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Development branch: cfxLua/FiveM compatibility API


A Lua 5.4.4 runtime providing vector, quaternion, and matrix data types with a (near-)complete binding to GLM, a C++ mathematics library based on the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) specifications.

A significantly less efficient shared-library implementation, using tables and/or userdata instead of first-class types, for Lua5.1, Lua5.2, Lua5.3, Lua5.4, and LuaJIT, can be found TBD.


Vectors and quaternions are basic types (following nil, boolean, number, string, function, userdata, thread, and tables) and are viewed (syntactically and semantically) as immutable tables of floats that are accessible by keys 1, 2, 3, 4, x, y, z, w, and r, g, b, a:

-- Generic vector constructor
> v = vec(math.pi, math.exp(1), (1 + math.sqrt(5)) / 2)

-- Vector constructor with explicit length
> v3 = vec3(math.pi, math.exp(1), (1 + math.sqrt(5)) / 2)

-- Access the vectors fields
> v[3] + v.z

-- Vector swizzling
> v.xyzx
vec4(3.141593, 2.718282, 1.618034, 3.141593)

-- vectors and quaternions have an explicit type string even though they are
-- internally represented by the same LUA_TVECTOR tag (grit-lua compatbility)
> print(type(v), type(quat(1,0,0,0)))
vector3 quat

-- Test vectors for equality
> v == v3

-- Arithmetic operators on vector types
> ((v + v3) * v) - v3
vec3(16.597618, 12.059830, 3.618034)

-- The length operator returns the magnitude of the vector
> #v

-- Vector dimensionality
> v.n

-- Iterate over each component with 'pairs'
> for k,v in pairs(v3) do print(k,v) end
x       3.1415927410126
y       2.7182817459106
z       1.6180340051651

-- Create a quaternion by rotating an axis by 35 degrees
> quat(35.0, vec(1,0,0))
quat(0.953717, {0.300706, 0.000000, 0.000000})

-- Multiply a direction vector by the quaternion
> quat(35.0, vec(1,0,0)) * norm(vec(1,1,1))
vec3(0.577350, 0.141783, 0.804092)

-- Use vectors as table keys
> t = { }
> t[v // 1.0] = "Hello, World!"
> t[v // 1.0]
Hello, World!

When vectors/quaternions are accessed by other values/types some additional rules exist prior to a __index metamethod lookup:

  1. If a string key has less-than-or-equal-to four characters it is first passed through a swizzling filter. Returning a vector if all characters are valid fields, e.g., v.zyx == vec3(v.z, v.y, v.x).
    • Note: If swizzling a quaternion results in a four dimensional unit vector, the object remains a quaternion.
  2. The angle and axis strings are reserved for the angle (in degrees) and normalized axis of rotation for quaternion types (grit-lua compatibility).
  3. The dimensionality of a vector/quaternion can be accessed by the n and dim strings as the length operator returns the vector magnitude (grit-lua compatibility).

Vector and quaternion types do not maintain an explicit metatable reference. The Lua functions getmetatable and debug.setmetatable and C API functions lua_setmetatable and lua_getmetatable can be used to define explicit metatables for these types. The binding library (see Building) has the option to override the metatables for vector and matrix types when loaded.


Vector and quaternions values are represented by the LUA_TVECTOR tag and is internally represented using a struct of floats. On an API level, vectors and quaternions are effectively tables and accessing their values can be done using the same C API functions:

See lglm.hpp the external header for interfacing with glm defined structures within Lua. The deprecated grit-lua API can still be referenced by lgrit_lib.h.


Matrices are another added type and represent mutable collections of column(-major) vectors that are accessible by keys 1, 2, 3, 4. They are collectible objects and beholden to the garbage collector.

