- react-native-vector-icons
- nativebase
- tcomb-form-native
- react-native-elements
- VctrySam
- f8app
- ignite
- decoide
- The beginners guide to React Native and Firebase
- mern
- yeoman
- react-native/showcase
- React-Native-Apps
- ReactNativeSampleApp
- exponent
- prettier
- flexboxfroggy
- RNTester
- apollo-server
- awesome-rn
- awesome-android
- android-mvp-architecture
- awesome-ios-ui
- navigation-toolbar-android
- conference-app-2018
- react-in-patterns
- react-firebase-starter
- material-ui
- FirebaseUI-Android
- Semantic-UI-React
- ant-design
- real-world-react-apps
- react-redux-realworld-example-app
- awesome-react-components
- ant-design-mobile
- react-google-maps
- react-typescript-cheatsheet
- react-ideal-image
- React Application Manager
- services-engineering
- serverless-offline
- engineering-blogs
- automatic-api
- awesome-rest
- awesome-api
- awesome-graphql
- postgrest
- react-admin
- api-platform
- goa
- go-restful
- rest.js
- Simple-Web-Server
- public-apis
- json-server
- kong
- nodejs-api-starter
- django-rest-framework
- prisma
- apollo-client
- learnapollo
- hackernews-react-graphql
- google-api-nodejs-client
- kubernetes-the-hard-way
- Winds
- fastlane
- redux-offline
- react-bootstrap
- react-color
- react-grid-layout
- awesome-flutter
- flutter
- Ionic
- ionic2tutorial
- UI/UX Clone in React Native
- landing-pages-resources
- startbootstrap-lp
- awesome-android-ui
- awesome-android-complete-reference
- awesome-android-ui
- MasterAndroidArchitecture
- awesome-ios
- 7-ios-open-source-libraries-to-skyrocket-your-development
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- MPAndroidChart
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- awesome-vue
- android-sunflower
- 15-tools-for-bulletproof-android-app-security
- A Brief History of Scaling LinkedIn
- Engineering Infrastructure at Scale: Overview
- search-federation-architecture-at-linkedin
- Creating Video Sharing on LinkedIn
- Rethinking Endorsements Infrastructure, Part 1
- Rethinking Endorsements Infrastructure, Part 2: The New Endorsements Infrastructure
- A Look Behind the AI that Powers LinkedIn’s Feed: Sifting through Billions of Conversations to Create Personalized News Feeds for Hundreds of Millions of Members
- Building The LinkedIn Knowledge Graph
- Building Smart Replies for Member Messages
- Now You See Me, Now You Don’t: LinkedIn’s Real-Time Presence Platform
- statistical-modeling-for-linkedin-salary
- Couchbase Ecosystem at LinkedIn
- Improving Resiliency and Stability of a Large-scale Monolithic API Service
- Incremental Data Capture for Oracle Databases at LinkedIn: Then and Now
- Serving Top Comments in Professional Social Networks
- JARVIS: Helping LinkedIn Navigate its Source Code
- Scaling Contextual Conversation Suggestions Over 500 Million Members
- The TCP Tortoise: Optimizations for Emerging Markets
- Building the Activity Graph, Part 2
- Site Speed Monitoring in A/B Testing and Feature Ramp-up
- Building the Activity Graph, Part I
- Mobile Crash Reporting at LinkedIn
- Implementing Instant Job Listing Pages
- Creating Accessible Android Products at LinkedIn
- Strategies for Keeping the LinkedIn Feed Relevant
- Bringing Storylines to Your Feed
- Personalized Recommendations in LinkedIn Learning
- Instant Messaging at LinkedIn: Scaling to Hundreds of Thousands of Persistent Connections on One Machine
- Building Conversion Tracking at LinkedIn
- Serving Ads Beyond LinkedIn via Real-time Bidding
- Building a Native Video Player Library for Android
- Building the New Job Detail Page
- Voices: a Text Analytics Platform for Understanding Member Feedback
- Kafka Ecosystem at LinkedIn
- The LinkedIn Android Data Pipeline
- 3x3: Speeding Up Mobile Releases
- How We Built LinkedIn Placements
- Android Performance Improvements for Slideshare
- Grokking Usage of API Data: Augmenting LinkedIn User and Partner Experience
- LinkedIn Lite: A Lightweight Mobile Web Experience
- Scaling Decision-Making Across Teams within LinkedIn Engineering
- Lighter than Lightweight: How We Built the Same App Twice with Preact and Glimmer.js
- Box Graph: how we built a spontaneous social network
- Resiliency in Distributed Systems
- Beginner Android Samples
