FuncSug is an experimental scripting language that aims to simplify GUI programming in browser, as a complement to JavaScript. The convenience is that FuncSug allows you to write code in an order that is more consistent with the execution order. It enables a more linear code in line with async/await and structured concurrency. It replaces event-driven syntaxes with easy-to-use concurrent syntaxes (without using OS threads).
Tutorials - Online Playground - Getting started - Examples - REPL
parallel ||
displayNewMessage('What is ...?')
parallel exitAfter 1 finished ||
var theAnswer := awaitHumanText()
displayNewMessage('<button id="A">I choose A</button> <button id="B">I choose B</button>')
parallel(select 1) ||
displayNewMessage("You've chosen A")
displayNewMessage("You've chosen B")
<button id="A">I choose A</button>
<button id="B">I choose B</button>
parallel(select 1) ||
displayNewMessage('<button id="Aconfirmed">Yes, I choose A</button>')
displayNewMessage("You've chosen A")
displayNewMessage("You've chosen B")
displayNewMessage("You've hesitated")
Many people ask why GUI programming is so difficult. Some of common difficulties come from event-driven programming problems. That's why, with FuncSug, programmers do NOT have to follow the event-driven programming paradigm. For example, you no longer use "addEventListener" and so no longer have the corresponding problems.
FuncSug suppresses event-driven programming problems: callback hell and state management.
- It avoids callback hell (You don't need callback any more).
- Your code follows the order of execution so you avoid spaghetti code and debug more easily.
- It solves the state management problem (It eliminates the need to manage all the combinations of component states).
- It easily manages task cancellations (including task timeouts).
- It can detect a change in the value of a variable and react accordingly.
- It's deterministic.
- (You can also include JavaScript snippets, pass FuncSug variables to it and get back JavaScript return).
by means of:
- explicit logical parallelism,
- block cancellations,
- and "
event" instructions.
Please, let me know what you think (Github discussions, Mastodon).
I'd be happy to read your opinion and answer your questions.
These two codes do the same thing (on mobile, please scroll right to see the FuncSug code):
JavaScript | FuncSug |
let numberOfClick
function $(id) {
return document.getElementById(id)
function launch() {
$('launch').removeEventListener('click', launch)
.removeEventListener('click', clickZone)
console.log("Good job! See you soon!")
numberOfClick = 0
.addEventListener('click', clickZone)
let timeoutID
function clickZone() {
if (numberOfClick == 0) {
timeoutID = setTimeout(
if (numberOfClick < 3) {
numberOfClick = 0
console.log("Non-triple click")
numberOfClick += 1
if (numberOfClick == 3) {
numberOfClick = 0
console.log("Triple click")
$('launch').addEventListener('click', launch) |
parallel exitAfter 1 finished ||
while true:
parallel exitAfter 1 finished ||
print("Triple click")
print("Non-triple click")
print("Good job! See you soon!") |
If you copy and paste, replace each three initial spaces by one tabulation (Github markdown doesn't allow to change tabulation size in this context).
Have a look at:
- 'Memory' code or play now.
- 'Memory2' code or play now.
- 'Hypertext fiction' code or play now.
- the 'Make Gems' code or play now.
- 'Guess the Number' code or play now.
- 'Mini Sweet' code or play now.
- 'Aquarium' code or play now.
Look at the global structure of the code: One cannot follow this structure in usual programming language.
Let's take, for example, the 'Make Gems' code:
In this language, there is no need to build a ball object, just call a function lifeOfBall
You just run multiple lifeOfBall
, birthOfGem
and a lifeOfPaddle
in parallel.
These functions do not build objects: they are just like any classical function.
In the body of lifeOfPaddle
, just code the various behaviors of the ball in parallel.
In 'Guess the Number', gameCourse
is just a function. The line just after the call of gameCourse
is executed only when the player has found the number, that is only when gameCourse
has returned, just like any classical function call.
You can also use FuncSug online playground or test snippets of it.
FuncSug uses the "concurrent way" or more exactly the "logically parallel way". That is, it introduces explicit concurrency where no concurrency seems present or mandatory. The concurrency is reputed to be very difficult. However, amazingly, many cases (in particular concurrency of waits) are simpler with explicit concurrency!