-- Create a matrix
> m = mat(vec(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), vec(0.0, 0.819152, 0.573576), vec(0.0, -0.573576, 0.819152))

-- matrices are a basic type
> type(m)

-- tostring for matrix and vector types invokes glm::to_string
> tostring(m)
mat3x3((1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000), (0.000000, 0.819152, 0.573576), (0.000000, -0.573576, 0.819152))

-- The length operator corresponds to the number of column vectors
> #m

-- Access a column component
> m[2]
vec3(0.000000, 0.819152, 0.573576)

-- Iterate over each matrix component
> for k,v in pairs(m) do print(k, v) end
1       vec3(1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
2       vec3(0.000000, 0.819152, 0.573576)
3       vec3(0.000000, -0.573576, 0.819152)

-- Multiply a vector by the given matrix
> m * vec(0,1,0)
vec3(0.000000, 0.819152, 0.573576)

-- Append a column vector
> m[4] = vec3(0)
> m
mat4x3((1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000), (0.000000, 0.819152, 0.573576), (0.000000, -0.573576, 0.819152), (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000))

-- Remove column vectors. Note only m[#m] can be removed at a time
> m[3],m[4] = nil,nil
> m
mat2x3((1.000000, 2.000000, 3.000000), (4.000000, 5.000000, 6.000000))


Matrix objects are represented by the LUA_TMATRIX tag. On an API level, they are effectively tables (more specifically arrays) and accessing/modifying their components can be done with same C API functions:

Following vectors, matrix types do not maintain an explicit metatable reference. See lglm.hpp the external header for interfacing with glm defined matrices within Lua.

Binding Library

Each function within the GLM API has an equivalent Lua library function of the same name whose template arguments are resolved at call-time when parsing values from the Lua stack. For example:

-- Creates a matrix with four vector components (recall GLM is column-major)
> m = glm.axisAngleMatrix(vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), glm.radians(35.0))

-- Iterate over each matrix component
> for k,v in pairs(m) do print(k, v) end
1       vec4(1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
2       vec4(0.000000, 0.819152, 0.573576, 0.000000)
3       vec4(0.000000, -0.573576, 0.819152, 0.000000)
4       vec4(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000)

-- Note: getmetatable(m).__index == glm

-- Convert the matrix to a quaternion
> m:toQuat()
quat(0.953717, {0.300706, 0.000000, 0.000000})

-- Apply a rotation to the matrix (note, there are nine variations of glm::rotate)
m2 = m:rotate(math.rad(35.0), vec3(1, 0, 0))

-- Extract XZY Angles
> glm.degrees(vec(m2:extractEulerAngleXZY()))
vec3(70.000000, -0.000000, 0.000000)

-- spherical linear interpolation of the matrices as quaternions
> slerp(m:toQuat(), m2:toQuat(), 2/glm.pi)
quat(0.877641, {0.479318, 0.000000, 0.000000})

-- Example ported from
function camera(Translate, Rotate)
    local Projection = glm.perspective(glm.pi * 0.25, 4.0 / 3.0, 0.1, 100.0)
    local View = glm.translate(glm.mat4(1.0), glm.vec3(0.0, 0.0, -Translate))
    View = glm.rotate(View, Rotate.y, glm.vec3(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
    View = glm.rotate(View, Rotate.x, glm.vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
    local Model = glm.scale(glm.mat4(1.0), glm.vec3(0.5))
    return Projection * View * Model

The binding library also extends GLM to:

  1. Add vector support for all functions declared in cmath(C99/C++11).
  2. Alias (e.g., length vs. magnitude), emulate, and port useful and common functions from other popular vector-math libraries (listed in Sources & Acknowledgments).
  3. Be a complete superset of Lua's lmathlib. Meaning _G.math can be replaced by the binding library without compatibility concerns. Note, math.random and math.randomseed are copied from lmathlib when the library is loaded rather than extending/maintaining another pseudorandom-state (see glm/gtc/random.hpp).

See for a list of additional functions.

Casting Rules

As vector/quaternion types are represented by float-point values, some additional type-inferencing rules are required when casting values to and from floating point values (see sections [4.6-4.9] in your favorite ISO/IEC 14882 document):

  1. A glm::vec<1, ...> structure is represented by lua_Integer, lua_Number, or bool Lua value and all glm::vec<1, ...> bindings are templated to those Lua types.
  2. All other glm::vec structures are float-casted (and/or bound to float-templated functions). Consequently, bitfield and integer operations, e.g., packUnorm and floatBitsToInt, are considered unsafe when operating on multi-dimensional vectors (consider inexact IEEE754).
  3. Matrices are represented by a collection of column-vectors that abide by the vector rules above. Prior to GLM, there has been little practical use for integer/bool templated matrices given the lack of an API.

