configured such that the Routing API is enabled


New operations

  • Experimental files. These ops-files allow for configurations that are still being vetted and may change considerably.
    • enable-rlp.yml enables the new Loggregator Reverse Log Proxy.

Ops-file updates

  • add-datadog-firehose-nozzle-aws.yml
    • Renamed to add-datadog-firehose-nozzle.yml
    • Requires that the user pass the traffic controller port via -v or -l during bosh int/bosh deploy
    • Allows user to deploy on any IaaS

Other changes

  • Includes Apache 2.0 License

Release & stemcell updates

Release/stemcell New version Old version
nats-release 18 17
loggregator 90 89
diego-release 1.19.0 1.18.1
cflinuxfs2-release 1.33.0 1.30.0
cf-smoke-tests-release 27 26

For releases introduced by ops files:

Release/stemcell New version Old version
cf-networking-release 1.1.0 1.0.0
grootfs-release 0.20.0 0.19.0


13 Jun 17:10
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Manifest changes

  • UAA clients for TCP routing moved from cf-deployment.yml into tcp-routing-gcp.yml


New operations

  • use-external-cf-networking-dbs.yml allows use of external databases as the datastore for cf-networking.
  • configure-default-router-group.yml allows users to override the default reservable port range for the default-tcp router group.

Ops-file updates

  • use-cf-networking.yml
    • Updated to use silk stack (rather than flannel)
    • Removed unnecessary datadog UAA client
  • Locket ops-files seed databases with new locket database
  • tcp-routing-gcp.yml uses local TCP route emitters

Release & stemcell updates

Release/stemcell New version Old version
ubuntu-trusty 3421.6 3421.3
binary-buildpack-release 1.0.13 1.0.12
cflinuxfs2-release 1.130.0 1.127.0
dotnet-core-buildpack-release 1.0.19 1.0.18
garden-runc-release 1.8.0 1.7.0
go-buildpack-release 1.8.4 1.8.2
nodejs-buildpack-release 1.5.36 1.5.24
php-buildpack-release 4.3.34 4.3.33
python-buildpack-release 1.5.19 1.5.18
cf-routing-release 0.157.0 0.156.0
ruby-buildpack-release 1.6.40 1.6.39
java-buildpack-release 3.17 3.16
statsd-injector-release 1.0.28 1.0.27
cf-smoke-tests-release 26 23
diego-release 1.18.1 1.18.0
uaa-release 41 40
etcd-release 112 111

For releases introduced by ops files:

Release/stemcell New version Old version
cf-networking-release 1.0.0 0.25.0