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Explanation of clib.json

Isty001 edited this page Jan 26, 2021 · 7 revisions

clib.json files contain a single JSON dictionary with the following keys:

Note: clib.json might be named as package.json in older repos, but now it's strongly discouraged to do so.


The name of the package. Should be lowercase and match the regular expression /^[0-9a-z-_]+$/.


The semantic version number of the package. This number should also be a git tag. For example, str-copy is at version 0.0.3 and has a tag matching that version (


An array of source files that make up the implementation of your package. In the case of str-copy, this is:

  "src": [


A dictionary of packages and their versions. Each entry represents a package dependency. A dependency must be a clib package.

Dependencies are specified in the following format:

"{github user}/{dependency name}": "version number"

Where "version number" may either be a git tag, branch or "*". When "*" is specified, the most recent version will be used (e.g. the "master" branch).

For example, if your package was using version 0.0.3 of str-copy you would specify the dependency as:

  "dependencies": {
    "stephenmathieson/str-copy.c": "0.0.3"

You may specify any number of dependencies.


Development dependencies are for testing and development purposes.

This follows the same format as "dependencies", but will only be installed with $ clib install --dev. This should include packages like:

  "development": {
    "stephenmathieson/describe.h": "*"


  "development": {
    "jwerle/libok": "*"


The GitHub slug for your package. This is generally {github username}/{package name}, but may be different. For example, str-copy's repo is stephenmathieson/str-copy.c:

  "repo": "stephenmathieson/str-copy.c"


A short-and-sweet description of your package. For example, str-copy's description is:

 "description": "Copy a string"


An array of keywords which describe your package. This is currently not used, but when we move to a more sophisticated search, will be extremely helpful.


The license your package is released under. MIT is recommended.


Your package's Makefile. If your package requires a non-standard build process, it may be helpful to ship it with a Makefile. This way, packages using it as a dependency might include the following in their Makefile:

  $(MAKE) -C deps/your-package


Your package's install script. This is typically make install, but can be any executable (for example, ./ The script should build your package and add it to $PATH.

NOTE: This is for executables and libraries only. Defining an install key will change the behaviour of clib-install(1) -- your package's sources will not be installed to ./deps.


Used by clib uninstall, here you can define a script (defaults to make uninstall) to uninstall your executable package. This is expected to remove your package from $PATH and uninstall anything related.