Everything you need to run the app and start coding.
To launch Chutney in local-dev mode, use
- the classpath of packaging/local-dev module
as main class
- Maven - version 3.3 or higher - Java dependency management
- Node - version 12.16.2 or higher - JavaScript runtime
- [Npm] (https://www.npmjs.com/) - version 6.14.4 or higher - JavaScript package manager
If you use direnv and nix packages manager, we provide 2 files for the ui module : .env.nix and .envrc.
Upon running direnv allow inside ui module folder, it will install node, npm, and some usefull symlinks you can use for configuring IDE or other tools.
You can use a Javascript launcher such as Volta to take care of Node and Npm by using the additional command line property: -DuseExternalNpm=true
git clone
mvn install
or mvn install -DuseExternalNpm=true
Main class : com.chutneytesting.ServerBootstrap
- engine: Execution engine which sole responsibility is to execute scenarios and provide a report for each execution
- packaging: default packaging used to start Chutney
- server: Main module that
- Back-end for front-end
- Store scenarios (json), execution report and campaigns in jdbc database
- Store in files target and environment information
- Send scenarios to the execution engine and retrieve reports
- action-impl: Default implementation of task (Sql, Http, Jms,...)
- action-spi: Contains interfaces to extend the engine
- tools: Utility class with no dependency
- ui : front-end of Chutney
- Run Unit Test:
mvn test
- Chutney now eats its own dog food,
- Glacio features in server/src/test/resources/blackbox are run by JUnit using chutney-junit and glacio-adapter
- run configuration for Intellij IDEA