(vector 5 10 15)
[1 2 3 4 5]
[56.9 60.2 61.8 63.1 54.3 66.4 66.5 68.1 70.2 69.2 63.1 57.1]
(vector? [5 10 15])
;=> true
(vector 5 10 15)
;=> [5 10 15]
(conj [5 10] 15)
;=> [5 10 15]
(count [5 10 15])
;=> 3
(nth [5 10 15] 1)
;=> 10
(first [5 10 15])
;=> 5
{:first "Sally" :last "Brown"}
{:a 1 :b "two"}
; determine if value is a map
(map? {:first "Sally" :last "Brown"})
;=> true
; using keyword :first get the value
(get {:first "Sally" :last "Brown"} :first)
;=> "Sally"
; using keyword :first get the value and return :MISS if key doesn't exist in map
(get {:first "Sally"} :last :MISS)
;=> :MISS
; add a key/value to the map
(assoc {:first "Sally"} :last "Brown")
;=> {:first "Sally", :last "Brown"}
; remove (disassociate) the key/value of :last
(dissoc {:first "Sally" :last "Brown"} :last)
;=> {:first "Sally"}
; merge two maps
(merge {:first "Sally"} {:last "Brown"})
;=> {:first "Sally", :last "Brown"}
; get number of key/value pairs in this map
(count {:first "Sally" :last "Brown"})
;=> 2
; get all the keys in this map
(keys {:first "Sally" :last "Brown"})
;=> (:first :last)
; get all the values in this map
(vals {:first "Sally" :last "Brown"})
;=> ("Sally" "Brown")
(defn function-name
"description of function, optional"
[param1 param2]
- Functions that return true or false--called predicates--usually end in ?
- map and reduce - Functions that take other functions
(if conditional-expression
x | y | (and x y) | (or x y) | (not x) | (not y) |
false | false | false | false | true | true |
true | false | false | true | false | true |
true | true | true | true | false | false |
false | true | false | true | true | false |
Assigning names to values inside of functions
(let [first-name (:first-name user) ; assign to `first-name`
message (str "Hello, " first-name "!")] ; assign to `message`
(println message)) ; do something with `message`