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<midi-player> and <midi-visualizer> HTML elements powered by @magenta/music (Magenta.js), fully stylable and scriptable.

Getting started

  1. Put the necessary scripts in your <head> tag:

    <!-- optional but recommended -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- required -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
  2. Add a player and a visualizer to <body>:

      sound-font visualizer="#myVisualizer">
    <midi-visualizer type="piano-roll" id="myVisualizer"></midi-visualizer>

That's it!

API basics

See also the API reference for both elements: midi-player, midi-visualizer.

src and noteSequence

Both midi-player and midi-visualizer support two different ways of specifying the input file:

  • By setting the src attribute to a MIDI file URL, e.g.:
    <midi-player src="twinkle-twinkle.mid"></midi-player>
    player.src = "twinkle-twinkle.mid";
  • By assigning a Magenta NoteSequence to the noteSequence property, e.g.:
    player.noteSequence = TWINKLE_TWINKLE;


By default, the player will use a simple oscillator synth. To use a SoundFont, add the sound-font attribute:

<midi-player sound-font></midi-player>  <!-- default SoundFont (same as below) -->
<midi-player sound-font=""></midi-player>
player.soundFont = null;  // no SoundFont
player.soundFont = '';    // default SoundFont (same as below)
player.soundFont = '';

See the Magenta.js docs for a list of available SoundFonts.

Visualizer settings

The visualizer type is specified via the type attribute. Three visualizer types are supported: piano-roll, waterfall and staff.

Each visualizer type has a set of settings that can be specified using the config attribute, e.g.:

visualizer.config = {
  noteHeight: 4,
  pixelsPerTimeStep: 60,
  minPitch: 30

The settings are documented in the Magenta.js docs.

Binding visualizers

A player supports binding one or more visualizers to it using the visualizer attribute (a selector) or the addVisualizer method:

<midi-player visualizer="#myVisualizer, #myOtherVisualizer"></midi-player>

The visualizer only gets updated while the player is playing, which allows a single visualizer to be bound to multiple players.


  • Only one player can play at a time due to the way playback is implemented in Magenta.js. Starting a player will stop any other player which is currently playing.
  • Seeking only works while playing. This is related to the first issue and caused by the same problem in Magenta.js.
  • Playback position only gets updated on note onsets. This may cause the player to appear stuck.