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RAFT Build and Development Guide

Building and installing RAFT

CUDA/GPU Requirements

  • CUDA 11.0+
  • NVIDIA driver 450.80.02+
  • Pascal architecture of better (Compute capability >= 6.0)

C++ RAFT is a header-only library but provides the option of building shared libraries with template instantiations for common types to speed up compile times for larger projects.

The recommended way to build and install RAFT is to use the script in the root of the repository. This script can build both the C++ and Python code and provides options for building and installing the headers, Googletests, and individual shared libraries.

Header-only C++

RAFT depends on many different core libraries such as thrust, cub, cucollections, and rmm, which will be downloaded automatically by cmake even when only installing the headers. It's important to note that while all the headers will be installed and available, some parts of the RAFT API depend on libraries like FAISS, which can also be downloaded in the RAFT build but will need to be told to do so.

The following example builds and installs raft in header-only mode:

./ libraft --nogtest

###C++ Shared Libraries (optional)

Shared libraries are provided to speed up compile times for larger libraries which may heavily utilize some of the APIs. These shared libraries can also significantly improve re-compile times while developing against the APIs.

Build all the shared libraries by passing --compile-libs flag to

./ libraft --compile-libs --nogtest

To remain flexible, the individual shared libraries have their own flags and multiple can be used (though currently only the nn and distance packages contain shared libraries):

./ libraft --compile-nn --compile-dist --nogtest


Compile the Googletests by removing the --nogtest flag from

./ libraft --compile-nn --compile-dist

To run C++ tests:


C++ Using Cmake

To install RAFT into a specific location, use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. The snippet below will install it into the current conda environment.

cd cpp
mkdir build
cd build
make install

RAFT's cmake has the following configurable flags available:.

Flag Possible Values Default Value Behavior
BUILD_TESTS ON, OFF ON Compile Googletests
RAFT_COMPILE_LIBRARIES ON, OFF OFF Compiles all libraft shared libraries (these are required for Googletests)
RAFT_COMPILE_NN_LIBRARY ON, OFF ON Compiles the libraft-nn shared library
RAFT_COMPILE_DIST_LIBRARY ON, OFF ON Compiles the libraft-distance shared library
RAFT_ENABLE_NN_DEPENDENCIES ON, OFF OFF Searches for dependencies of nearest neighbors API, such as FAISS, and compiles them if not found.
RAFT_USE_FAISS_STATIC ON, OFF OFF Statically link FAISS into libraft-nn
DETECT_CONDA_ENV ON, OFF ON Enable detection of conda environment for dependencies
NVTX ON, OFF OFF Enable NVTX Markers
CUDA_ENABLE_KERNELINFO ON, OFF OFF Enables kernelinfo in nvcc. This is useful for compute-sanitizer
CUDA_ENABLE_LINEINFO ON, OFF OFF Enable the -lineinfo option for nvcc
CUDA_STATIC_RUNTIME ON, OFF OFF Statically link the CUDA runtime

Shared libraries are provided for the libraft-nn and libraft-distance components currently. The libraft-nn component depends upon FAISS and the RAFT_ENABLE_NN_DEPENDENCIES option will build it from source if it is not already installed.


Conda environment scripts are provided for installing the necessary dependencies for building and using the Python APIs. It is preferred to use mamba, as it provides significant speedup over conda. The following example will install create and install dependencies for a CUDA 11.5 conda environment:

conda env create --name raft_env -f conda/environments/raft_dev_cuda11.5.yml

The Python API can be built using the script:

./ pyraft can also be used to build the Python API manually:

cd python
python build_ext --inplace
python install

To run the Python tests:

cd python 
python -m pytest raft

Using RAFT in downstream projects

C++ header-only integration using cmake

Use RAFT in cmake projects with find_package(raft) for header-only operation and the raft::raft target will be available for configuring linking and RAFT_INCLUDE_DIR will be available for includes. Note that if any packages are used which require downstream dependencies, such as the libraft-nn package requiring FAISS, these dependencies will have be installed and configured in cmake independently.

Using pre-compiled shared libraries

Use find_package(raft COMPONENTS nn, distance) to enable the shared libraries and pass dependencies through separate targets for each component. In this example, raft::distance and raft::nn targets will be available for configuring linking paths. These targets will also pass through any transitive dependencies (such as FAISS in the case of the nn package).

The pre-compiled libraries contain template specializations for commonly used types and require the additional include of header files with extern template definitions that tell the compiler not to instantiate templates that are already contained in the shared libraries. By convention, these header files are named spectializations.hpp and located in the base directory for the packages that contain specializations.

The following example shows how to use the libraft-distance API with the pre-compiled specializations:

#include <raft/distance/distance.hpp>
#include <raft/distance/specializations.hpp>

Building RAFT C++ from source in cmake

RAFT uses the RAPIDS cmake library, so it can be easily included into downstream projects. RAPIDS cmake provides a convenience layer around the Cmake Package Manager (CPM). The following example is similar to building RAFT itself from source but allows it to be done in cmake, providing the raft::raft link target and RAFT_INCLUDE_DIR for includes. The COMPILE_LIBRARIES option enables the building of the shared libraries


  cmake_parse_arguments(PKG "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}"
                            "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} )

  rapids_cpm_find(raft ${PKG_VERSION}
          GLOBAL_TARGETS      raft::raft
          BUILD_EXPORT_SET    proj-exports
          INSTALL_EXPORT_SET  proj-exports
          GIT_TAG        ${PKG_PINNED_TAG}
          SOURCE_SUBDIR  cpp
          "BUILD_TESTS OFF"


# Change pinned tag here to test a commit in CI
# To use a different RAFT locally, set the CMake variable
# CPM_raft_SOURCE=/path/to/local/raft
find_and_configure_raft(VERSION    22.02.00
        FORK             rapidsai
        PINNED_TAG       branch-22.02
        USE_FAISS_STATIC       NO

Python/Cython Integration

Once installed, RAFT's Python library can be imported and used directly.