With this style, you can program (as you program for the console) without users losing the multiple possibilities of interaction (Indeed, this style suppresses the inversion of control of the callback style of event-driven programming).
This "concurrent way" is expressed thanks to additional control flow instructions (beyond if
, while
, for
/parallel exitAfter ... finished
/parallel(select ...)
/parallel(for ... in ...)
,- ...
and with new modifiers (beyond break
, return
): restart
, pause
, resume
That enables a better structure of code (that is, a more natural and more readable structure).
If you're curious, you can read the the 'Memory' code or try it or read this post.
It's loosely based on SugarCubes by Jean-Ferdy Susini which is a derivative of Esterel by Gérard Berry. It adheres to "structured concurrency" principles. It doesn't use OS threads. It doesn't aim to improve speed of execution.
Goal: facilitating GUI programming (in fact, the interactivity aspect)
Non-goals: improving speed of execution, safety, facilitating data structuration, object management, mutability, types
In your myProgram.html
, in the end of the body element, include the lines:
<script src="" type="application/funcsug"></script>
<script src="" type="application/funcsug"></script>
<script src="" type="application/funcsug"></script>
<script src="myProgram.fg" type="application/funcsug"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Write your code in the file myProgram.fg
In your myProgram.html
, in the end of the body element, include the lines:
<script src=""></script>
<script src="" type="application/funcsug"></script>
<script src="" type="application/funcsug"></script>
<script src="" type="application/funcsug"></script>
<script src="myProgram.fg" type="application/funcsug"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Write your code in the file myProgram.fg
Beware that this is just a logical parallelism.
You can write
parallel ||
to execute parallelBranch1
and parallelBranch2
You can also:
- add a branch dynamically,
- select parallel branch(es) according to event(s).
You can interrupt (break
), pause (pause
), resume (resume
) or restart (restart
) a block. For example:
parallel ||
break myBlock
You can react to a change of a variable, for example, like this:
while true:
awaitBeep myVariable
The syntax is very similar to that of Python.
After the colon :
of some blocks, you can add @label
just after the function name to label the expression (This is useful for the break
This 'label' must be a declared variable.
writes value
onto the console.
var variableName
declares a new local variable.
variableName := value
assigns value
to variableName
variableName += value
increments variableName
by value
(also for -
and false
returns the boolean value 'true' and 'false' respectively.
value1 + value2
returns the sum/concatenation of the two values (also for -
value1 < value2
returns the truth value of value1 < value2
(also for <=
, and
, or
randomIntBetween(value1, value2)
returns a random integer between value1
and value2
, while
, def
acts as usual in Python.
break label
interrupts the execution of the expression labelled by label
executes the expressions in sequence and returns the value of the last (in a context of a parallel:
In all other contexts,
executes the expressions in sequence and returns the value of the last.
parallel ||
executes the expressions in parallel.
executes expression
if the preceding expression is interrupted.
js (variable1, ..., variableN):
executes the JavaScript code javascriptSnippet
(in which variable1 ... variableN
can be used).
displayNewMessageIn(text cssSelector)
displays a new message text
into the DOM element identified by cssSelector
displayNewMessageIn(text cssSelector/cssClass)
displays a new message text
into the DOM element identified by cssSelector
and assigns cssClass
to it.
awaits a number from user in the DOM element identified by cssSelector
awaits a click from user in the DOM element identified by cssSelector
Pull requests are welcome.
If you want to make big change, please open an issue first to discuss it.
You can just post your thoughts into discussions tab too.
Examples of contributions: Tutorials, optimization, translations, fixing bugs, ...
This language has syntax highlighting for Geany; otherwise, with Geany, if you choose that of zephir (or nsis, powershell, ruby), it can be pleasant.
The file parserPy.js
has been generated online from the file funcSugPy.peggyjs
on the site with "parser variable" set to "pegPy".
For now, this implementation consists just in a quick and dirty (and very slow) interpreter but it works enough to be appreciated.
Work in progress.