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Martin Klepsch edited this page Sep 5, 2016 · 6 revisions

This is outdated please refer to the full guide.

A CLJSJS package has a directory of the following format. When creating one, you can copy one of the packages in this repo for reference.

├── build.boot
└── resources
    └── cljsjs
        └── common
            └── your-library.ext.js

*.ext.js is the externs file for your library. You can read this article to learn how to create one.

build.boot contains instructions for downloading the library files from a URL, and then packaging it. Let's skip ahead to what build.boot produces so we can better understand what we need to tune in build.boot and why:

# Try to build the package
$ boot package

After running this command to build the package, you should have a new target package directory:

├── ...
└── target
    ├── cljsjs
    │   ├── common
    │   │   └── your-library.ext.js
    │   ├── development
    │   │   └──
    │   └── production
    │       └──
    └── deps.cljs

File details:

  • *.inc.js and * were copied from a downloaded file
  • *.ext.js was copied from your resources directory
  • deps.cljs was generated by boot, and required by cljs compiler

Thus, build.boot contains instructions to do the following.

  • download your library from a URL, verify checksum, and unzip if needed
  • move downloaded files to the target directory
  • minify files from the target directory to another location in target directory
  • generate the deps.cljs

build.boot also contains the version of the package. We use the library's version for the first semver digits major.minor.patch and we append a hyphen and a cljsjs revision count (starting at zero):

(def +version+ "1.1.2-0")

You can locally install your library to test it out by running:

## build and install locally
boot package build-jar

Finally, you can follow the instructions in your package's README to try it out in a local project.


Use md5sum for linux/windows or brew install md5 to get a checksum for a downloaded file.