Geometry fields are passed as Expression during Eloquent model event are fired. #87
During the insert, the library operate in three steps:
- It caches all the original geometries attributes as their defined type (a point as Point, and so on...) and convert all geometries as Expression.
- It performs insert using the eloquent
method - It refills the model attributes as their original states
The problem here is that if you use the laravel eloquent model event:
class Person
use \Clickbar\Magellan\Database\Eloquent\HasPostgisColumns;
/** @var string[] */
protected $postgisColumns = [
'location' => [
'type' => 'geometry',
'srid' => 4326
protected $dispatchesEvents = [
'created' => \App\Events\Person\Created::class
The event is dispatched from the eloquent performInsert
call, meaning it's called with all the geometries attributes as Expression
and not as Point
I'll investigate if there is some kind of hook inside the Eloquent model event dispatcher to see if this could be fixed properly.