This is a POC for using terraform to deploy various resources to Azure.
- Azure CLI >= 2.12.1
- Terraform binary >= v0.13.1
To be able to use any of the modules you need to login to Azure and if you are member of multiple subscriptions you need to set these as well:
1. az login
2. az account list --output table # find the subscription you want to use
3. az account set --subscription <subscription-id> # set your subscription id as active subscription
4. az account show # verify correct subscription
⚠️ Setup configuration should only be done
The following command will create a resource group, virtual network and finally deploy a VM to Azure:
$ make all
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
resourcegroup_name | Resource group for VM | string | "workshop" | no |
location | Location for the resources | string | "westeurope" | no |
create_resourcegroup | Set to true if you want to create a new resourcegroup | bool | false | no |
skip_extension | Skip extension (post-installation) if true | bool | false | no |
students | List of students to create VMs for | list(string) | ["claes"] | no |
password | Password for the created VM/VDIs | string | null | no |
script_path | Path of the script to post install on VM(s). | string | "./" | no |
Name | Description |
password | The password that is created for the VM |
created_vms | VM(s) that got created |
# NB! Will delete everything inside including the group
az group delete -n <resource-group-name>
See the corresponding modules READMEs for how to use them.
- vdi
- vnet
- ml_workspace (not finished)