- Custom ArrayAdapter Demo
- Book Library Search Demo
- ImageLoading and SQLite Demo
- Rotten Tomatoes Demo
- Styled ActionBar Demo
- Drawables and Styles Demo
- Animations and Gestures Demo
- Custom Views Demo
- Services and Notifications Demo
- Unit and Integration Testing Demo
- Audio and Video Demo
- Menus, Popups, and Fragments Demo
- Contacts Loader Demo
- Google Maps Demo
- Master-Detail Demo
- Crouton Alert Demo
- Android Snake Game
- Android Rest Client Multi-Service Demo
- Tons of examples from commonsguy
- Novoda Android samples
- HMKCode Android
- Google Samples
- Android-Examples
- Easyweather - Retrofit + Dagger 2 + RxJava
- Tivi - Great open-source Kotlin + RxJava 2 + Architecture Sample
- FOSSDroid - Open-source android apps repository
- Github Android App
- Astrid Android's #1 Task Management Application
- MobileOrg for the Android platform
- Guag.es App
- Quora on Best Open Android Apps
- tumblrsnap
Telecine: Record full-resolution video on your Android devices. ★2,127
LeafPic: An ad-free, open-source and material-designed android gallery alternative. ★2,061
The ownCloud Android App: Organize and Store everything. ★2,343
AmazeFileManager: Material design file manager for Android. ★1,611
Omni-Notes: Open source note-taking application for Android. ★1,213
Pixel-dungeon: Traditional roguelike game with pixel-art graphics and simple interface. ★1,758
2048-android: The android port of the 2048 game (for offline playing). ★606
Telegram for Android source: A messaging app focused on speed and security. ★8,614
Qksms: The most beautiful SMS messenger app for Android. ★1,676
ExoPlayer: An extensible media player for Android - Google Engineering. ★8,555
CoCoin: Multi-view Accounting Application for Android. ★1,698
Kickmaterial: Crowdfunding app concept for Android built on Material Design. ★1,461
Bitcoin Wallet Android: Standalone Bitcoin node, no centralized backend required. ★1,079
GnuCash Android: A companion expense-tracker application. ★690
StocksWidget - A home screen widget that displays stock price quotes from your portfolio. ★107 - Kotlin
Shadowsocks client: A secure socks5 proxy. Surf the internet privately and securely. ★10,893
SoundRecorder: A simple sound recording app implementing Material Design. ★626
- API.ai — advanced tools needed to build conversational user interfaces
- Chatfuel — build a Facebook chatbot without coding
- Comm.ai — add voice and chat API to websites and apps
- Conversica — conversational interfaces to help get more sales
- EDDI — create, test and deploy chatbots
- FPT AI Platform — automated interaction with end-users
- Golem.ai — natural language interpretation tool for developers
- Gong — analyses and improves sales conversations and discovery calls
- Kasisto — conversational AI platform for the finance industry
- KITT.AI — create conversational agents using a visual interface
- Maluuba — teaching machines to think, reason and communicate
- Massively — build chatbots for business
- Meya — build, train and host bots in one platform
- MindMeld — improved version of Siri
- Motion AI — chat bots made easy
- msg.ai — chatbot with management dashboard
- Octane AI — marketing automation for messaging
- OpenAI Gym — open source interface to reinforcement learning tasks
- Orbit — tools to help to help automate conversational AI
- Pool — personal assistant that helps you get more work done
- Recast — collaborative platform to build, train, deploy intelligent bots
- Reply.ai — platform to build and manage your conversational strategy
- Semantic Machines — conversational AI for work, travel, shop and play
- Snips — add a voice Assistant to your connected product
- Servo — full spectrum bot and voice which integrates with existing systems
- UNU.ai — using the Swarm Intelligence (group brainpower) for chatbots
- Unify — e-commerce chatbot
- uTu — multi-channel bot analytics and data management
- Wechaty - Wechaty is a Bot Framework for Wechat Personal Account which can help you create a bot
- Wit.ai — easily create text or voice based bots for preferred platform
- Wysh — enterprise scale chatbot with payment methods
- Zero AI — voice interface that understands meaning, intent and context