Geometry API

Many of the geometric structures developed for MathGeoLib have been ported to GLM. In turn these structures are bound to lua-glm, providing functional libraries for AABB, Line, Ray, Segment, Sphere, Plane, and Polygon. Each geometrical structure is stored as a sub-library within the base binding library. For example:

-- AABB/Line Raycast
rayOrigin = vec3(-5, -5, -5)
rayDirection = glm.norm(vec3(1, 1, 1))
aabbMin = vec3(-2, -2, -2)
aabbMax = vec3(2, 2, 2)
intersects,tNear,tFar = glm.ray.intersectAABB(rayOrigin, rayDirection, aabbMin, aabbMax)
if intersects then
    enter_point = glm.ray.getPoint(rayOrigin, rayDirection, tNear)
    exit_point = glm.ray.getPoint(rayOrigin, rayDirection, tFar)
    print(("Enters: %s"):format(glm.to_string(enter_point)))
    print(("Exits: %s"):format(glm.to_string(exit_point)))

-- Structures may also be rotated
rayOrigin,rayDirection = glm.ray.operator_mul(m, rayOrigin, rayDirection)

Polygons (sequences of coplanar points) are represented by a full userdata type:

p ={
  -- ...

> type(p)

See for the full list of functions.

Missing Functions

Modules/functions not bound to LuaGLM due to compatibility issues, usefulness, or complexity:

  • glm/gtx/associated_min_max.hpp: all;
  • glm/integer.hpp: imulExtended, uaddCarry, umulExtended, usubBorrow;
  • glm/gtx/bit.hpp: powerOfTwoAbove, powerOfTwoBelow, powerOfTwoNearest;
  • glm/gtx/range.hpp: begin, end;
  • glm/ext/vector_relational.hpp: equal(..., vec<L, int, Q> const& ULPs), as the current Lua binding cannot differentiate between it and (..., vec<L, T, Q> const& epsilon).
  • glm/gtx/pca.hpp: sortEigenvalues: Function incorrectly declared and manipulates the parameters in place.

Power Patches

This runtime imports many (small) useful changes to the Lua runtime, all bound to preprocessor flags:

Compound Operators:

Add +=, -=, *=, /=, <<=, >>=, &=, |=, and ^= to the language. The increment and decrement operators (++, --) have not been implemented due to one of those operators being reserved.

Safe Navigation:

An indexing operation that suppresses errors on accesses into undefined tables (similar to the safe-navigation operators in C#, Kotlin, etc.), e.g.,

t?.x?.y == nil

In Unpacking:

Support for unpacking named values from tables using the in keyword, e.g,

local a,b,c in t

is functionally equivalent to:

local a,b,c = t.a,t.b,t.c

Set Constructors:

Syntactic sugar to improve the syntax for specifying sets, i.e.,

t = { .a, .b }

is functionally equivalent to:

t = { a = true, b = true }

C-Style Comments:

Support for C-style block comments: /* Comment */, e.g.,

print("Hello, World!") /* Comment */

Compile Time Jenkins' Hashes:

String literals wrapped in back-ticks are Jenkins' one-at-a-time hashed when parsed.

> `Hello, World!`

For runtime hashing, the joaat function is included in the base library:

-- joaat(input [, ignore_casing]): Compute the Jenkins hash of the input string.
-- If 'ignore_casing' is true, the byte data is hashed as is. Otherwise, each
-- ASCII character is tolower'd prior to hashing.
> joaat("Hello, World!")

Note: for compatibility reasons, all hashes returned are sign-extended:

> joaat("CPed")

> joaat("CPed") & 0xFFFFFFFF


Reintroduce compatibility for the __ipairs metamethod that was deprecated in 5.3 and removed in 5.4.


Import the defer statement from Ravi into the runtime. In addition func2close from ltests.h has been imported into the base library.

-- closing function. Could also be used to supply a to-be-closed variable to a
-- generic for loop
defer numopen = numopen - 1 end

Each Iteration:

In Lua 5.4, a generic 'for' loop starts by evaluating its explist to produce four values: an iterator function, a state, an initial value for the control variable, and a closing (to-be-closed) value. However, the __pairs metamethod does not support the optional to-be-closed variable.

This extension introduces a __iter metamethod to allow next, t, nil, to-be-closed forms of iteration bound to a metamethod. To iterate over such a table, only the table needs to be supplied as an argument to a loop, e.g.,

t = {1,2,3}
for k,v in each(t) do print(k, v) end

which defaults to a pairs implementation that supports a fourth return variable (to-be-closed) when no __iter metamethod exists. ... This patch is inspired by the Self-iterating Objects patch; see commit logs for reasoning behind deviation.

String Blobs

Introduce a LUA_TSTRING variant that is effectively a LUA_VLNGSTR but without the hash caching mechanism. Values of this variant are stored in tables by reference.

-- Create a string blob of specified length
blob = string.blob(512)

-- Create a blob variant of another string
blob = string.blob(string.rep('\0', 80))

-- Returns a string blob containing the values v1, v2, etc. serialized in binary
-- form (packed at an optional offset) according to the format string fmt.
-- Unlike string.pack, this function attempts to write the resulting
-- serialization onto the provided blob (at an optional offset). If the blob is
-- not of sufficient size, a (byte-)copy of the blob is made and returned.
_blob = string.blob_pack(blob, pos --[[ optional ]], fmt, v1, v2, ···)

-- string.unpack where the "fmt" and "s" parameters have swapped order. It is
-- possible to still use string.unpack on blobs. This function exists for
-- API consistency.
... = string.blob_unpack(blob, pos --[[ optional ]], fmt)

With included C API functions:

** Creates a string blob of at least "len" bytes, pushing the zero-terminated
** blob onto the stack. Returning a pointer to that blob inside the Lua state.
const char *lua_pushblob(lua_State *L, size_t len);

** Converts the (explicit) string at the given index to a blob. If the string
** value is not already a blob, then lua_tostringblob changes the actual value
** in the stack to a blob (same lua_tolstring caveats apply).
const char *lua_tostringblob(lua_State *L, int idx, size_t *len);

A DataView API that interfaces with Lua's built in facilities, e.g., string.pack, string.unpack, and table.concat, is located here.

The intent is to allow byte data to still be beholden to the garbage collector while not requiring the allocation of intermediate data when going to and from the Lua API (unsafe caveats apply).

Extended API:

Expose lua_createtable and API functions common to other custom Lua runtimes.

-- Creates a new empty table
-- narr: a hint for how many elements the table will have as a sequence.
-- nrec: a hint for how many other elements the table will have.
t = table.create(narr, nrec)

-- Restore the table to its initial value (removing its contents) while
-- retaining its internal pointer;
t = table.wipe(t)

-- An efficient (implemented using memcpy) table shallow-copy implementation;
t2 = table.clone(t[, t2]) -- t2 is a preallocated destination table

-- Return the type of table being used. Note, this function only measures the
-- size of the "array part" of a Lua table and the "root" node of its
-- "hash part". Once an "array" becomes "mixed", or if a table has all of
-- values nil'd out, the table.type will remain "mixed" or "hash".
label = table.type(t) -- "empty", "array", "hash", or "mixed"

-- Joins strings together with a delimiter;
str = string.strjoin(delimiter [, string, ...])

-- Trim characters off the beginning and end of a string;
str = string.strtrim(input [, chars])

-- Returns a concatenation of all number/string arguments passed;
str = string.strconcat(...)

-- Splits a string using a delimiter (optionally: into a specified number of pieces);
... = string.strsplit(delimiter [, string [, pieces]])

-- Converts all arguments to strings;
... = string.tostringall(...)

-- Alias: Returns the number of UTF-8 characters in string s;
utf8.strlenutf8 = utf8.len

-- String comparison accounting for UTF-8 chars. Returning a negative integer,
-- zero, or a positive integer if the first string is less than, equal to, or
-- greater than the second string;
result = utf8.strcmputf8i(stringLH, stringRH)

--- Return all arguments with non-number/boolean/string values changed to nil;
... = scrub(...)

Readline History:

Keep a persistent list of commands that have been run on the Lua interpreter. With the LUA_HISTORY environment variable used to declare the location history.


As of LinkCommitHere, LuaGLM can only be compiled as C++ code.


An modified version of the makefile bundled with release versions of Lua. The same instructions apply:

# Ensure the GLM library is initialized> git submodule update --init

# Build for the linux platform target, linked with readline;> make linux-readline

# Compile the glm binding library;> make lib-glm

# Run Lua and use Library Preloading to load GLM.> ./lua -lglm


A CMake project that builds the stand-alone interpreter (lua), a compiler (luac), the GLM binding library, and shared/static libraries. This project includes variables for most preprocessor configuration flags supported by Lua and GLM. See cmake -LAH or cmake-gui for the complete list of build options.

> git submodule update --init

# Create build directory> mkdir -p build ; cd build

# Compile with icc: -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=icc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=icpc
# Ensure LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains a reference to: libimf.a> cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

# Build> make

Lua Preprocessor Configurations

Note, not all Lua-specific options are listed.

  • Compilation:
    • ONE_LUA: Compile Lua core, libraries, and interpreter as a single file.
    • LUA_NATIVE_ARCH: Enable compiler optimizations for the native processor architecture.
    • LUA_NO_DUMP: Disable the dump module (dumping Lua functions as precompiled chunks).
    • LUA_NO_BYTECODE: Disables the usage of lua_load with binary chunks.
    • LUA_NO_PARSER: Compile the Lua core so it does not contain the parsing modules (lcode, llex, lparser). Only binary files and strings, precompiled with luac, can be loaded.
  • Testing:
    • LUA_INCLUDE_TEST: Include ltests.h and testing modules. Note this option enables many of the following flags by default.
    • LUAI_ASSERT: Turn on all assertions inside Lua.
    • LUA_USE_APICHECK: Turns on several consistency checks on the C API.
    • HARDSTACKTESTS: Force a reallocation of the stack at every point where the stack can be reallocated.
    • HARDMEMTESTS: Force a full collection at all points where the collector can run.
    • EMERGENCYGCTESTS: Force an emergency collection at every single allocation.
    • EXTERNMEMCHECK: Removes internal consistency checking of blocks being deallocated.
  • Power Patches: See Lua Power Patches section.

GLM Preprocessor Configurations:

  • GLM_FORCE_MESSAGES: Platform auto detection and default configuration.
  • GLM_FORCE_INLINE: Force inline.
  • GLM_FORCE_ALIGNED_GENTYPES: Force GLM to enable aligned types.
  • GLM_FORCE_DEFAULT_ALIGNED_GENTYPES: Force GLM to use aligned types by default.
  • GLM_FORCE_INTRINSICS: Using SIMD optimizations.
  • GLM_FORCE_PRECISION_: Default precision.
  • GLM_FORCE_SINGLE_ONLY: Removed explicit 64-bits floating point types.
  • GLM_FORCE_XYZW_ONLY: Only exposes x, y, z and w components. Note: when enabled disables all COLOR_SPACE bindings.
  • GLM_FORCE_LEFT_HANDED: Force left handed coordinate system.
  • GLM_FORCE_DEPTH_ZERO_TO_ONE: Force the use of a clip space between 0 to 1.
  • GLM_FORCE_SIZE_T_LENGTH: Vector and matrix static size type.
  • GLM_FORCE_UNRESTRICTED_GENTYPE: Removing genType restriction.
  • GLM_FORCE_SILENT_WARNINGS: Silent C++ warnings from language extensions.
  • GLM_FORCE_QUAT_DATA_WXYZ: Force GLM to store quat data as w,x,y,z instead of x,y,z,w.

For all GLM preprocessor flags, see the GLM manual.

Added GLM Preprocessor Configurations:

  • GLM_FAST_MATH: Enable fast math optimizations (see -ffast-math caveats).
  • GLM_FORCE_Z_UP: Unit "up" vector is along the Z-axis (Y-axis otherwise).
  • GLM_INCLUDE_ALL: Create bindings for all declared GLM headers. To create module-only, extension-only, or header-only bindings see for a list of all headers.
  • GLM_GEOM_EXTENSIONS: Include support for geometric structures.
  • LUA_GLM_NUMBER_TYPE: Use lua_Number as the vector primitive; float otherwise.
  • LUA_GLM_ALIASES: Create aliases for common (alternate) names when registering the library.
  • LUA_GLM_REPLACE_MATH: Replace the global math table with the glm binding library on loading.
  • LUA_GLM_DRIFT: Implicitly normalize all direction vector parameters (experiment to avoid floating-point drift).
  • LUA_GLM_RECYCLE: Treat all trailing and unused values on the Lua stack (but passed as parameters to the CClosure) as a 'cache' of recyclable structures.
    -- Some shared matrix
    > t = mat(vec(1,1), vec(2,2))
    -- When enabled, all arguments after "angle" are recycled.
    > m = glm.axisAngleMatrix(vector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), math.rad(35.0), t)
    -- "t" and "m" reference the same matrix collectible.
    > t == m

CRT Allocator

Inspired by LLVM_INTEGRATED_CRT_ALLOC, the CMake project includes the ability to replace the default Windows CRT allocator. Only rpmalloc and mimalloc are supported at the moment; use -DLUA_CRT_ALLOC="path/to/rpmalloc".

Developer Notes:

See libs/scripts for a collection of example/test scripts using these added features.

Planned Features:

  1. Support for integer vectors/matrices. Either by introducing an additional type, e.g., LUA_TVECTORI, or splitting the vector tag LUA_TVECTOR into LUA_TVECTOR2, LUA_TVECTOR3, LUA_TVECTOR4, and LUA_TQUAT and use variant bits for the primitive type.
  2. Replace glm/gtc/random.{inl,hpp} with a variant that takes advantage of CXX11's Pseudo-random number generation facilities (and unify it with math.random).
  3. One downside to vectors/quaternions being an explicit Value is that they increase the minimum Value size to at least 16 bytes. Given that types in Lua are fairly transparent, it may be beneficial to introduce, or at least experiment with, a compile-time option to make vector/quaternion types collectible.
  4. Support for meshes and retrofit current spatial indexing structures for triangles; consider BSPs.
  5. Include broad phase collision scripting examples, e.g., dynamic AABB tree and/or multibox sweep-and-prune.
  6. Initial support for frustums (both orthographic and perspective) and OBBs, or, at minimum, the more computationally complex parts of these structures.
  7. Allow some binding functions to be independently applied to each value or structure on the call stack. If disabled, only operate on the minimum number of required objects (following lmathlib). For example:
    -- lmathlib
    > math.rad(35, 35)
    > glm.rad(35, 35)
    > glm.rad(35, 35)
    0.61086523819802 0.61086523819802


Ordered by priority.

  1. geom: SIMD support (... for the most commonly use functions).
  2. Add support for two-dimensional geometrical structures: Ray2D, Line2D, Plane2D.
  3. Optimize binding functions that use 'glm_i2v'. Logic redundant with gLuaSharedTrait::Next(LB).
  4. Optimize glm_createMatrix. Profiling case '4x4 matrix creation (lua_Alloc)' is the one of the slowest operations in the added vector/matrix API. Worse when using the default Windows allocator.
  5. Optimize runtime swizzling: swizzle and glmVec_get. It is likely possible to improve this operation by 15/20 percent.
  6. Improve support for glm::mat3x4 and glm::mat4x3.
  7. glmMat_set support for tables, e.g., mat[i] = { ... }, by using glmH_tovector.
  8. Features/configurations to reduce size of binding library.
  9. Consider replacing the 'blob' variant with an FFI library: advanced use is required.
  10. Include GLM version control in binding library to support older GLM versions.


TODO: Finish comparisons to...

Sources & Acknowledgments:

  1. grit-lua: Original implementation and inspiration.
  2. MathGeoLib: Geometry API is distributed under Apache License.
  3. SharpDX: Reference for Extended API (aliases).
  4. Godot Engine: Reference for Extended API (aliases).
  5. Unity: Reference for Extended API (aliases and emulation of some mathf functions).


Lua and GLM are distributed under the terms of the MIT license. See the Copyright Notice in lua.h.